Is there a "Sticky" for this Forum

Is there a "Sticky" for this forum?
If not, is there any chance some of the resident experts would create one?

I just don't know where to start with this!!!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

I think I put up a kind of sticky thread (lots of references) when I started this but it was never official. I'll work on getting one up. Thanks for asking.

That would be so very helpful, because I want to know everything and don't even know where to start!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)


Are you going to jump in the worm pool with us??


Hi, Juanita!

Well, I have this big compost bin (about 1 cubic metre (so about 9 cubic feet) that has never heated up, but when I was out turning it a week or so ago, I discovered that I have nearly a cubic meter of earthworms!! So I figured I ought to try to learn something about this!


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Ah Ha!! Well I know nothing about an outside bin. I only have an inside worm tower to collect the "poo" from. Although, I have to say, and I will probably get shot for this, I'm not too sure what all the fuss is about. I have been vermicomposting for almost 2 years now. I've been doing some "clinical trials" on growing things with soil that has been amended with worm castings and some without. So far, the things planted in regular potting soil and fed with seaweed fertilizer are faring just as well or better than the ones with the worm castings in them.

The inside bins are a lot of work to keep up with especially when it is time to harvest all the goodies. I'm not sure how much longer I will continue the grand experiment of vermicomposting at this rate. It really annoys my husband to have the worms in the garage.

Just my two cents worth for anyone that is considering this as a way of reaping the benefits of a good fertilizer from the break down of your kitchen waste.


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