Iris help, please

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

I have several types of dwarf Iris - the only one I know the name of is Iris cristata. I have them planted in a woodland area that gets morning sun. The soil is humusy & moist. They send up a few leaves every year (I planted them about 3 years ago), but they don't get bigger, and have never bloomed. Do they need more sun? Any other suggestions. I appreciate any help. Thanks, Samantha

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, they need more sun, they need at least 6-8 hrs of sun. If they are not getting bigger, is the mother rhizome/bulb rotting? Be careful of too much moisture.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, cat I will dig them up & see. If there are rotting places, do I cut them off? Then what? I do have a sunnier place to put them. They are planted pretty shallow - is that right? Thanks for all your help! Samantha

Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

The exception there is Iris cristata, which is a native woodland species. You probably don't want to move those into full sun, the current location sounds about perfect actually. I think they can take a few years to settle in and start blooming, at least they did for me.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Iris cristata is probably fine but should probably be at the edge of the woodland to get a little more sun, also it likes dry woodlands so if you want to raise it above the rest of the area to help it stay dryer is good.
Here is SIGNA's data base info on it

If the others are bearded Iris they need better drainage and at least 6 hours of sun.


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