Flower Pot Cafe - 20

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany, you got mail, this is over my head. I too have a zillion pages and they are of course all linked? I could do w/o the counter but then what for the pages?
Lovin all the daffs, everyone. Thought mine would open today, but wrong, not nuf sun yet.
Yuk more snow on your way blossom, hope it doesn't amount to much and goes fast.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww. yuk on that snow! But haighr, cut them before they bloom and they will open the next day or so.

Looks like the snow is melting now.. YUK YUK YUK... WIll learn tomorrow how much damage it did to my bulbs. Grrrr.

If this is the last, I surely will cry!

Oh, terri, case ya wanna know, the pank thing here behind the boot is a dianthus!! LIVE and POTTED!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Got ya blossom, the ones from yesterday are opened, just not yet in the garden. You better go duck before you get hit with one of those Terri snowballs blossom, still that time of year your way!

Thumbnail by haighr
Louisville, KY


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nanner nanner!!!

Ya only brushed me me you beastly white thing!! Duck and tuck!!

Qwaaack qwaaaack qwaaack aaack!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You are quacked al right!!! LOL I think we are all a bit quacked!

london England, United Kingdom

I'm the only sensible one around here obviously!

Nice to see a peep of your garden Candee! Your daffs are lovely, different to the ones I've been getting.
Blossom, of course I wanna know, being nosey like.... LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Right, mine are a variety of paler yellows and white a little different than the all yellow ones.

london England, United Kingdom

I have sensible friends!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

YO mate, pass those carnations over hyar! I can be sensible with them, just GIMME!

Grab Grabbbb! SNATCH!


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL... crazies!!!

london England, United Kingdom

HEY!!!! bring Melonie back!

Good Morning everyone, Hi Yardqueen!

The sun is shining today and the sky is blue and our clocks changed to British Summer Time!
Hope it stays nice from now on..........
Have a great day and don't forget to call in for a cuppa!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dontcha just hate that time change thingee?!

Well, top of the morning to ya'll. The sun is shining here.. but I have ice on the puddles, so we are not to cheery about that. I am off to check on the daffodils...(sigh).

Before I go, heres a new clock for you terri! We changed our clocks about 4 weeks ago!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well we are still looking at gray skies and really cool temps so you guys soak up some of that sunshine for me!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well hope you finally get some sunshine there haighr!

Im off to the GH to do some serious potting...

Follow the daffodil row!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, getting the sunshine today, I'll watch out my window from work, dang!

Humansville, MO

hi all
sun shine here
all animal are doing fine
5 baby goat
3 girl and 2 boy
1 have to be bottle feed
that is wereing me and dh out
but it wont be for long then is be 4 or 5 bottle a day

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So sorry elle that you have to work around the clock. Try to take some time between for yourself before you are completely worn out. How much longer must you keep this up? Is there no relief in site for the momma to ever nurse? Sorry don't know much about raising goats or their ailments.

Humansville, MO

no the mother will not feed
went the baby get to take a full 8 oz bottle
you feed about 4 or 5 time a day

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! It's been quiet in here, has anyone got treats?!!!

Thanks for the clock Blossom, I forgot to change the time on my wrist watch!
Your line of Daffs will look stunning in full bloom, better let them grow now, stop picking them. LoL!

Candee, Sorry you are stuck indoors when it's sunny out! I had to go to work today for an extra class, It's cloudy here, the warm sun didn't last long!!

elle, hope you dont wear yourself out, try to chillax when you can!

This place needs a spring cleaning...... does Woodsy clean? LoL!
I'd better get busy with the new menu and such.... any requests?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sure how bout a nice glass of red wine and a slice of chocolate cream pie? that should tide me over.
As for Ms. Woodsy and cleaning, sorry she has been on spring break and I don't mean "spring cleaning" break!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Did I hear Chocolate cream pie? Yummmy. I'll have a nice cup of strong coffee with mine!

Elle, the kids sound like a lot of work but I bet they are as cute as they could be.

This is my first spring at the new house and the whole place has sprung up with wild onions. I don't know what type they are but they are growing so thick they make the whole block smell like onion and are spreading into the lawn. The strip along the side of the house where I put down over an inch of cardboard and covered it with 6 inches of wood chip is filled with them too. The came right up like there was nothing there.

Since we will probably have to relocate in another 16 months or so I am not going to try to rid the place of them. The next owners can deal with it!

Well, Pyxle is tugging at my sleeve so I guess I had better get dressed and take her to the park before I get ready for work....Though I'd rather be taking a stroll along Blossom's daffodil row!

Humansville, MO

please a cup of tea with my pie
i will take picure
work today off tomorrow
then work two day
then 4 day off
the 4 day off i hope to get thing done and take time off

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Elle, will another momma goat take the baby you have to nurse? That might be the way to go.

Hmmm chocolate pie... drat.. will have to wait. Seems my favorite "dietary" food is giving my teeth a bit of panging!...Hope that new dentist I am heading for later this week is any good! I shure nuff miss the taste of Chocolate! But heretoo, my waist could pass!

Rain here so been working a crafts.

Terri, I have to pick the daffs! Terrible thing, I am trying to conserve their bulbs! The more I pick, the more bulbs I get! I did not get too many today.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you are getting some time off elle, hope you make yourself relax.
Zany, I feel your pain, we have lots of onion grass and it even grows under stones I sometimes turn over. If I get a real rainy day, it just pulls up in clumps with those little onion bulbs and reeks like garlic, but comes right back.

london England, United Kingdom

Oh my .... the orders are pouring in and I'm getting in a fluster back here in the kitchen!

Candee, I can't find the wine glasses, so have a swig out the bottle!
I can't find the chocolate cream pie, where is it Candee, what does it look like?
Zany, coffee coming right up.
elle, tea coming right up.

Howdy Blossom!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Coffee for Zany!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tea for elle ...

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

hi i love that tea pot

london England, United Kingdom

Enjoy your cuppa and put your feet up in our lounge! Thanks elle.
Sorry, I still haven't found the chocolate cream pie???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Howdeee Terri!

There you go with my favorite concockshun! What in tarnation, Carnations! YUM!

Hmmm I got an ole jug somewhar here to share with ya too Mate! Be a tad dry in mine except for the purdy pebbles in the bottom from panning in the creek!

Hey hey.. me daffy posies are getting papery! Hmmm how to dry daffs! LOL! Leave them in the vase until.. what else, DRY!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom, love that ole jug!
I've got 10 green bottles of dried Daffs!! was wondering what to do with them... dont want to bin them LOL!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Here you go. I picked it up on google ;~)

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
london England, United Kingdom

Oh that does look nice,
think I'll have the first slice!

Thanks Zany, I haven't seen that chocolate pie before, wish I was tasting it for real......

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! OoOooh Zany how you torture this chocaholic!! It looks fantabulous!

Terri, what is bin? Maybe try making a spring wreath? They last a long time! Oh, but you must wait for dried lily of the valley and others..

Well, I took a better pic of that gold wreath.. its posted now... wow was my color off on the first pic! So ok, any critcs in the crowd..? I am waiting Or is that thang done?!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Never mind terri, it hit me! Bin, trash? LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Dustbin LOL!
I was thinking either take the red out of the wreath or add more red, they look a little lonely!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

AB-so-lut-lee DUN M-sen with it! Its a Whalah or not. You and I are on the same page!! LOL!

DUST BIN! LOL! Oh poop, I gotta go back to the floral shop and clean up my m-S.....

Where did I leave that dustsucker...dirtdevil, electroni sweeper...

london England, United Kingdom

The hoover is under the stairs!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Terri, are you following me or am I following you! LOL!

Well I just got incredible news! It appears that our friends son that was recently in a very serious auto accident recently is responding. He was in a coma. Now I am not sure if he is still in a coma in medical terms, but he is responding to people in the room and to his nurses. We personally have been praying hard for a miracle for this family and it looks like they have been blessed in the power. It is not known on his recovery if it will be full or not. He has so many issues, but it appears to be progress.

Ok, wheres my chocolate.

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