OK who let it frost this AM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I got up not expecting frost, walked outside and it looked like we had a snow. Crunchy grass and all.
My car window was covered. The news did not say to expect frost either. BRRRRRR
I am ready for spring and started df6 flats of seeds this week end.


Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm with you Lavina, I want warm weather. I bought some plants at Lowe's. They are on the back deck. I had to cover them 3 nights ago. They did call for frost. My plants would probably have been fine but I wasn't taking a chance. I have seeds set out to soak over night to plant tomorrow. I stayed out side all afternoon yesterday it was so nice. I sprayed roundup to kill those pesty winter weeds. I had already dug up a lot. I have some kind of winter grass that comes up own it's own in places that I don't want anything (stepping stones,etc). Have a great day, Smokey

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

LOL I planted 6 72 count flats of tomatoes and 1 flat of Bell Pepper, last year mine were big at this time as I had them planted in flats by Feb 15th.
This year I am so slllllooooowwwww.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm glad to hear I am not the only slow one this year and I don't even have frost to blame. I am still planting seeds and they should have been grown and ready to go into the ground by now.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Meee too! So many seeds, so little time... or would that be thyme;) Sorry, couldn't help it.

Raleigh, NC

Not to worry about getting behind...for the first time in my life, my snap peas won't even come up due, I'm assuming, to all our recent cold....They are just sitting there, peeping their little heads out, shivering...I suspect once it gets warm and stays warm, it will happen quickly, though.

According to my "records" (tongue in cheek, as my records are just the dates on digital photos!), my daffodils were about 2 weeks early, but everything else is very late. I have photos from March 4th last year showing my peas about 4 inches high, tulips blooming, phlox blooming etc. Nothing going on here on March 4th except daffodils. Guess they knew those 80 degree days weren't going to last....

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I do have a couple of tulip varieties blooming...more buds on the way:-) Still waiting on that big splash of color!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

And its cold again in the west so Maybe Global warming and Gore are working on the clouds.LOL



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