Tiny Greenhouse

Plainwell, MI(Zone 6a)

Okay everybody, here's my question. DH bought me one of those Neptune 4-Tier Mini Portable GREENHOUSE s. But how do I use it? Its to cold at night to put my little seedlings in, right?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i had one that i used in the house before! I added lites to the shelves underneath (so above each tray)
Im not sure how good it will work outside right now, we are still getting cold nights here! Maybe up against your house south side or next to a dryer vent ;)

good luck

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

I also have a smaller "mobile" greenhouse but I wouldnt dare put it outside in these temps. I believe that seeds all need different temps to germinate. Most in the 70's +. As badly as I want to have mine outside, they will be staying inside w/ lights and a small heater for now.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 6a)

ok, sounds like I need patience, and the small heater!! thanks.

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