Pecan trees vs. Bag Worms what is the preventative?

Saint Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Last year our Pecan trees had a bad case of bag worms. Very similar to tent caterpillars I am told.
My DH thought cutting out the limbs that had the "bags" on them be the answer. Well I finally hid the chainsaw, ladder and loppers before there were no more limbs left and I had pecan toothpicks. I tried burning them out and I even blasted them with a hose as often as possible but that was pretty much futile.
DH claims to remember something the "old timers" in the area would wrap around the trunk of the tree so the bugs couldn't climb up. Makes since to me but no idea what he could be talking about. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the help in advance

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are some suggestions:

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