Sweet Peas & Spring Cleanup

Stamford, CT

Every St. Patrick's Day I plant sweet pea seeds to ensure good luck all year long. This year I may plant double my normal batch! I highly suggest it. http://www.abbyjenkins.com check out a cute idea to start this tradition with your favorite gardeners.

Started clearing some of the leaves and mulch off of my new garden bed today. SO exciting!!! The solomon's seal is starting to pop up, snowdrops nodding in agreement that the crocus are gorgeous and in full form. I love spring!

Tempted to rake off all the leaves but have to control myself. When is it safe to unearth perennial beds?

Thumbnail by abbyday
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Cute... I'm leaving a little leaf mulch till I know we won't be having anymore heavy frosts.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Hi Abby! I love Sweet Peas, too - what a great idea! What zone are you in? I also enjoyed your blog - the recipes, Sam Shepherd, the Guinness (wish I had one now!), and the little people photos. I blog too - mostly about vintage stuff, but feel free to stop on by! My Secret Garden at www.suelovescherries.blogspot.com

This message was edited Mar 23, 2009 2:56 PM

Fix the link take out the ) out

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