06 degrees plus today in 5a

Delaware, OH

finally some good weather. spent hours pushing aside mulch to look at tiny shoots. didn't start any pruning, but if this weather keeps up will do so in a few days. recovered most of the ground level action loosely with some of the decayed leaves that provided heavier covering all winter. been fooled too many times this time of year, but we are on our way it seems!
re-marking "permanent" ink that has faded and putting markers in from last fall's planting is about done. somehow i couldn't let the season start without making sure they are labeled as well as can be. of course i have some question marks from lost and faded labels, but that's part of the fun, no?
lots of action out there for sure on vines and at ground level. encouraging.
soon we will be in the swing of it. for those of you outside in a warmer zone we won't be jealous that much longer.
bring it on mr. weatherman!

(Zone 4a)

Well I am glad you are having some good weather too! Looks like it must be going around. Our weather this whole week is suppose to be gorgeous....however still too soon to see anything growing yet. The most I can hope for is to see this snow melt! LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

sorry you still have snow dawn. we have been green on the ground for about a month,but very cold. this is the first real springish weather.
this too shall pass.....
we will get cold snaps and be in twenties at night off an don for a few more weeks.
and hopefully lots of rain this spring. it is actually dry out there. i went to the nursery to get some grass seed and they were watering everything.

(Zone 4a)

Hehehe thanks for your sympathies....I have to admit I am REALLY tired of the snow now. Hopefully most of it will be gone by the end of the week with these above zero temps.....I can hope right? Our nurseries aren't even open yet LOL....you are luck to be able to go to one now hehehe.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Isn't spring wonderful after the long harsh winter? I got out just before the big rain we just had and got all my trees and shrubs fertilized (we got almost 5 inches). It did the few things I have in the garden wonders. Potatoes are jumping out of the ground and the cabbage and lettuce are putting on new leaves like crazy. My clematis are all up about two feet high (a couple have buds), day lilies are nice and tall and several flowers are blooming. We have several types of flowering trees out too. I'm sure y'all won't be far behind now :-} All this gorgeous weather just really improves your whole attitude, doesn't it? Glad you're getting some pretty weather CG and Dawn, hopefully yours is on the way.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

good for you CG. I can't imagine the weather you guys get up that way. I know it must be sooo nice! Those clems will be looking for you soon.

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