The Mystery Tree's BIG Neighbor

Raleigh, NC

This is a tree I worry about. Its located in the last vacant patch of land in an urban area with lots of growth. Hoping if they ever build here, they will be behind it.

Thumbnail by yotedog
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Looks like a oak to me but I need to see a leaf from it.

Hows King Kong Is he still surviving? LOL


Raleigh, NC

aren't our oaks just glorious. sometimes I take them so for granted, until I see a winter photo of what I walk by in real life every day and am reminded of their beautiful "bones"

I have two large ones in the front yard. one is an oak, possibly a white oak. the other is a sycamore, I think. not sure.

Raleigh, NC

I believe this one is a Willow, is he huge. I so hope he doesn't get bulldozed someday....

Forgot to say, for Lavina, no, King Kong died due to lack of water when my spouse was watching over my plants.....I still love him (the spouse, not King Kong) but sometimes would like to kill him!! Just kidding...

This message was edited Mar 18, 2009 4:42 PM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)



Raleigh, NC

yotedog, don't we have laws protecting the large oaks now? I know Cary enacted some. (you know there's a RU in asheville again? I'm thinking of going.)

LavinaMae - sent you a long dmail/short book. good to see ya girlfriend.

Raleigh, NC

You know, BonJon, someone else mentioned that. I know we have a tree ordinance controlling what percentage of trees you can cut down when you develop a site, but not sure about protecting individual trees, especially if they are on private land. Have to see if anyone out at the arboretum knows.

Raleigh, NC

I believe any over a certain trunk size are very protected. in cary, many places anything over 10 inches in diameter trunk you have to have permission to cut. and I know permits for building have required certain trees have areas around their roots be undisturbed. but my builder in Cary didn't leave enough room around them and that peeved me when a maple that went brilliant scarlet in fall was ailing from it.

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