lLime wash to protect fruit trees from borers

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi, I was wondering if someone could direct me to where there is information on how to use a lime wash (how much hydrated lime to how much water and binding agent) to protect my fruit trees from insects. This was very common in years past and I want to try it. We have a lot of insect pests here in Texas! I checked on the internet but most of the information is about lime wash for buildings. Thank you, Ladypearl

Barmera, Australia

I don't know about it being a borer deterent but White wash (Lime wash) is used here at building rates to protect Summer pruned (butchered) trees from sunburn. Particularly citrus and stonefruits.
Regards Brian

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you for that information, Brian. Do you know what the "recipe" is for that white wash (lime wash.) We have a long summer of hot sun here in Texas, too, so I need to protect some trees. One recipe I saw called for mixing 3 pounds of salt with 10 pounds of hydrated lime (disolved in water.) I guess I'm looking for a recipe that doesn't include salt. It just doesn't seem like the best idea to put salt on a tree. Thanks, Ladypearl

Barmera, Australia

Half a Kilogram of Hydrated Lime to one & half litres of water. Mix should be creamy not thin and watery. The above measures do not have to be exact as long as the mix is creamy. Paint on (almost plaster on) with a coarse brush. A couple of Dessert spoons of Alum added to the mix (not essential) helps it stay on longer.
Used to be able to buy White Wash Brushes if you can't you can make your own.
Piece of wood for a handle (Old broom or shovel Handle) get some sisal rope and fold into loops about a foot long, then bind to handle with more roap or wire twitch, then cut the top of the loops and tease out to form brush.
Regards Brian

This message was edited Mar 19, 2009 12:02 AM

Barmera, Australia

Perhaps the salt in your recipe took the place of Alum.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi Brian,
Thank you so much for answering; this sounds like it will work for me. I'm trying to get all the fruit trees done before summer sets in. We have some sisal rope around here someplace (garage, maybe) so I'll fix up one of those brushes too. Thank you again! LadyPearl

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