What's Happening in Your neighborhood-visit with friends #15

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks "M" for the reminder...

We've moved from here:


Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Marilynne started the day with this post...moved it over to welcome everyone...Greetings from a 'cool' Thunder Bay .. however .. our ice has somewhat disappeared .. so I can handle cool.

Seems everyone has been busy .. I was going to attempt to move us over as I see we are reaching close to 1000 views .. but ..no one with dial up has mentioned a problem and I am totally NOT sure if I would do it correctly.

My Hospice client fell in her apartment and broke her hip .. geel so bad for her as she coveted her independence .. at 91 I am doubting she will be going home again .. but .. one ever knows .. as she says .. "This has certainly knocked the starch out of me" !!
Parking at our ONE regional Acute care hospital is a NIGHTMARE .. I wrote a letter to the newspaper .. there are 4 lots to park in .. NONE of which are in close proximity to the dang hospital !! I got into one yesterday, only to find out, along with SEVERAL others .. that it was full !!! How exasperating .. by the time I was able to get OUT .. I had had IT !! I ALMOST felt I was becoming claustrophobic in the lot as at least 10 vehicles were jockying to get out at the same time !!!! Do NOT know who the 'mental midget' was who designed these lots .. but .. they sure did not THINK first !!!

Out for lunch with the gurls today .. I best get outside and feed the wildlife


Victoria Harbour, ON

It's going to be a sunshine day here..didn't even put a jacket on..glorious gardening days can't be far away..shhhh might just rake a few over the weekend..know I'm not to do it, but, I don't always listen..

Sorry to hear about your client 'm' and yes, a broken hip at that age can be the end of it....they should have shuttle buses shouldn't they..you keep writting, perhaps someone will listen!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Found you but I'm due out the door in hALF AN HOUR. (oops) Need to get myself presentable 'cause I have to go get my picture taken.


(Zone 4a)

Our weather here in Sudbury has been more mild Betty...no new growth yet or anything but the ground is starting to get a bit muddy with all the snow melt - which is good. Oh gosh I am so sick and tired of snow....I can't wait to see some "green" happening!!!

Sorry to hear about your patient Betty.....that has to be tough to watch.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Was a beautiful Spring day here. 16.5C Lots of green in my flowerbeds. I have the fever!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Pics please DonM47. We're stuck in an a perpetual ice age sigh.

(Zone 4a)

Yes Don please!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I'll see what I can do with my camera tomorrow.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Don - I also look forward to your pics.

Looks like a lovely day here today in Ottawa. Yesterday it was double digits warm and if that continues, I should have my first crocuses blooming today. There is still a patch of snow over many of them, but it's melting fast.

Yesterday, I had my picture taken. The Food Cupboard which I helped set up over 20 years ago just finished 20 years in operation and is honoring all of its volunteers, but the two of us who've been around since the beginning were directed to get our pictures taken and the will frame them in a wall of honour.

And, I got ALL of my hosta pics along with a description, moved to http://violaann.smugmug.com/gallery/7617361_bLwdx/1. Took them off my personal web site because I'm going to change ISP soon. Have been with a local provider which was bought out by Primus and over the last few years, the quality of service has gone downnhill dramatically. There are other picture galleries which I'll move when I get time, but the hostas were first because I never got the new ones in 2008 up at all.

Well, I need to get off to breakfast and then get some things done. Will need to decide which of my loaner violas I'll use for a rehearsal tomorrow evening and I need to do some basic clean-up. DGS is coming over night. My handbells ring tomorrow morning and in the afternoon I'm involved in a special service honoring a long-serving handbell director in Ottawa.

Have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Dawn, my family spend last weekend (4 days) up in Sudbury, would trailer their snowmachines about 1/2 hr to 3/4 hr. north and said the trails were absolutely to die for..didn't want to come home..can't believe they haven't gone this weekend..boys almost refuse to put their machines away until the Foxy Lady can be put in..

Think the weatherman is trying to aggravate me..said beautiful sunshine and mild temps today..I've been up since 6am waiting for it..finally going to give in, dress warmer and see what I can do outside..

Been eyeing the pond..I always empty it, clean it and refill trying to save the little fishies should they have survived the winter..it's probably a weekend job, before I get into it I must check on the garden hose to see if it's operational, think I might have gone over it with the snowblower..drats...if it's working then the pond it shall be..

If it's not working, the I'll start with the beds...I know/I know...it's a NO/NO/NO! but I'm tired of waiting so let's hope I can do the pond...

Next weekend I've a few projects and weekend after that it's 5 days vacation with 4 grandsons to Washington D.C. so that will bring me much into the safe time to rid the gardens of their leaves...

What the weather like in your neck of the woods...

Don, am sure it's a sunshine day for you...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Got my mudders and garden garb ready, sure wish you all lived closer..we could have a yard clean-up 'bee'...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Its snowing...again!
Last evening the weather guys were saying another big storm coming in starting Sat eve and continuing into Sunday morning.
So this afternoon have a sheltie rescue party scheduled - maybe 18-20 people and lots of shelties coming, now possible out of town folks would prefer to stay home than risk slippery roads! ( And I would prefer they stay home too !)
And tomorrow an informal garden group get together at my house ( The Fooly Grown Group)- if we get the huge dump predicted we will probably have to cancel but I wont concern myself about that until tomorrow!
Well I do have to get out and walk the dogs and get the car loaded with x-pens, and stuff for the party - should have done it yesterday!


Good Morning, all - so sorry I've been lax posting.
Been busy with church and work and all.
Not as busy of some of y'all, though, obviously!
This snow is getting depressing - and I hear there's another snow storm.

I'm looking forward to the 1st week of spring when I head out to Wpg for my Mom's 90th b-day.

Betty- how is your patient doing, with the fall and all? I hope she keeps her spirits up. I know my mom, in her 80's became very fearful of falling again, and she's not been the same since.

Well, I'd best get back to my sewing (cushions for the church coffee-chairs), fabric painting of church banners, and cleaning. Saturday is my only day I organize for stuff like this, and my house is a huge mess!!! LOL

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

OK, here are the photos you asked for. Nothing very spectacular, but enough to get my Springtime juices flowing. ^_^

Campanula. Got some really nice plants from threegardeners last summer. They are all doing fine, Lee Anne.

Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Blue Fescue

Thumbnail by DonM47
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Looking good, Don. I DO have one crocus blooming. :-)

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

the early Spring lovelies, Crocus

Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Daffs, etc

Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

These tulips are really pretty...everything is about 2-3 weeks late this year because of the nasty weather this past winter.

Red Riding Hood...love the foliage.

Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

All my roses are showing green and was really happy to see the Hybrid T's make it after a colder than average winter. But so excited to see a new little sprout on one of my bushes with two tiny buds. Awwww...

Thumbnail by DonM47
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Last, little Stella de Oro daylily starting to grow.

Thumbnail by DonM47
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Is anyone planning to observe Earth Hour this evening? http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/03/28/earth-hour.html

Calgary, Canada

Ann, I was playing a CPO concert and the electricity was sponsored by a company here that uses wind energy from southern Alberta. So we observed earth hour. But I have to confess that I did not turn off my grow lights.

Marilynne, I totally admire your hospice work, my mom had hospice volunteers who were actually angels I am convinced. BTW, I am pursuing the Constructive Living and am overwhelmed by the number of books on the subject, can you recommend a good one for a novice?

Carolvan, I am looking forward to the FG group so I hope we don't have to cancel due to the snow.

Les, how was your dahlia forum? I so wanted to go!

And thanks for the beautiful photos, Don, I can't believe what weather we are having here this year. And another blizzard tonight. Enough already!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, light rain today, now I had more gardens for cleaning..Mother Nature is not co-operating..

Don love the photo's..

Ann, hear you will have freezing rain/snow in your area..do be careful today...

Violist, watched weather report earlier this morning..feel for you, another blast of winter..

What a day yesterday, June called me about 7:00 and we were talking about Earth Hour..she laughed and said I'd never make 8:30 and I didn't so all lights were off...I even took a pain killer, knee throbbing and shoulder hurting..

What did I get done...

Emptied the pond..omg about 6 frogs bloated that I had to get out of there..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

How is it whenever you want to take on a major project no one is around..June dropped by, I stayed working but we gabbed away..

It's so hard to believe that under all that snow, frail plants such as flax are growing..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Candytuff..now I know why it's called that..it is TUFF!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Raked all around the pond and then tackled another garden..7 hrs outside, smilling and enjoying the sunshine, until I came in and realized this old gal shouldn't be doing so much physical work in one day...but 7 more beds to be done, am sure I'll forget the pain by the time the next sunshine day comes along..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

So nice to see greenery..hard to imagine at this point how ladden with flowers this area will be in a few months..
Know I should not have taken winter blanket off these beds, but lordy, it's been a long winter and I needed to get my hands in dirt..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

My pond area last year..can't even see the pond for flowers...lol..but I could hear it..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

The garden I just cleared..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HELLO from the 'walking wounded' !!!
I will be SO happy when the ICE and snow is gone !!!

Had Lilly out for a walk yesterday .. just as I was entering her compound after our walk .. both feet went out from under me and POW .. I fell flat on my back :-( something in my thoracic spine (mid to upper back) snapped .. but .. as anyone who is a nurse or KNOWS a nurse .. there is NO WAY we actually go INTO a hospital unless it's to visit or work .. I seem to be doing fine .. at least I can walk with minimal discomfort and sitting is no prob .. will watch and wait.

WONDERFUL pics from you all .. I am green with envy .. we still have MOUNDS of snow to get shed of ..

Take care everyone


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well guess what happened here last night! Yup SNOW!

Another good dump.

Had a Sheltie Rescue Party yesterday - there had been some snow overnight and some of the out of towners couldnt make it but we had 18 people and 15 dogs and a good time was had by all. Some of the group below.

This afternoon a gathering of the Fooly Grown garden group at my house. Nobody has yet suggested cancelling - we do have one out of towner who might not make it but have not heard yet.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, Marilynne. That is NOT funny. Take care of yourself and have that back checked out if it gets any worse.

Thanks for the lovely eye candy, Betty. We all need photos like that to keep us going. Drizzly morning here. Supposed to see the sun today, but not very warm. Doubt we'll see the double digits. :(

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

So far, just rain today. Will check the weather as I'm out in dress shoes. Will be out in 30 minutes to set up and practice with a double handbell group that is doing a special presentation this afternoon. My own group played this morning and did an awesome job.

Was looking forward to more crocuses blooming today, but with the rain it's deferred.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Rained heavily all day here as well..temps are dropping, I can't warm up, so off for another bath..

"M" sorry to hear you've fallen, do rest..are you sure nothing is broken?

Fancyvan, the doggie to the left of the gentleman is just like my Sailor..is he or she needing a home...did I say that?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sorry no!

That is Brody and he lives with the couple sitting to the left of the dog and on her right is Smokey. They were part of a group of about 12 pups surrendered to us 2 years ago by a backyard breeder. There were all in terrible shape. Who would have thought they would grow up to be such gorgeous dogs - as you can see they are quite big. Smokey unfortunately has hip displasia.( I think) I think they are about 2 years old now.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

All the lovely photo's of no SNOW!
Carol that is a super bevy of dogs in a group, funny how they are all looking at the food!
Hope your Fooly group gets together today..... my folks in Calgary are clearing another FOOT of snow! I'm blessed in that their neighbors come and bring a big machine as the acreage has a lot of snow clearing!
Getting the Greenhouse ready to open even though it will be a week or two to do that.
Cheers to all.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Heavy rain here all day, but no snow and temps aren't going any lower than about 4 C in the next day or more.


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