Spring RU Trade Thoughts

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joyce, I'll happily take a Solomon's seal. I try to plant woodland natives over in my shady area when I can get them. The soil is rich forest floor mulch but very thin (over a rock outcrop) so nothing grows very fast.

The 2nd photo looks familiar... it will come to me probably in the middle of the night!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Alas Joyce not the Lungwort I'm seeking.
I know we have it but I'll have to see if we have an extra Liberty.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

It has pale purple/pink flowers Darius.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, sorry Ric. Thanks for looking on the Liberty. Bertie and I went to the flower show and we decided we needed both those hostas! OH MY!

I have a question. The bamboo I got from Esther last year I planted in a big pot. It is just sitting there. Should it be doing something by now? Was I supposed to cut it down?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyce, is your Bear's Breeches coming up? I'm not seeing anything sprouting from the one you brought me last year yet. I sure hope its just a late one to emerge.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Neal. The BB is up about 2 inches. If yours doesn't show up, tell Dusty you want some more, cause hers is coming up over there and she has more than I do since I just moved mine last year.

As I recall, it did come up late that first year, so maybe it will show for you yet. Do you still want the Johnny Jump-ups?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh yes, I'd love some Johnny Jump ups! I'll keep an eye out for the Acanthus, hope it is just a first year delay. It didn't show signs of stress during the drought last year, and I had a plant near it that wilted every time it dried out in the least, so the Acanthus got watered every time its wilted neighbor did. Thanks a bunch!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi All....Anything I have to share, I will post later on...I have asked Neal for a quince and Geo has been rooting Fairy roses for me...That is all I am going to ask for at this point in time...

My Bro Paulie has developed/and/or/had a deep bone infection in what remains of his leg after the May 2008 amputation....They are treating it now with a drain tube and hefty antibiotics...It is a wait and see situation...If they have to remove what is left of his leg (which isn't much) he will not be able to get a prosthesis to be able to walk again, and it would be removed into the hip socket, which poses another whole set of issues...Being diabetic, he is very slow to heal anyway, especially with his system compromised as it has been over this last year...

Short story made long, in the event they have to amputate again, I will be in TN, by his side...so I am not going to count on being at the RU again this year...If I am able, I will be, but if not, you all know my thoughts will be with you all...But Paulies needs will have to take priority this year...Cookie has graciously offered to hostess Toni in my place...as she did previous to my offer...

Anything I have promised, Cookie will be bringing down, and anything offered may be returned the same way...
Neal..When it comes time, I will dig and pot these Acanthus for you ...I have alot of other things that I can hopefully pot up and Cookie can bring in my place if I am unable to make it...
I just wanted to clarify what is going on, so you all know why I may not be there...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

that second pulmonaria Joyce posted looks like the one I have that I think came from you. It's not the one you are after?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am seeing more and more things that have increased. Today I noticed that the lanium, chelone, and obedient plants have increased 3 fold, so many starts if anyone wants some. I know I have the looseleaf goos strife, many daylilies, some named, some not, Will have to check my mints tomorrow, I have chocolate, spearmint, and catmint.

Darius, we understand, but sure hope it works out that you can be there.

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Wood land plants are Virginia waterleaf, cutleaf toothwort, and soloman's seal(I think, not sure of the last one.

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

All woodland plants are welcome. I'll try to have glass for everyone. Yes I would take a couple of waterleafs, don't need any toothworts, already got a slew of them. Anybody have wild ginger? One of the trilliums I got last year is blooming! I figured they would take a year off. Three of them did but one is blooming hurrah!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Bons....Darius is going to be there....It is ME that may be AWOL....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure I knew that Dusty, but you both start with a D, you know I have sometimers, didn't you, oh, I thought I told you!!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Shadowgarden got you covered on the ginger.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

By the way, what is a glass piece? I have heard so much about your work, but don't remember seeing any.
I am taking stock of what I have and will have a list up soon.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, Rebecca...got it. Thanks. Anyone else want any of those woodland thingys?

For sure the last one is solomons seal. That one I know!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Neal, I would like some of the toad lily and I was the one you couldn't remember that wants the dark sedums. :O)

Will you by any chance have that lily I tried to steal last year that was Manhattan or Brooklyn or some other place in New York? I fell in love with that one.

Will anyone have verbena bonairensis (know that spelling was slaughtered). I've been trying to get some of it for 3 years now. If you know where I can get it, point me in the direction and push!

Will anyone have penstamon?

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)


Mostly it is colored glass balls, glass flowers, and maybe paperweights. I am an amatuer glassblower and I make these things for fun, although sometimes I sell a few. I went to the studio and made some glass balls to trade. I made six and two of them broke. So that will give you some idea of how good I am, not totally hopeless but not a professional either.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure Joyce, gotcha covered on the toad lilies and sedums- glad you saw that note on the sedums! I know I've got more Manhattan Lilies, but I won't be sure exactly where they are till they bloom, which would be a risky time to dig them. They multiply like crazy, so this fall it won't be a problem at all to dig some for ya. Also, I've wintersown several different species of Penstemon, and they've all germinated well and looking good so far. If all goes well, I should be able to bring you some of each. I started Verbena bonariensis from seed a few years ago and have had self sown seedlings ever since, so I should have loads of them by RU time. I'll keep ya posted on those and the Penstemons.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Doing the happy dance!!! ^_^

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Neal/Joyce... I once had some volunteer verbena bonariensis that bloomed up through a mound of silver artemesia. It was stunning! (I have just spent 30 minutes searching old files for the photo... nada.)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Rebecca, I have the waterleaf, some trillium and some violets potted up for you. Do you want any of the solomons seal?

Sue, I have some hostas for you. Would love some jam, Girl! ^_^

Neal, I potted up some JJs and some campanulas. The same blue one I gave you last year and the new one, Octopus something.

Darius, have your solomons seal.

Pauletta, I have some Zebra grass (man was that hard to dig up) and some of the miscanthis for you. I have a couple Japanese Bloodgrass, do you want that too?

Lou, I don't have any "standard" red yarrow, but I have a rosy one that has different leaves. Are you interested in it? Hold on, I'll go take a picture of the leaves....

Thumbnail by joycet
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I would like some of your ladybells and Diamond Frost....:O)

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, why not I like soloman's seal. Thanks.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Joyce.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyce, I would love some Japanese Bloodgrass.

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

yes Joyce I would like some Japanes Blood Grass


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyce, that's awesome on the Campanulas! The one you brought me last year was in the backhoe path of destruction- I was sick about that!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Joycet- Yes, I would love to have some of your yarrow. I will put you down for Diamond frost and lady bells. Thanks!!! Lou

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Cool! I'll be adding you all to the list!

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Defoe I would love to have some chelone
What color is your lanium?
Do you have a want list?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Paulette, the chelone is a medium pink, and throws seeds, so you will have plenty in a couple of years. The lanium is a soft violet/pink color, pretty, in a delicate way. I am interested in poppies, columbine, iris, daffy's, rose starts, and just about anything that grows green leaves, and flowers. So there, giving you a wide berth. Will put you on the confirmed trade thread for the chelone and lanium. I also have some lilac starts, and plenty of daylilies, if you are interested.

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I know its late but
I guess I'm a night owl tonight
Defoe I have columbine,daffys and mabe iris
Yes I would love the daylilies, Can't get enough of them
If its not asking for too much
I would take some lilac starts too.
Darius is bringing me a lilac too.
I have a big yard, plus my daughter lives
by me and she needs something in her yard


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Paulette, you got them.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Gang,
I think y'all know that I'm not a very cultured gardener, but here's what I have to bring to the round-up if you want any:
2-3 clumps of shasta daisies
2 clumps of black eyed susans
a ton of white plume poppies-- not sure of the latin name on these, but they grow to 5-6 ' tall & they're not shy abt having babies! If you have a place with really lousy soil-- they should do just fine. In good garden soil they might take over.
balloon flowers- blue and white varieties.
I also have a couple starts of Early Flat Dutch cabbage.
Let's see-- I have Northern sea oats ornamental grass, which is another goody for poor soil & makes very lovely dried seedheads for dried flower arrangements.

Any takers?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat, I would love a start of the sea oats. I will have my "have" list up soon. Just making sure everybody is rooting well and plants are started in pots well also.(seedlings)

Philo, OH(Zone 6a)

Pat ,

I would like some of the poppies and some daisies. Thanks,


PS I have glass

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Pat, I'd love some sea oats too. Mine I planted last year didn't make it...

What do you want/need?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

OK, Darius, Rebecca & George, I've got your "orders."
I'd like to have some trillium, or pawpaws, or bear breeches. I like daylilies & iris, and obedient plant if anyone has any.
I would really like some impatiens pallida-- the light yellow touch-me-not that I used to have here before the lawn mower guy decided to tidy up my back garden.
Oh-- and a mortgage lifter or similar tomato.

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