Please help....I don't know how to trade...

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

I do not understand how to seed trade here or plant trade. Could anyone direct me as to how this works, please? I am a rookie gardener, for the most part, and do not have anything to offer at this point. BUT, I have the space to grow a lot and the desire to be able to give seeds and plants to other's when I have something to offer...too wordy?


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I see that you are a recent subscriber...Welcome!! If you look either at the top of your pages or over to the right, you will see the communities link. Once there, go to the forums like you did when you come to this one. Way down the page, you will see links to the plant trading forum and the seed trading forum. The best thing to do is to first read the stickies at the top. Those contain lots of useful info to help you get started. If you have any questions after that, you can post your questions there.
Hope this helps:)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

people trade for anything not just seeds and plants!
I traded for jewelry a few times this past year. There is a swap or trade forum also

You cant sell unless you use the market place or the classified!
I hope you are having fun here!!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 6a)

Patriotboy, your wisteria will be on its way this weekend. Birdie

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Thank you Birdie!!!! Your the first person that was kind enough to "do business" with me on here! I am very excited.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Have you checked out the seed trading forum yet? There are lots of seeds for newbies listed there. It's a great way to get started and to stretch those gardening $$.

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

I have BUT I dont have anything to trade :( Not yet at least. I want to get to that point where I can give back w/o taking anything in return. Also, I dont understand what "postage" is. I know its a stamp/stamps but how it works eactly I dont get.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

The newbie threads are for just that, 'newbies' and you don't need to have anything to trade. Lots of people here like to 'pay it forward' and help just as they were helped by kindly dg'ers in the past.
As far as postage, I would ask with each trade what exactly that person prefers. Some like loose stamps, some want self addressed stamped envelopes (sase), some request bubble envelopes (sasbe). You can ask on the thread or d-mail.
You might-as a newbie-also ask how many seeds someone might want in trade when you get to the point where you are doing that. Also reading past threads would give you some good info, too
It always helps to let folks know what your interests are, too:-) I see that you are working on your tradeslist, so far, so good!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 6a)

Your welcome. I wanted to tell you that I think I have some "Pandoras Box" you could have some of too But I relocated everything last fall and I'm not 100% sure where I put it!! When it blooms , OR when I find my Master Garden list I'll pass some of it on to you too.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Patriot Boy,
Set your sights on Susies plant trade in May and join a local garden group. We have one in the Flint/Fenton/Grand Blanc/Linden area and we have 2 plant trades a year. You could put in your empty pots a note saying "I will exchange a 1/2 hour of weeding for a plant". Then tell people who brought plants you are looking to trade with someone who needs help because you need plants!! You weed for them and you get plants in exchange!! I'd be glad to do that with any gardener!! Call Me i have lots of plants to trade for weeding!!

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Birdie: I would gladly accept anything you wanted to send my way. I have a lot of space, almost a blank canvas, and I will cover postage happily! I am still learning how to best use DG for myself. I just found out I could put a picture of my family on here. Thats really cool.

Jazzzy: I will look for some local gardener groups that would help me out and me them. It seems like all of the trading and "parties" are happening on the other side of the state. I would love to go but I pretty sure my wife would think I was crazy to do it, lol...

I really appreciate all the ideas and help everyone has blessed me with!!

Here is a picture of my lovely wife and I up at the bridge last fall.

Thumbnail by Patriotboy247
Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

LOL Birdie, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's Master Garden list has seem to run off over the winter! I kept my list of plants on the computer, just not where they were planted. This year I'm going to scan them in!! Good luck.

Still searching here....

Mary Ellen

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Patriotboy247, where is Jenison? I am also a newbie, just started last year and am in the thumb area, east of Saginaw. Perhaps we can help each other? Dave's has been a great help and the people here are just so wonderful!!!

My husband, like your wife, thinks that I've gone gardening mad. Sometimes I wish that he would also be bitten by the gardening bug, but then again, we'd probably be fighting over the compost! LOL

Mary Ellen

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

LateBloomerToo, if your in the thumb, I am near the far left nuckle on your left hand :) Your in a great area based on the thousands of posts I have read over the last few weeks. We just got this home in Oct. and standing in the center of a garden that is 100x60 is a bit overwhelming for a dad of 3 young boys who will demand my time, which I like. HOPEFULLY, I can pass the gardening bug along to them, or they might hate it too :) The garden hasn't been worked for 5 years so its really overgrown w/ tall weeds. And other than remodeling the house, we have nothing to do :)

BTW, what is a "master garden" list???

This message was edited Apr 2, 2009 10:03 AM

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

nice picture of you and your wife Kris...I have some beautiful Iris I could send you....white and fragrant...although I doubt it will bloom for you this year, It's over 30+ years old from my great aunts garden...

Thumbnail by detheo
Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)


It would be a great honor and a pleasure for my family if you would be willing to share some of your families Iris' w/ us. I would love some! Thank you! Let me know what I need to do for you to send them, please.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 6a)

Mary Ellen, while you're "still searching", if you find mine, will you tell it to come home? :)

Patriot Boy , my master garden listis actually this wonderful garden journal i got as a gift one Christmas. I keep all my plant lists, and "garden info" in it . Well this past year I decided to become ORGANIZED!! Now i can't find it. birdie

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Will do Birdie! You know, I have half of my home "organized" too. LOL Perhaps we should keep a list of exactly where we have put the organized things? I think I need some help here, I'm new to the fleeting memory condition. I used to have near perfect recall!

PatriotBoy, my master garden list is simply a spiral notebook that I used to draw maps of my gardens so I would know what I planted where with a few random thoughts thrown in.
Hopefully at least one of your children will develop an interest in gardening too. It is wonderful to have someone to share it all with. I also have 3 sons plus 2 daughters. One son shares a bit of interest and is always willing to help me with my bigger projects. My youngest daughter (12) loves gardening and is my partner in crime. This year we are going to work on transforming one spot into our own little retreat.

Just get them out there with you and try to have some fun together. Perhaps take turns so that you are spending individual time with each one in the garden? I know my children always liked it best when they had one on one time with me. Composting your kitchen scraps is great for the garden and gets them actively involved (by running the scraps out to the compost bin.) After all, they are the future!

Mary Ellen

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