Flower Pot Cafe - 20

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ok, todays trade... 2 inches of snow for some sun.. anyone got any.. my bloomers are froze!

Yesterday it was ducks on the water, now mother nature has resorted to this.,....

Not saying a word.....

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't know where you are blossom, but we just gotta get you outta there. How bout if Terri brings by the teacopter and you skip on down to Sue's ranch in Aussi land for a bit?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I would love to go to the land of OZ!!! Heard it was much like Texas.. only thing, thme snakes there are a tad vicious eh mate?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Blossom, that green vase looks like it is shivering out there in the snow.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, I am sure it is shivering Zany, I got a chill sitting here!
Here blossom, this is for you, come on over to the cafe and sit out on the patio, it is cozy warm with lots of sunshine.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now go ahead and stick your head in and siff these helleborus.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

And, just heard the weather and there may be snow at the cabin tonight, so we aren't out of the woods yet!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Well, as luck has it our snow melted, the place looks even greener! Just soggy bottoms here for sure. They were talking more snow too, but light furries.. my porch is a skating ring!

Owell, its that time of year. It wil be tooo hot before we know it..


london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
Sorry you are having such extreme weather conditions Yardqueen and Blossom.
Beautiful arrangement Candee, I'm so happy to see you arranging again!
Have a good day all and be good. lol!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Good morning.. just a little frosty this morning and more snow predicted, should not last.. least as we hope.

Have a good day all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well not sure about snow at the cabin, but none here and didn't get as cold as predicted, yeah, stayed in the high 30's all night. Blossom, sorry you are soggy, but winds will pick up I am sure and dry you out in "snow" time!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, the freeze didn't happen here either! Just mid 30's... But most of the plants would have suffered even at that. We will be bringing them back out over the next 2 days!

Happy Spring everyone!

Humansville, MO

hi all
we got to 25
my hb cover everything so i hope it make it
all the animal made it thought
hope every one have a great day

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, it is sunny and the fresh water tide is receeding... I am looking like May before I can do any serious gardening. Life on this swamp get to be a tad....a-hem interesting and frustrating, but we do try to take things in stride and adapt! Things are always changing..Schedules, weather, garden beds washing out.

Now here is a shot I took the other daywhere you can see why annuals are not really my thing! So anybody out there on my list of to does, your patience is greatly appreciated!

It shows my garden paths all flooded. That pile in the middle is my wood chip pile. The derned stray nuisance ducks are using it as an island! We have a pair of qwaacks that just showed up in the last week.. dont know where they came from who owns them or what., they are domestic strays and are a pain in the keester here. They been going in my barn terrorizing a few of my young horses and well I have tried to corral them. I have tried getting animal control to take them, the sheriff does not know who owns them and well, we dont want them either because they are a royal nuisance and because they are strays are on and off the highway and everywhere they should not be. They cant fly. So they are destined to get killed on the highway or otherwise and I am afraid they are gonna cause someone a serious accident. I am tired of getting my fence hit and people drive away and not repair it or people go out of control because they try to avoid the ducks and then they swerve with their vehicles go off the road and /or lose control and then they get injured. Dang domestic critters got no fear and so they will play on the road and get smaacked. eventually, And if they are owned by someone around here, they sure the heck are not doing anything of their part to keep them confined. Their negligence is no excuse to blame someone if the animals get hurt or killed. The people who own these strays are actually the nuisance and negligent.

Never a dull moment here.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

helleborus ... sounds like the name of a dinosaur. Somehow the name seems all wrong for such pretty flowers. Do they start out green and turn pink or is the green one from a different plant?

We have a lot of ducks around here because of the ponds. They waddle all over town and nest in flowerbeds. They even have a "Duck Crossing" sign on main street. The wild ducks cross breed with them, the fox hunt them and the coons eat theit eggs but they seem to manage to keep their population growth steady. There is also a gaggle of geese that patrols the ponds and town. They thrive on slugs and snails.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

They are different plants Zany.
We get geese at the pond at the cabin and they are just the dirtiest birds in my estimation. The ducks are fine and keep to themselves seldom coming ashore near the house, but those geese, bang, zoom!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Something that eats snails and slugs???? Send them my way!!!! But I guess they leave their own kind of messes behind. Sigh....I have a losing battle here with the snails and slugs.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, the qwaacks are gone.. well at least I think so. Some guy with a cane was trying to herd them up so hopefully there will be no duck crossing signs or accidents here. Dang them two beasts did a number on my landscaping.

Had a wonderful chat with a gal from the EPA. She is trying to help us clean up this neighborhood. We have a lot of concerns here with the water and trash disposal. I am allowed to burn certain things. I can virtually get rid of all my garbage for free. I do have issues with glass. Seems no place here in the area takes it. So I may have to find a place out of the area. Cans and metal, I have a guy that comes and pickes it up. I am glad to give it to him to get rid of, he takes it and sells it. I dont care, I am just glad its gone. One thing we got problems in is plastic. We will have to take that to the landfil or find a place to get it shredded. The other is styrofoam things. Like those meat trays. Maybe someone has an idea for crafts!

She really did not have any big complaints on how we did things. She made some suggestions and I like that.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

It has been awfully quiet here in the cafe. We got a question for all you arrangers out there from a new visitor and I am hoping that one of you can help her out. the link is:

I rarely get flowers, especially from my kids since they say that I have a lot in the backyard, but I did get a bouquet last week as a thank you present from our Danish visitors for helping them with their soil sampling. I brought it in to the cafe to liven up the place.

I hope that all of you are well and are out enjoying your holidays (I know Terri probably gets time off, but we don't here in Calif.)
Happy Easter all!!!

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Humansville, MO

hi all
all have a happy easter
still getting up earies and feeding my baby goat
i work today
going to make cup cake to take with me

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very colorful Dianne, what is that red/puple petaled one at the mouth of the vase. Looks a bit like a passiflora.
Hey elle, hope you enjoyed your cupcake. So you are still doing the night feedings, yikjes bet you are pooped along with working.
We don't get any Easter time off here, but did have a nice weekend. Had the neighbors over for turkey dinner on Saturday and then just chilled. Did manage to give our wooden parrots a facelift, I'll post when we get them back up.
I think the cafe had been closed for a spring cleaning, right, just a couple days, but now reopened as it is fresh as a daisy in here. Will have to get some posys for a table or two!

Humansville, MO

hi all
they all love my cup cake
rain rain go away elle want to go and play

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi All! Yup, raining again! tried to do a little work outside.. that lasted only a few moments. gotta go back to work, just popping in!

Have a good day everyone!

Oh, please can someone start a new cafe too, this thread is gettinglong! Thanks!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Candee - I think that reddish flower is an anemone of some kind.

Can't wait to see the spiffied up cafe and parrots.
Elle and Blossom - hope the rain stops soon for you.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I'm off to take my design test at flower school tonight. I'm meeting a friend from the class for dinner first at an Irish pub. Please do not let me drink as my design may end up a bit too wild! I've been practicing all day with some flowers I bought, mostly carns. My house is awash in floral arrangements! LOL Mostly the centerpiece and 'round' design. I think I'll go with the round tonight unless we get too many line flowers. It's awful not knowing what flowers we're getting. We have to do a 3-flower corsage, a bud vase, and one design of our choice, but it has to be one of the designs we were taught and nothing 'free' or 'interpretive.'

Tomorrow is the written test. I'll be soooo glad when these tests are over!

Zany, I thought that ducks ate slugs and snails too. What is your experience? I am contemplating getting a couple. Also chickens. Keep hearing such different stories about how much ducks and chickens do or don't ruin one's garden. I guess I could get them and if it doesn't work out, dinner is taken care of for a few nights.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, the stray ducks that were visiting me ate my daylilies for one plant nibbled!....I will stick to wild ducks thank you!

My chickens have their own pen and the pen will go toodirt as they like to scratch and eat anything green if its in there.

Good luck and have fun with your flower arranging class!

Lets give the rain a boot!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)


Abracadabra - Blossom Here is the new thread. Can you believe we are up to 21 already?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ducks are great for eating slugs and snails but they will also nest in your flowerbeds and unless they have a large area to roam about on they can make a frightfully slick and slimey mess. They also love earth worms and will follow you around as you weed in hopes that you will toss them some. They were great out in the country but no way would I keep them isolated in a normal city back yard.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont mind the wild ones at all, nor do I mind the wild geese. I would not own any domestics unless I had a proper place for them. I got a stray domestic pair that just showed up in recent weeks that have been nothing but a nuisance. They roam on the higway, in peoples yards and just anywhere, reak havoc in the garden and disrupt the flow of traffic. Apparently their owner does not give a rats potato about them as they refuse to keep them in.

We used to have a farm and a pond that was 100% fenced in. We had some geese and they were nice. But the stray dogs would hop the fence and kill them for their sport leaving them dead. Least as if it was a coyote that came in, you could always tellthe difference because the coyote would eat the whole bird leaving very little waste in the bone and feathers, but those lousy strays would leave the whole bird laying either dead or injured. Just made us sick how we would have to keep replacing our birds and how sickening it was to have so many domestic stray dogs dumped that would reack havoc on a killing spree. I swear some people have no brains.

I remember too after awhile, then the wild geese started coming and how polluted the pond became. What a mess they could make! Goose grease every where. But we loved them Canadians! We would leave them corn in our field after we would harvest and it was so beautiful to watch them come in flying in formation! There was one goose that some hunter clipped and apparently he lost his mate. He took up sanctuary at our old pond and was there for weeks and then he returned the following year. We could tell it was him becuase he had a very squeaky honk. Apparently he had been hit with some bird shot in his voice box. But old Squeaky as we called him, he got friendly and when he was healed up he would take small flights around the pond to get some exersize and when he would come over the fence we would always tell him, SQUEAKY, go home so he woud llift up and go back over the fence and back to the pond and he did that many times, It was awesome to have a wild bird that was knowing he was getting a safe home and a place to come back. Poor guy though, I dont think he ever did have a mate. The hunters probably got his girl. So sad because you know they mate for life.

It just irks me how people do not care about their own or anyone elses yet alone the wild ones. Well heres hissing at those bad people and bad dogs!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Blossom! I'll hiss too at the foolish and ignorant people.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Gwen, Welcome! How did your test go? See you over in the new cafe.......

Missed your Birthday Vossner, hope you had a Happy one!
Lovely flowers you got Dianne, Thanks for bringing them in.

Hope everyone had a nice easter!

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