Poor Taste?

New Boston, NH

My on going shopping for decorations for this years new garden led me to an antique show.Well I wasn't there 5 minutes and spotted a cast Iron statue of a young black chap that is absolutely beautiful. my wife hit the roof as it was very expensive and she felt not in good taste.I am a person of NO bigotry and have several black friends I think this guy is such a special greeter to my new garden.He weighs atleast 500lbs and has a workable lantern.What do others think?

How you going to move it?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Ahhhhh- - -Hemmmmm
I have been called to task a few times over my Salty and Peppy shakers.
I dont care about PC.
My best aunt gave these to me, she was an artist and took time to keep me occupied with tons of art projects and she tought me to swim.
Elton John has a pair as did Andy Wharol(sp) sorry Andy
Toat your garden greeter home and stand up for something you want.
Lets all get over it.

Thumbnail by ge1836

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I had a neighbor who painted the face of his lawn jockey with white paint. HJave you asked your black friends what they would think of your purchase?

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

at least you will be sure that one person can not steal it from the yard!

This message was edited Mar 18, 2009 3:18 PM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I probably would not.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Do what you want, if you like it buy it.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

OMG! On the way home from work last night I saw a lawn jockey in a front yard that I had never noticed before. It's face was painted white.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

People will think what they want; regardless of our best intentions. My stance on opinions: we are all better off not to replace our own feelings with those of others. That doesn't mean that certain thoughts aren't worth taking into account and there is a big difference when the opinion is coming from someone that we like/love AND respect (such as your wife)...

Otherwise, people will frequently project their own hang-ups onto others when and if we allow them too. However, since you're asking for opinions on the situation -- I think your wife's perspective would be the most important one...considering that she has to wake up and look at everyday too. Maybe after discussing it further with her; you can come to a point where you see eye-to-eye on the purchase.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

at least you will be sure that one person can not steal it from the yard!

True. But if they bring a truck it seems it's easy.....

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

not too many folks driving around in trucks looking for these - and even if they were it would take three to get it into the truck bed - way too much effort required

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Wha, maybe it depends on where you are. The reason I wrote that is because it happened. Not only did they take it, they cut (I don't know how) the tow chain that it was secured with, and cut the fence. This was in a very rural neighborhood, very quiet at night, but we heard nothing. Even the dogs didn't react. Probably the road was too far from the house, and to the dogs, what happens on the road is none of their business. Had they poened the gate, it would have been different, but maybe they knew that. We did report it, and have a good idea who took it, but they moved soon after.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

sorry to hear that!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

catmad, that's terrible! What was it exactly that they took?

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

OT - but I love anything PC incorrect. I have a 1930's magazine advertisement of 2 men in a row boat advertising that beer now comes in cans. One of the men is seated showing him throwing his empty can in the lake!! LOVE IT!! I also like drunkmen. You know the ones leaning on a lamp post. Have a whole collection of lamps, ashtrays, salt and pepper shakers but would love a outdoor sized lamp post would like it in a bar. SO short version is if you like it buy it.

edited to say - I think some of it is funny ALTHOUGH I don't agree with it. I find it amusing how much the times/way of thinking have changed.

This message was edited Mar 20, 2009 11:15 AM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

dpoitras, your post made me laugh. I'm with ya'. ;-)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I am not into pc either and people should do whatever they are comfortable with. I just find lawn jockeys with black people offensive. They are rarely flattering. In fact, they usually have exaggerated, stereotypical features, compared with the white ones which look so noble.


whats PC

New Boston, NH

Personally I think this guy, a young fellow looks so happy go lucky,and my feelings are that everybody is welcome at my home and they know it on their first visit in the first few minutes .We have a dog kennel where I sell aLOT of pups and have folks of all races doing business with me .Hanging on the kennel door I have a Large Thank you from President Obama thanking me for my support.Thus I have decided this fellow will be the greeter to my new garden as long as I last.
Peter the liberal

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

"What was it exactly that they took?

My , um, "Caucasian" Lawn Jockey. They left the more conventional African American one, but whether by choice, or fear of discovery, I don't know.

It was a non-PC display, but was also non-discriminatory.....:)

New Boston, NH

Perhaps the Caucasian was an easier item to grab my guy is in a very inacessible part of the yard it took four young 16 yr old wrestlers to get it where I wanted it.With the 7 house dogs one would have to be totally crazy to try stelling at our house!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Yes, they (the two were actually chained together, don't ask) were at the front of the yard, about 1/4 mile from the house. I guess the dogs didn't see any harm, that was not part of their "patrol" area, and cutting the fence didn't give them the same sound as opening the gate.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I think I may of shot my dogs( I have 4) along with the thief's. ^_^

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

I guess I was confused by all the fuss over this until I saw Victor's hyperlink. All the lawn jockeys in my area (big horse racing town, Saratoga Springs) look like the one on the bottom, except some have brown faces. I have never seen the "Jacko" version.

I can understand the distaste for the Jacko version ESPECIALLY if I were African American. It's wrong and we ALL know it. BUT I don't see the harm if the statue was the one on the bottom with a brown face.

As a kid (long, long, time ago) I once worked with a black man who looked like the sterotypical "bad a**" kind of guy. Pythons for arms, shaved head, tat's on his arms six pack abs, look on his face said "I have an attitude and don't mess with me". Scary looking. Then he stood up during a meeting and told us a story that happend to his children. I guess his kids were swimming in a public pool and the guys working at the pool told his kids to get out of the pool because they were polluting the pool for the white people.

Can you imagine??!!!! I was outraged. He said the guys at the pool were fired (And DESERVED to be) but you could still see the painful look of hurt on his face! I learned that because he looked tough it didn't mean that he wasn't just a big teddy bear in disguise. What a sweet wonderful man. All these years later and that type of behavior still pisses me off. Care needs to be taken that the display isn't distasteful, I guess that is what I am trying to say. All people have feelings.

Just wanted to share.

Edited to say - I sincerely hope I haven't offended anybody.

This message was edited Mar 23, 2009 6:54 AM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

dpoitras...thanks for mentioning the link. I hadn't checked it out either. I also see why the 'Jacko' version would be offensive. I wouldn't personally have it in my yard.

That's terrible what happened to your co-worker long ago. >:-< It's sad and ridiculous...and yes I can only imagine, but it still breaks my heart...especially for his children to witness that kind of nastiness. I doubt that they have forgotten the incident either.

Just as recent as a few years ago, a black man that I worked with had an incident in Greenfield, IN. FYI, Greenfield (about 30 to 40 mins outside of Indpls.) is unfortunately, known for having quite a few residents that are of racist mindset. My co-worker and now long-time friend usually caught a ride with me, but on this particular day I wasn't going out there and he had to take a bus and then ride his bicycle for about another 15 mins. to get to the greenhouses. Well, some redneck boys drove up beside him...hollered that they didn't like his kind around there and proceeded to hit him in the back of the head with a large cup of coke and ice! I couldn't believe it!

He wasn't physically hurt, but mentally hurt by it, yes. I don't understand how anyone could be so hateful to another human being, especially because of the color of their skin. I'm glad I can't relate. I feel sorry for the kids that are taught racism by their parents. Some kids are strong enough in character to see through the stupidity (I was one of them), but others aren't.

Hopefully, more people 'wake up' and realize that we all have the same color of blood running through our veins. I'm stopping commentary there. This is rather depressing to think about any longer.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Sherrie, I was wondering the same thing. How you going to move it? 500 lbs? Wow!

Hey, personally I think it's great. There will always be someone who will take offense, though, I suppose. You do what you want. That's a shame that your wife doesn't like it.

People will think I'm nuts, but I found a free toilet a few weeks back and toted it home to use as a redneck planter. He, heeeee!!!! I think it's great! My sister thinks it's embarrassing and wants to make sure I don't put it in the front yard, so I will acquiesce with here wishes.

When I lived in Mesa, AZ people could not put yard decorations in the front yard without risking theft. I heard recently that many garden gnomes have been getting stolen due to the popularity of the Travelocity gnome.

Yeah, that Jacko version is definitely not flattering at all, and I would find it offensive if I were black.

Racism is awful, yes. When I was in Texas I noticed a lot of whites there were racist. There was one man I knew who seemed to like that, but then there was a black man living in his neighborhood whom he said was a nice guy, and married to a white woman, and he had nothing bad to say about that. I learned that this man did not judge a person without getting to know that person first. There was a Mexican woman living on his street who hated him without even having met him. He didn't understand it, unless one of his neighbors said something bad about him to her. But he did not have anything bad to say about her. He did not like Obama, though, and I didn't ask him if it was because he was black. I think it might haven been because Obama is liberal Democrat, and this guy is Republican.

Hope we don't get in trouble for talking politics. Is this too touchy a subject? I'm okay with it as long as people act respectful of other's views.


OK we are talking ceramic and cast iron as art work items. I saw an item go for quite a bit of cash in an auction; it was a bronze of a black man playing cricket(sp?). It is only racism if it is spoken of in that term or defiled by the ignorant. As for features(exagerrated), you have to wonder when the items were manufactured too- and what the attitudes were during that time; whether it was before or after the beginnings of acceptance of black people in films for an example. This begins a point from where a Black "Aunt Jemima" type of art would be acceptable because it has made its way across america in a mass media way becoming accepted as part of AMERICANA which is what I think the statuary or iron works discussed above are. I think that hatred and disrespect are in the eye, and mind, of the beholder as well as Love of Art ...I shudder at thoughts of people hating art but know it happens....and sadly, my Gnome remains in my back yard for his safety! Art is often a result OF politics, too, Karen. I think the mediator will see an intelligent discussion here and not fret...

Thumbnail by
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for that, Darren! I love your gnome. I want the Travelocity gnome. I just love him. I got a concrete gnome this year, my first. Here's a picture of him. Don't have a picture of the toilet planter yet. Will take a picture after I get it planted.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily

Great Gnome! Have you thought about painting him or do you not ''color''lol...i am NOT skilled, in any way...but it was fun to brighten him up! I used a color palette off a Google Image page for the colors.
Mine is glazed Ceramic yours looks like resin? I would check at a Micheals or srt store to see if it was possible then overcoat him. He'll look a LOT like Travelocity Gnome once he's colored in with a red hat especially, plus I think the red hat brings in Hummingbirds! lol...

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

The lawn jockeys had a noble beginning. They pointed out safe houses and/or directions for escaping slaves.
However, they have long been a reminder of slavery to most of us.
I believe your motives are pure but there is no telling who might be hurt by it. I wouldn't.

edited to sound less self-righteous. sorry

This message was edited Mar 27, 2009 10:53 PM

''those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it'' dont remember who said that~I would honestly go by the gut feeling you have on them.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Fern, I have thought about coloring him. I used to do a lot of ceramic work, and I did a lot of painting with acrylics on ceramic. My favorite technique was drybrushing, as it looked the most natural. I could do that with him, but would have to make sure I bring him in for the winter so the pain would not become damaged. He is made of concrete.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmmm just lurking and wondering. Interesting. Where is the line between Americana and racist Americana?

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

I think some Americana IS racist. No denying African American's have not always been treated with even the basic respect. That is part of the reason I was happy Obama was elected. I was happy that people north and south who lived through the 60's lived to see the day a African American was elected to the most respect position in America.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I was happy because I thought he was intelligent BUT we shouldn't discuss that.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

If you don't want to discuss that, that is fine with me BUT I think this topic is played out.

edited to say...I did say part of the reason I was happy....done with this thread.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2009 4:11 PM

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

We want to think its in our past, then a NFL star is held at gunpoint in the parking lot of the hospital as his mother-in-law is dying in the car. Too sad. So much prejudice out there.

New Boston, NH

Perhaps it is healthy to openly discuss this issue.A couple years back my family took a vacation to Aruba and our 16 at the time year old daughter befriended a black fellow who worked as a grounds keeper at the hotel.I was VERY( uncomfortable ) for lack of a better word as they went out for evening strools ,I suppose.We left feeling very fond of Ivan.That summer he took a seasonal job at Cape od and came to visit us and as recently as last week he called the house for Victoria who now at 21 dates a loafer no job never had a license etc etc we hope and pray this will pass also but I would MUCH rather her be seeing Ivan.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Good story. I appreciate your honesty!

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