Wanted: Zinnia, Pot Marigold,Bees Friend

Chicago Suburbs, IL(Zone 5b)

I am looking for enough Zinnia seeds to do a mass planting, ideally dwarf and tall types any colors. I am also looking for Bee's Friend and Pot Marigold seed. I would be interested in any kind seed for butterfly gardens that are not on my have list. I can do a trade if you are interested in anything on my have list or I can send SASE.

In addition to what is on my trade list I have the following seed (from either Territorial or Bakers Creek):

Sweet Pea Currant Tomato
Sweet basil
Di Firenze Fennel
Romanesco Broccoli
Painted Lady Runner Bean
Bulls Blood Beet
Petit Gris De Rennes Melon
Favorit Parsley

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I know i've got a tons of Pot Marigolds.. i jsut have to find the baggie.

i too am in the 'burbs... but 5a. you cant be that far away....

Chicago Suburbs, IL(Zone 5b)

Oooh excellent! Nope not that far, I am right by the Brookfield Zoo :)

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

plexippus I have lots French Dwarf Marigold..Last years harvest " 08".


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH heavens... i can not find ONE Pot Marigold seed. I must have donated ALL of them, because i knew i would not sow any this year. [I must have sent them to Lorraine for the Newbies]

I bet i could find a bunch in my flower bed though.

Zinnias i know i have.... Orange Profusion and a Tall mix... i have not cleaned the seeds though. lots of chafe still.

**edited to add...

with how heavily the reseed..... i'm gonna go scrounge my flower beds... i had them in 2 beds.

I also have a LOT of regular Marigolds... African, French and the general no names ... but since you asked for "Pot" and they dont even look like marigolds - but more of a Daisy... i originally did not offer them.

gotta head out before the rain hits....

This message was edited Mar 24, 2009 12:38 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- i did find some Pot Marigold seeds... i actually have them germinating in my beds...

If you wanted to send a SASBE ... I'll stuff it and send it back. Let me know what Zinnias you'd be interested in.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Sending you a dmail...

(Marymac) Statesvi, NC(Zone 7a)

sending d-mail

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