Flower Pot Cafe - 20

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We came from here:


Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now really I don't celebrate birthdays and last year's 24 hour party was fabulous but I am getting older than dirt these days. Will be having granddaughter and Tim & Amy and new baby to be arriving later today for the weekend and am not sure when they will be going home.
Will try to pop in tomorrow to say hello and then will be back on Sunday late afternoon or early evening. But then it is back to work on Monday so I won't be drinking all night this time and dancing on tables and such, lest that is what I say for now LOL!
Just a simple Happy B-day from my DG friends in the cafe is more than sufficient so please don't get carried away (you know who you are LOL)!!!
Bless all your hearts,

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Who.. whooooose getting carried away.. not no one I know... LOL!

Shes gone.. so hurry up someone bring in the marching band and find a place to hide them and your prezzies hehehe!

Humansville, MO

hi all
let the party start

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey I am not completely gone, just hiding in the bathroom and am peeking through the peep hole that the previous owner had put in. So I am watching your antics and checking to make sure you don't get wild on me LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Whaaache talking about elles!? Ya think she suspects?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, did anyone notice that I made this the Flower Pot cafe??? Now don't get the wrong idea!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

SShhhhs..... she does not see us! shes just babbling to herself!!

Mime: who is she talking too? whaaaat flower arrangements! hehehehe! anyone bring her cake?

Use your secret hiding place indoor voices everyone.. snicker!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Welcome to anyone new who might pop in for a cuppa!

We have 20 tables in here, our 20th Flowerpot Cafe' . We like to have a bunch of fresh flowers on the tables everyday! Please help us to decorate with your arrangements.

Candee, Thank you for starting the new thread with such a lovely arrangement!
You must be exhaused preparing the new Cafe', you have an early night dear.... LoL!
See you tomorrow!

Psssssssst!!!! Blossom, call me when the coast is clear!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

When a friend is feelin' "older than dirt"
A bit of chocolate cake can't hurt...
I'll purdy it up with a spray of black roses
and a single candle so we won't need fire hoses.

Candee, I want to wish you a beautiful day,
and giggles and grins while you play
with the grandbabies who I know you adore.
That's it, that's all, I'll say no more...


Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

What a nifty birthday greeting and arrangement, Zany. Candee - you are so lucky to have a personalized rhyme.

As I said, I can't write poetry worth a darn, but here is an arrangement for your eyes and nose. One of the best smelling flowers in the world. Happy birthday!! and it is actually your birthday now since you are three hours later than I am here in California.

And Candee, yes, I did notice that it is now the flower POT cafe. Are you going to be stashing some in some nooks and crannies somewhere? I have never tried any - will be a hoot of a party, I am sure.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
london England, United Kingdom

A simple Happy Birthday Candee!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And for you!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

What a beautiful smell in here with those freesia's Dianne!

Zany, the Birthday cake looks yummy, hope I get a slice!

I'm sure Candee will love the rose Blossom!

Candee, I have a simple little pot plant for you! Happy Birthday!!!!
Have a lovely time with all the family.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

It's a lovely day, I'll put it in the cafe' garden for you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Latte anyone?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Just bringing in a couple of simple, no fuss spring vases!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Terri - that cup of latte was the perfect start for the day. Love your forsythias!! Sometimes the simple no fuss ones are the best. What is the other yellow blossoms lurking in the back ground?

Candee - hope you are having a wonderful birthday day with your family. Here is a spring hat for the birthday gal. I dusted it off specially for you - my eldest daughter made it as a girl scout project years ago.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

And once the birthday gal stops by, we can throw the "confetti" at her.

Hope whoever has clean up duty at the cafe won't mind the mess. It is, after all, for a good cause. LoL.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, Ohh thats so pretty, Candee will love it! Great idea for the confetti, I think it's Plantgeeks turn to tidy up, so thats ok. haha!
The yellow flowers are Kerria or something like that!!

Here is a box of chocolates for the Birthday girl!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh! Everything was so lovely for the party! Sorry I missed it but I was "working!" I hope you had a Happy Birthday Candee! I have a late present for you, but I will have to bring it tomorrow afternoon! I hope you like it!

london England, United Kingdom

Good morning Yardqueen! We were just getting the cafe' ready for Candee's party today!!!
Hope to see you back here later! LoL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The Happy Birthday banner is hanging up... LoL!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh oh.. Cold Water, get away from that cake!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I made it, but can't stop for long. Just wanted to say 'Happy Birthday Candee' and to say I miss you all and am sorry I haven't been around more often. I promise when the visitors stop coming and going, I will have a bit more time to hang in the cafe'.
Terri, you can have my bit of cake!
Have a good party ladies.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL, I thought it was yesterday! What time does it start? I will have to get ready and get Candees gift ready!

london England, United Kingdom

Howdy Blossom!

Sue!!! Nice to see you today, G'day mate! Thanks for your slice of the chocolate cake , yummmmmm! Zany did you hear that? I'm having Sue's slice!!! Have a nice time with your visitors and we will see you when you have more time, miss you Sue!

Yardqueen, it was Candee's Birthday yesterday but we are having her doo today! I can't wait to see what gift you have for her! Late afternoon, early evening is the time we are expecting her ladyship to arrive LoL!

Candee is in for a nice surprise to see you all here.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

yardqueen.. extended party, going overtime!

Louisville, KY

"You say it's your birthday! It's my birthday too yeah" Hehehehe Well someone had to do it. Happy older- than- dirt- day Candee! I brung ya a sweet potato pie since you love taters so much. Enjoy

Hellooooooooooo everyone, Madame Woodsy.

Humansville, MO

hi all
happy brithday too bouth of you
i hopeing that i get more time to be in the cafe
you all know how i like to make thing

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh Zany that is beautiful, what a wonderful gift you have to give. The cake is my favorite chocolate! How did you know?
Dianne I have never tried any either and am sure I won't be starting to anytime soon, I am already goofy enough. Thank you for the lovely scents, I feel all perky just looking at them.
Oh blossom, that is a gorgeous color in that rose you fave me, will have to find a special spot for it.
I am wearing my new garden hat and I must say, I look younger than ever in it.
What a great party you have thrown for me, confetti fireworks and candy. You are just all too special.
Hey geek Happy Day your way as well, here have some of my candy and you can wear the hat today, I wore it all day yesterday!
Elle, thank you for your warm wishes and hope you get to have some extra time in the cafe soon.
Wow, am I tired from all the partying, so it is especially nice to sit a spell here in the cafe and enjoy all the hard work that everyone has gone to just to put a smile on this ole face!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I must apologize for not being able to stay long. How rude of me after all the hard work all of you have gone to to make sure I had the happiest of birthdays, but I have to go. Will surely catch back up with you all tomorrow.
Thanks so much again everyone, I really cherish the friendships I have here at the cafe and wish each of you a wealth of the joy you have given to me.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee!
Glad you had a good Birthday and you enjoyed yourself. You Do look 10 years younger in your new hat! LoL!

Plantgeek, Happy Birthday mate!

Cheers everyone! Have a good week.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

So I missed it again! Is Candee still around? Candee... WHOO HOO!!!

I hope you like this!

Happy Birthday!

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Older than dirt? Well, least that aint as old as bedrock! LOL!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Plantgeek!! Happy birthday to you too!!! I'm bringing back the narcissus to liven up the cafe.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

and here's some lucky money for each of the two birthday gals!!! (hopefully no one out there can read Chinese and point out that I am not using the right envelopes LoL)

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Sue - nice of you to pop in when you can. Hope to see more of you soon. And am looking forward to see what kinds of fall flowers you have. Have fun with all your visitors.

Louisville, KY

Happy Birthday eveyone! lol Wow, this is quite the party. Blooms and sweets and friends everywhere. Hey, I was only being sarcastic by singing that Beatles song. But thanks. I'll take the $$ Dianne. lol

Candee, love the hat. Just the right thing for spring.

Got a bit of good news, one of my poems got accepted in the new issue of Earth's Daughters. Whoohoo! And another got selected for reading on WRFL in Lexington, Ky last Friday. They have a show called Accents, a whole hour of literature. Y'all can hear it if you google WRFL, Lexington. Scroll down to the archives and click onto the last entry dated March 20.

Ooops, gotta run.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Congrats geek, you an Zany are quite the artists in our cafe. We are very proud of your accomplishments.
Dianne you are lucky, my gd knows a little chinese but she is only 3 and went home yesterday !!! so nobody can tell, thanks I can sure use the cash.
Terri, that drink went down real smooth after a very long, tiring weekend. Eva sure can wear this old broad out!
Yardqueen thank you so much for the violet, they are such a delicate plant, I will be very careful in my care of her.
Blossom are you sure the bedrock is older???

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