Do you like change?

North Augusta, ON

I hate change. I get something the way I like it and there it stays, forever! Except for plants. I move them all the time....but don't mess with my furniture!!

The other day DH rearranged my kitchen drawers...I'm trying really hard to not have a panic attack...they've been the same since I moved here in '92!

How do you all feel about change?

Bic Lighters. Always bought them and bought one today. The one I bought today is a teeny weeny shorter and skinner. Its a push button instead of a roll one - I HATE IT.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I prefer paper money.^_^

Seriously, I do like change. Not a status quo person.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I never change much either.... remodel well we are still doing that... once a room is done.. will stay that way for a long long time

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I live for change...change my hair style, change clothes style, rearrange furniture. I love redecorating the house for the different holidays. Keeps things fresh and exciting.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I like the change of seasons but dont rearrange the kitchen drawers, takes too much time away from gardening to find the shredder an etc.

New Boston, NH

No change for me

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i prefer some change in my work life
I do not like going to a new grocery store and wasting time trying to find everything
My my in-laws come to dinner it is always hide and seek with our kitchen utensils my MIL puts away - tease her about it all the time - wish she would just ask where things go - can be annoying/maddening when you really need something right away
yard is always in constant change

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Randy likes to hide kitchen stuff on me all the time... I know what that's like

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Now in-laws are a different story. A change of address is very good for that.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

no my in-laws are great - my MIL can be a bit ditsy which results in a lot of laughs - people do things different ways we leave butter out on the counter, easier to spread - they put it in the refrig - guess where i find it after they leave - i need a chisel to cut it for my english muffin

North Augusta, ON

LOL @ Victor!

Maybe I get set in my ways...when Mom first came her and started rearranging my gardens it was all I could do not to freak out...I really can't handle change...when an ex BF decided to paint one of my bedrooms without asking me that was the end of him in a hurry!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I think I like to change gardens . . . but no one would ever describe me as a "trendy" person. I am too frugal to spend my money making someone else rich . . .

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You must since you said it twice!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

ya think... ya think?

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I don't mind change. I like to be the one in control of it, though.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I like to secretly replace the coffee. Remember that commercial?

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I like change. When everything is same ole, same ole, life seems tedious. The kitchen drawers, however, can remain the same.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I find I need change to keep me going, otherwise I get bored.

North Augusta, ON

I find the same ole, same ole comforting. Like I'm still in familiar, cozy territory. Everything's where I like it to be, where I'm comfortable with it being there...then I am most comfortable.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Kitchen drawers can stay the same but I did just switch around my pantry so I could reach my tea bags easier.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

And spouses??

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I did just tell him he needs to change the shape of his goatee.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

if you don't mind decapitation.

North Augusta, ON

spouses can hang around until they p*** me off, then they're out...and them knowing that really helps keep them in line!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

"I don't mind change. I like to be the one in control of it, though."


Some things are off limits - rearranging the kitchen drawers is a great example. I analyze work flow & access before the initial arrangement.
Furniture - LOL! That can happen frequently. However, I orient the spaces towards the woodstove/fireplace in Winter; the gardens for Spring/Summer.

Since I'm the one performing the task, I make the decisions!

This message was edited Mar 20, 2009 5:55 PM

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

I love change. I thrive on change. I bought this house KNOWING ABSOLUTELY that I'd be tired of it within 5 years and I'd want something else, so I got an interest only 7 year variable loan. My plants had better just cope, because I'll move them around shortly.

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

Hey, in reading this thread, I'm realizing that the control freaks like change but want to control the process. Who here is a control freak? *Raises hand really high*. I like to control the changes that I want to have happen. Although I've become pretty good at rolling with things (read "making lemonade out of lemons").

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Who's a control freak? RAISE YOUR HAND!!

Hee hee.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

::::::putting hands behind back:::::

Randy is great at organizing everything...cabinets and such

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I like to walk up the down staircase - just to shake things up.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

OMG talk about change, I have had my share through out my life, starting with leaving my country at a young age! No it is not fun!

This message was edited Mar 21, 2009 8:42 AM

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Because of my son Justin, our life has to have repetition/ structure or he reacts emotionally. Long day trips are fun, you can even spend a night or 2 away but not much more than that. I've never taken him on a trip longer than a few days. He needs the familar surroundings of his bedroom, his toys, animals, the smell and sounds of our house. Stays in the hospital lasting more than 3 days becomes VERY stressful!
I'd guess because of this I too don't care for drastic change, subtle change is OK.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My younger guy is like that to a degree. He was a preemie and has had some developmental delay issues. He prefers rigidity, predictability and structure. I represent the opposite of that!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Control freak here!! I'm not particularly organized and I am definitely horrible at sticking to a routine. Everyday is different. However, I like being boss and I make sure I'm on top of the pecking order around here. In someone else's house, I am very good at following orders and respecting boundaries.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

talking about changing spouses . . . I am convinced my DH never considered trading me in 'cause I told him once if he ever wanted a divorce he would get the kids (the kids were being particularly difficult that day . . . heeheehee).

Am I a control freak - only over my own stuff - like I hate having things misplaced in the kitchen or when people use my things and don't bring them back. On the other hand, I firmly believe that teenage bedrooms have doors so you can close them and hide the mess. (I have a sister-in-law who won't let her kids sit on the beds once they are made - her house is spotless, but even she admits she is nuts!)

Okay, so I don't redecorate 'cause I love our antiques, and we don't move very much - well actually we moved in 1977 twice, in 1982, and in 2002. Probably will stay where we are for another 20 years - or until I win the lottery.

I do like to change my gardens, my hair, and I dislike eating the same stuff over and over again.

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

HA, Seandor, that's great! I totally agree about the door. When my daughter was a teen, I just gulped hard and closed the door. Unfortunately, she was grown and gone when I moved from my condo to my house, and all her "stuff" was still there. Now it's in my basement, unpacked. It'll be a few more years before she's really out of school and hopefully settled, so it'll come with me to my next house I'm sure. I'd give anything right now to be in my "forever" house, but I've learned what I like and don't like by living in this house, so that's something. Like, I'm incredibley territorial, so no more trash neighbors with loud voices and pickup trucks. Next house will have acreage and privacy!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm with you there, drum. More space!!!!!!!!!!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

for more plants.

I like familiarity, but some change is good.

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