CLOSED: Offer: Ornamental Pepper Seeds (3 types)

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Hello all, I am offering ornamental pepper seed for trade. I am looking for other ornamental, mints, interesting veggies, fruiting plants, tropicals, or anything interesting. Thanks and hope to hear from you.


Peppers offered:

'Hot Purlple'
'Bolivian Rainbow'
'Pretty Purple'

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You have D-Mail.

Thank you!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i would love some of your 'Bolivian Rainbow' ,i have strawberry corn to trade plmk if interested thxs

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

No thanks, I will have to pass on the corn. Dmail me if you have any other neat veggie seeds. Might be able to spare a few for postage as well. Thanks

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Philippe,

If -at the end of the thread- you have some left, I'd be interested.

Please send me d-mail if you do.


Smyrna, DE(Zone 7a)


I have Medusa pepper and Black Pearl (both ornamental). I do not wish to trade, just want to let other people experience these cool peppers. If you wish to send postage once you receive them, that is fine. Let me know if you want some of each. If so, please DMAIL me your addy.

Kathy in Delaware.

Brewton, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh, I would love some, thanks so much. My address is:

Philippe Lacoste
2248 Scott Road
Brewton, AL 36426

I will be happy to send you postage back, thanks again. I love ornamentals!


Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

Gardenbugde: I would love to take you up on your offer for some ornamental pepper seeds. Will send separate d-mail with address. Would you like postage prior to sending? Thanks for your generous offer.


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