Flower Pot Cafe - 20

london England, United Kingdom

I'm following you!
That is good news about your friends son. Lets hope he continues to make good progress.

Now, you know you can't have chocolate until you have your tooth done!
I'm bringing you a banana milkshake to celebrate, cheers! Hope you like banana?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yeah!! BA-NAN- AHhhh!

I am so excited for Brian and his progress. I just told his dad the other day that both my husband and I are living proof that miracles can happen. By rights neither of us should be amongst the living.. but we are.. and well, miracles do happen and can happen. Our faith has shown us that, so well anyway, lets do banana shakes on the house for everyone!

Ye-ha! Time to CELEBRATE..

I just wanna celebrate! Listen to the music! Make a joyful sound!

london England, United Kingdom

Play us a tune Blossom! a JOYFUL sound .... lol

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

All I can think of right now mate is to just sing praisies , sing praises on high!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, prayers are truly answered. So happy to hear of your friends improvement and although this may be a long hard road ahead, most often start with little steps and sounds like he is making progress.

Now for that pie, Terri get your hands off, that is my slice! Ummmmmmmm, delightful! So dense is the chocolate that I had to brush my teeth twice this morn, and can still have a lingering taste.

Thanks for the wine to wash it down as well terri, hope you don't mind I finished the whole bottle as usual!

Humansville, MO

hi all
just a little line to tell you it summer time lol
hope every a good day

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Haighr, you just haaaad to mention teeth... LOL!

Yes, little steps! When his mom said he stuck out his tongue that was a huge leap of progress! She was afraid to tell the nurses thinking they might have thought she was kidding.. But then the nurse came in to take his temp and she asked him to open his mouth and stick out his tongue and by GOD he did it! We are praying hard that eventually he will be able to go home, but it looks like a very long recovery under professional care.

Its sunny here, very wet outside.. I guess I will go frustrate myself in the flowershop. Trying to make something of these... I am a total basket case looking for a sample of work someone has done to give me a brainstorm.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

oH, You can't be any more flustered than Terri back there in the kitchen, I swear I was in here a while ago and heard her having an entire conversation and I took a peek and she was in there all by herself!
Elle, so glad you are getting a taste of spring.
Guess what it is cloudy and raining here! May change on eof these days?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Just poppin' in to say Hi, I've got the flower club tonight, back later with pictures (hopefully). My camera isn't charging properly, Typical!

Will have a think about your baskets Blossom , laters!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Looking forward to see your latest creation Terri, get chargin! What is the theme?

london England, United Kingdom

'Spring arrangement' bye for now....

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So you are going to use a mattress spring or something right for the base????????? Or at least one of Katie's old slinkys???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, terri, My Heart Is Out For You...


But anyway, so whats on your "chopping" block? I have been babbling to myself all morning with my basket case.. still babbling....no progress...

Must be contagious! LOL! Talking to ones self, that is....!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, WHO ordered a DIRTY DOZEN??? Your eggs are up! LOL!

Humansville, MO

hi all
o what a beatyful sight
them egg i will clean them up
when out to check baby goat this moring
and came up with more count then we had
we got 7 now
3 g and 4 b
what a good surize

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Congrats on the new baby.. jeez elle you have lots of kids now!

Yes, those eggs will clean up. There is one really huge egg in that basket, betting odds its a double yolker.

Humansville, MO

no double yoker here

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Plant Geek, your second round of priobiotic eggs are coming up.. Got COLD WATER cleaning them now! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Congrats elle on more kids!! are they feeding with the mother's ok?
How is the bottle fed one doing?

Thanks for the eggs Blossom, I'm gonna paint them when elle cleans them up! LoL.
Basket case!

Candee, I didn't do anything quite as exciting as that for the club! I was told the theme was spring arrangement, but it turns out it was 'Spring Flowers'. It was nice to see the arrangements they all made and the guest demonstrator was quite creative.

I'm off to the kitchen to have a chat with myself about using the wrong flowers last night!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

WHINNY.....horses on hold.. ring ring.. why?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What do you mean you used the wrong flowers, there is such a thing as "wrong flowers", I think they are way too critical!
Congrats elle, wonder if you will find a new one every time you count???
What you makin with all those eggs blossom?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Three for 2's.... Right now less room in the fridge!

london England, United Kingdom

WoW! that is a BIG egg!!

Well, I used summer flowering liatrus, when it should have been spring flowers.
I lost a point for that. LoL!!
I took a picture of it in the garden today, flowers always look better in the sunshine!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

If you would like to see the other arrangements please go here! ......

Hope everyone is ok, see you tomorrow! Who's turn is it to wash the dishes?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

I'll do them. "Here doggy, doggy".

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that's an egg! you could make 10 cakes with that.
Terri, right or wrong, I love it!

Humansville, MO

hi all
the count go up every day so far 8
and 3 more on there way
we hope
i took picture of the goat chicken and rabbit
i will take to the home where they will put it on the big screen

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow I was just kidding elle about new ones every day. Guess your goats are really getting down to business!
I brought this for the cafe patio, but better bring inside as the winds are picking up!

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

hi all
the count is up to 12
8 boy and 4 girl

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


It's nice to see the Daff's and the forsythia... Ours are long gone already!

Other things are starting to bloom. I will take pics this afternoon and put them on the April trhread

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I'm guessing this is your daily forum? here is the fruits from my orange flower bed. Everything planted is orange, mostly roses, tropicals and bulbs. I need more gaudy orange shades, but it's taking shape, little by little.

First, have you all used webvase? I love it. It keeps the flowers in place and yet it's quite unobtrusive. I think I got it at Kinsman's. It's made of latex and comes w/ six clear clips. It is rather delicate so I have two of them, one as backup. Not terribly expensive ($5?)

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

when flowers are spent, I remove the web and clips, rinse it, stick it in a ziploc bag and place in the orig. wrapper shown here.

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

now for the truly important subject, the arrangement. Granted, too many pastels, but I'm working on planting the gaudiest oranges I can find, lol for some drama.

safrano rose buds
F J Lindheimer rose
Menorca lily
amaryllis Exotica or Rilona, not sure
canna leaves, dwarf pink sunburst. flowers are more coral but I really got it for the foliage

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

this poor little glad was supposed to be orange, but alas, it wasn't. It really stood out like a sore thumb in my orange bed, but it was so beautiful, I just let it be for a while. Today I decided to enjoy it indoors.

Thumbnail by vossner
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Gaudy! welcome!

They are calling me toothless this week. To me GAUDY is PANK< ORANGE AND CHARTRUES! BOING!

You either love those lkinds of colors or hate them, I am not too much sureif there is an inbetween!

Just depends on you!


This message was edited Apr 4, 2009 12:44 PM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Hi Vossner, Welcome! Thanks for bringing your pretty arrangement to our cafe'.
Love the roses and your Canna leaves are a beautiful colour, great contrast! I can imagine one leaf under the water in the vase!
You must be way ahead of us, I don't even have buds on my roses yet!
I haven't seen a webvase before, it looks like a very handy piece of equipment! I have a wire mesh thing I use sometimes on the top of a vase. I like your red vase! Looking forward to seeing something 'orange' in it LoL!

Candee, Thanks for bringing your spring arrangement, Love your red vase too!! I'm going to look for my red vases LoL! We have a red vase thing going on do we?? You were right, it was a bit windy outside so I brought yours indoors and Wow it smells great!

Plantgeek, the doggy missed a bit!!! Hope you are well and enjoying life.
Yardqueen, looking forward to your pictures, have you made any arrangements since the lovely wreath?
elle, Great to hear life is good on the farm!
Blossom, Hope you feel better now your tooth is out.

Have a good saturday night everyone!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ol' blossom is feeling better in the mouth.. got a long way to go.. least the good news is no dentures, well anyway, yet! She is going to work to save what is there! Regret the bone disease took a hold in the jaw.. but she says there is hope. Thanks everyone for their kindness and prayers. Thank God that cold I had too is gone! No fun getting old! BUt we will try to make the best of it. The old corpse is still warm!

Good news to on our friends boy. He is making progress in his therapy and they are trying to wean him off the ventilator to get him breathing on his own. He is making little steps in progress, but all is wonderful news today! His family needs prayers badly though it is sure a difficult time for all.

Well, keep the faith all!

And COLDWATER.. get back in the kitchen and do those dishes right! Slurp, lap slurp, slobber!


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


No arrangements since the wreaths... No time. Busy hauling plants in and out! I can't believe we are having to do this. It is harder on DH as he has to do most of it, but I am worn out and hurting tonight. It will be 27 Mon night! But they burn up in the greenhouse so I feel I have to take them out. We are in the 80's in the day. Mid to High 50's at night. Mon will be a high of 58 and then the freeze. Then Tues will be high 65 and low 45. Then back up to how it is now! Can you believe it? All of this work for a fluke Mon night! and I have a few things blooming! Lots of things we will have to cover. DH just planted our onions and some tomatoes. Other seeds for seggies too, but they are not up yet. I will be hauling a lot of seedlings from the pad to the greenhouse tomorrow evening. and Mon during the day. At least the big ones that I had to take the lids off. They won't survive in 27 degrees!

I will post my pics later tonight on the April in the Garden thread.I can't wait to see the pic's myself as I don't know how they turned out yet.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, trade ya my 2 inches of additional rain for the week along with the half inch of snow that just fell.. grrrr!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

voss, I love the varigation in those plants, the canna and the flowers are quite interesting combination, lovely arrangement. I haven't heard of one of those web thingys either, I too have a wire that I sometimes use, but find that tape is quite easy as well and can be placed wherever necessary.
blossom, you are still havin snow and such, dang, I actually got a little sunburn yesterday. Glad they are able to save your teeth, the whole ordeal sounds dreadful though. Good to keep hearing encouraging news about your friend, hope each day he is a bit stronger.
yardqueen, sounds like you are working way to hard around that gh? Can't you open it up enough to get some cooler air in there?

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