Flower Pot Cafe - 20

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

No comment, on the grounds that .....I might get in trouble again.

london England, United Kingdom

Plantgeek, Congrats! that is wonderful news, ditto to what Candee said!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

and tada!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I got a bit of sad news and good news this morning talking to my accountants office and upon calling them to ask if they would be interested in doing a raffle to benefit a cancer patient, I was informed that my accountants husband was very ill and in the hospital. Well, it turns out that they would do the raffle for me and now the proceeds will be either to benefit him or go to a program called Relay for Life which is a fundraiser for cancer patients.

So the wreath that I made for Pat for her cancer patient is making its run for the roses by going into that raffle. Well, here's hoping they do good on their fundraiser.

Originally I was supposed to just take the wreath I made for Pat to a local clinic or hospital and present it to a patient or have the clinic hang it on their wall, but now it is going to be one step better! To help raise funds to help someone!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

BLOSSOMBUDDY, That is a wonderful idea for helping raise funds. I hope they have a very sucsessful raffle.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So sorry to hear about bad news blossom, I know how badly you must feel but how helpful it is to have something to offer in the way of assistance. Hoping all goes well.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, they loved the wreath! I am glad that they will try to make good on it too. I am glad to help if I can.

My accountant said today that it looks like her hub will be coming home soon. So that is good. She looked a tad frazzled, but she is holding up.

Good news too, is is my dental work is gonna be a tax deduction!! LOL! oooh great...sigh and holy molars! Hopefully now I can make my next appotinment there.

Humansville, MO

hi all
it is sunny here but cool
day to work inside
hope to work on my house plats today

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Nice to hear you got some good news blossom.
Hey elle, lucky you sunny and steppin out. Sunny here but not for long and then think days and days of rain, yuk!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

My the cafe has really be quite these past days. Are we closed for renovations again or are we all just gearing up for the busy days ahead?

Humansville, MO

hi all
been working out side
i a bad week this week
work 1 day then the next day off
then work 1 day work
hope every one a happy day

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

hi elle, what have you been doing outside? Planting yet, or as here still too soon?

Humansville, MO

we got some garden in
it been raining and cool
we got goat with baby and more on the way
egg in the bargor
then the rabbit which my hb raise for meat
i work in the nurseing home
passing pill
we want to get so we both can live off the farm

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you are on the right track with life on the farm. Do you have a lot of acreage that you farm big time or do you just farm for your own use. Sounds like you got lots of little "kids" from those nanny's. How are the bunnies doing, are them well multiplying like bunnies?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Candee - can't have you out here in the cafe without some company. Hope you had a wonderful visit with your family last week. Looks like we will just have to have leftovers here in the cafe unless someone pops in soon with some goodies.
Blossom - good luck with the dentist.
Congratulations Plantgeek on getting published and all.
Elle has her kids, and I have my daughter's foster kittens. Here is the latest batch - this time, all three look very much alike.

I also went to a local thrift/Goodwill store and got myself 5 vases. Hope to be bringing some bouquets in to the cafe in the next few weeks.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

OMG Dianne, I will take them all. I do miss our kitties and momma, they have been gone about 3 years now. I swear the kittens looked just like them, what an adorable photo, thanks for bringing them in to keep me company. Wish I had a photo of them all sitting in my lap keepin me warm in this miserable rainy weather we are having.
I hoped to try to get a forsythia bloom this weekend, but we are running out of sunshine in our backyard due to the tree line up the way, which we have no control over. That causes us less sunshine and puts us about 1-2 weeks behind everyone elses blooms around here. I have neighbors up the block that have daffs and forsythia in full bloom and mine are just coming to life. Thought I might get some this weekend since they are saying sunshine today, but now calling for torrential rains the next 2 days so so much for that idea. I'll just sit back and wait to see yours.
Looking forward to seeing your new vases.
Hey been dancin much, I love that dancin with the stars, one of the few programs I watch on the boob tube; how bout you.
Meantime, hello to everyone near and far, hope you are all well and just kicking back enjoying the spring.

Louisville, KY

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww What cuties. Kittens are irresistable. Give me a roomfull of them and a string and I couldn't be happier. Hats off to you Dianne.

Candee, it's rainy and cool here too. Blah! I brought us some hot herbal tea and chocolates. I'm thinking a water garden might be the thing.

Humansville, MO

hi all
wet and wet and cool
all outdoor work stop to day
no baby yet
hope they wait until next week

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Have I missed any gossip? LoL!

Nice daffs in here, lovely kittens Dianne! and chocs from Plantgeek, Thanks!
Beautiful wreath there Blossom, what an unusual design and for a good cause too.
It's turned cold again, frost expected tonight!

OOOooooo new vases ?? looking forward to seeing those!
Thought I would add to the Daffodil arrangements already here.

10 green bottles!
Have a nice weekend all, whatever you get up to!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

hi all
we had enouther goat baby
an little boy only
the mother have no milk
so we get to bottle feed
she have hard bag what every that is
frist bottle was about 8 pm
10pm,100am 500am and8 am
and i got to go to work
so it up to hb to do bottle

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Terri, lovely daffs!

Elle, so sorry to hear about the momma gots predicament, surely she is not comfortable. Hope she gets better soon. You have your hands full with that youngin! You will probably have to get a vet to medicate her. The milk is bad and I think they call it mastitis. Had a horse that did that once and it was noooo fun for anyone.

We are just hanging in here. It is very cold today.. Ice on buckets again.. Grrr and brrrr!

Darnit, my dental appointment is staved again for another weak.. not a happy camper here at all.....am about to extract my own with the old door know and chain method. Well hopefully now in a week. This is so frustrating.

Well catch ya'll later.. I gotta go look for a boot!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, sorry to hear about the troubles you are having. Sounds like you got about as much work as you can handle.
Blossom, I am with yu is it ever gonna get warm? And the dreary rains, yuk.
Today I got an email from my web server that they will no longer host webs created in frontpage, which is of course what I have used for years. So guess my web will be taken down in May.

say goodbye to http://www.hhcreations.com/

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, man, cant you transfer that thing to a new server.. there are some free hosts out their.. try


Well heres giving the boot to cold weather....least as I am hoping already.. shesh, my dafs just start popping and we got verge of snow again... UGH!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

elle, Here's milky Joe to help you out!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hope you can find another web server Candee.
Lovely boot arrangement Blossom, Thanks for bringing it in.

elle, 2 bottles are ready !

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Have a cuppa !

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

We have bottles of Daffs everywhere in the cafe! Lets wish for warm sunny days!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

1 bottle for each table...

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


london England, United Kingdom

Daffs festival!!!! please bring yours in....

Thanks Blossom for your nice daffs, they smell great!!


Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Candee, I just sent them a customer service ticket

I understand your desire to get rid of these extensions but need to know how it will effect my site. I have several questions.

1. will the HTML pages and links on existing pages that were created and uploaded using Frontpage cease to function (no forms or counters are in use that are in front page formating)

2. Does this also effect pages created and uploaded using Sharepoint?

3. Will new html pages designed using front page or sharepoint still be loaded through FTP?

4. If this change makes it necessary to close my site will I be refunded the prorated amount for the remainder of my current prepaid period?

If it only effects forms and counters then the only thing you would have to do is remove the counter and the rest of your site would remain the same. I'll let you know when they answer.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, this is the response I received

I`m very sorry for this inconvenience which might be caused to you. Here is the answer on your questions:

1. If your HTML pages doesn`t use any of Frontpage dynamic components they will not be affected if we disable extensions.

2. Unfortunately there is no way to upload files via Sharepoint, you might upload it via Frontpage (in this case see 1st article)

3. Yes they could be loaded via FTP but please note that you will have no support for Frontpage extensions (counters, navigation bars, shared borders, other dynamic components)

4. Sure you will be refunded for all unused hosting time.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime, we are available 24/7

I really don't know if I used shared borders on any of the pages and none of the buttons would work...groan...they all have buttons

So I think we are going to close it down. There are literally thousands of pages to the site now and no way I can rework it by July.

I hope you can work things out for your site.

Humansville, MO

hi all
thank-you for the bottle
the late feeding and the earies feeding are the worse

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hang in there elle, we know you can do it! Hows the momma?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, Hope you managed to get some sleep!
Has the mother rejected the kid? or are they still together, the mother just not feeding him?
You do have a hard time on the farm, hope you can rest today!

Hello Zany!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom!

Humansville, MO

hi all
they are together
they are both doing good
need to go feed see you later

london England, United Kingdom

Good luck elle!

If anyone needs anything, I'll be in the back.... just ring the bell. LoL!

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