Outdoors/Indoors Vermicomposting

which would be the best way to go for someone new at this or does it matter?
Would love to see your set-ups.

Chillicothe, OH

there's a website called recycleminnesota.org which states in their on-line how-to any temp between 30 and 90, it should be okay to keep them outdoors, so long as you've got at least 4" of bedding to keep the worms insulated and they're shaded.

30 seemed pretty extreme to me. Ditto 90. But the real problem I forsee with keeping them outside, especially at first, is two-fold: it'll be inconvenient to feed them if they're too far outside, and if something goes wrong, you won't be there to notice until it's too late. F'r instance, if you get fruitflies, ants, or the bin smells, that's not just inconvenient; that's a tip-off you're doing something wrong that could lead to losing your worms (fruitflies: your food's not buried well enough, ants: bin's too dry, smells: could be too much food, food not covered, or could be too wet and worms are dying and food putrifying! If any of those are happening, you need to know soon as poss.. So at least until you get the hang of things I'd keep them underfoot in the kitchen, close to where you normally clean the dishes and clean out the fridge. For now, mine are staying right between the garbage can and fridge where I can keep an eye on my investment, get into the habit of feeding them. Later in the summer I might put them outside in the shade.--Melis

Melis,what kind of set-up do you have..homemade?
Can you post pictures. Thanks so much.

Chillicothe, OH

Mine's the home-made sort, camera's screwed or I'd show you, but it's two storage tubs( small ones, about 18" one way and maybe 2' the other) of different makes, one with about ten holes on the lid, twenty around the top/sides, and about ten on the bottom, 1/8" drill holes, a clear cup-shaped lid off a container of rewritable cds to keep the tubs from sealing together, egg crates, berry cartons,cardboard and B/W newspaper bedding, a piece of cardboard in the bottom to help slow down escapees down the drain holes... if you' ve seen a video mentioning two tubs, the exact number of drill holes 1/8" drill holes and calling it a 'deluxe rubbermaid' worm bin, that's the one I decided to model mine on. It's on youtube or wormcrusader.com. You'll know you have the right one when he tells you he used cardboard milk cartons to hold his two tubs apart to facilitate air circulation.--M

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