CLOSED: Free Seeds for Newbies

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

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New Thread with directions. Maybe it will be a little clearer. If not please feel free to Dmail me with questions.

Hi, some of us "oldies" would like to share our seeds with those of you new to Dave's. By new, we mean you joined in the last 8 months and are a PAYING member.
Send me a SASBE (Self addressed, stamped bubble envelope) and we'll send you 10 packets of seeds. (Usually more, depends on our stash) That's all there is to it. Let us know you are sending your envy. Just Dmail me with sent envie today in the subject. You will get a good variety of good seeds.

If you can, stick a note in your envy and tell me they types of things you like. Veggies and Flowers, some seeds you are looking for, stuff like that. It will help me fill your envy. I can't always get just what you ask for, but will try.

Send 5 stamps and an address label with your name on it.
4 of the stamps will go back on your return envy, the extra will go into the "pot" I don't use it for personal use, but it helps when some mail comes with postage due and when the "oldies" send boxes of seeds sometimes there is postage due.
Best thing to do is just send me an empty bubble envy with your label and stamps inside. I can use that same envy to send your seeds back. Saves that envy!!
Also, if you will scotch tape the envy to send to me, I can use the self adhesive and won't destroy your envy pulling them open when I get them. That stuff is "tuff" and I end up with mangled envy's going back to you

Please make sure you put enough stamps on your envelope you send to me. An empty bubble envy is at least 84 cents, so two stamps. If you are sending seeds, it's more of course.


I am in the address exchange, so you know where to send the envy. If you can't find it, just d mail and I'll shoot it right to you. At the top of your home page, you'll see the link "EXTRA'S" ,Go into that link, scroll down and you'll see the address exchange this goes to the exchange you have to add yourself to the exchange then you can get my address.

Oldies! lol If you would like to donate seeds, it would be great.!! I know how much I loved it when I was new and someone sent me seeds to get me started. Now I want to pay it forward and maybe you would too.

For those of you who would like to help the newbies, but just don't have a lot of seed, if you would like to trade for seeds, that is great as well. Send seeds for the newbies and I will send you the same amount back. Put a note in with your DG name and let me know what you are looking for also.
Happy Gardening Everyone,

This message was edited Mar 17, 2009 5:23 AM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2009 1:52 PM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2009 1:52 PM

Thumbnail by arejay59
Coushatta, LA

Robin,do you still have my envelope this i mailed to Mrs.Lorraine.How long you think it will be before i get them?

Mrs.Lorraine,i hope you are feeling better.


( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Oh Robin,
I forgot to ask. Did he put enough stamps in the envie? I did not have enough, so he was supposed to add some to the envie for me. If not I cab drop a couple of more to you. Please just let me know!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I cant tell you for sure. I can always use a couple of stamps. I hear sometimes things will get to me with not enough or maybe none soand amerg fund of stamps is good. That is what the extra one is used for.

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Ok, I will send some extra, I think I have several 37cent stamps, if that would help too?
I have had those stamps for a very very long time,,,lol

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just send the ones you don't use. I can add them to others.Sometimes the envelopes ...well so far anyway ...are just to big so I cut them down to size use it for more than one persons seeds and put odd amounts of postage to use up what is there. A penny saved. Right?

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

will send out tomarrow!! I may not have any plants or seeds, but I have stamps!!!!!
Same adress as before?


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes same one. Thank You. That is how it works. Pay it forward, trickle down. Its great fun.

London, United Kingdom

Hi Robin,
Thanks for the D.Mail, I will add my details to the address file, but I am in Great Britain so how does that work with seeds and stamps, is there a separate scheme over here? Thanks for the welcome, feel like part of the family already.

Thumbnail by hostamad
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Tony,
That is a good question. I wish I had the answer!! If there is anyone lurking that does know the answer feel free to jump in here. I am doing the reading on sendign to other countries. I must have overlooked that you were in London. Sorry, as soon as I figure it out I will forward to you. If you find information that would help please let me know.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, you might want to check with JonnaSudenius, Tuinkabouter, and Potagere. None are British Isles but they do trade seeds from Europe. The last time I did an overseas trade I used a regular envelope first class with a little extra padding. The parcel price was too much to make it worth while. The post office has been erratic in their imposition of parcel prices on bubble envelopes, but I did have one returned for postage because it was over 1/4 inch thick. Once when I took an envelope to the PO window they made me fill out a customs form.

You might want to check out this thread as well.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Z

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for LMK the seeds arrived! I knew I wouldn't be able to do any more SASE offers for a couple of weeks, so I'm glad I had a place to send those extra packets. I hope you'll have some folks interested in hot peppers... they make great additions to landscape beds as well as veggie gardens; chile peppers especially can be so ornamental! (and woe betide the bunny who takes a bite of one, heh heh)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Lol I am positive their will be some pepper takers someplace!! It is a nice addition to the box Great tomato seeds too Critter. Beware bunnies!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have a bunny that could sure use a taste of that...Should I put out a 'present' for it to eat? Muahaha.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

oh I love peppers, & ornamentals too . Not really a "vegetable" Gardener(space & health, but love anything that can go in patio pots cherry tom, sm peppers, etc. Does the bubble envy have to be one of those tiny ones? I get lots from the VA with my meds, that maybe you could use if I forwarded some?? I need to get mine sent B4 I fall out of the "newbie" category ^_^

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Sheri those envies are fine. Send a note in your envie to remind me that you want some of critters peppers!!

London, United Kingdom

Thanks Robin,
are there enough members over here to run our own welcome scheme, must be worth looking at??? Already having great fun on various forums, really glad I joined.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well Tony ,
I don't know that's a great question. Are you volunteering? I will see if I can find out how many there are that would be easier for you to mail to.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Tony this is the member list. By Countries at the bottom take a look let me know what you think.

Mathews, VA

I'm a newbie to Daves Garden & wanted to say thank you for the D-MAIL arejay59!
I've been doing alot of reading lately on here, that's why I posted late. I'm glad to be part of the Family! Thanks.

This message was edited Mar 19, 2009 3:48 PM

London, United Kingdom

Thanks for the info Robin, I am in catering so at the moment it would be impossible, but I retire in two years so if no-one has taken up the batton and there is interest I would be delighted. Keep me in mind!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Brug,
You are welcome.We look forward to gardening with you.
We will keep your name at the top of the list!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Robin
Letting you know I received my seeds today. Thank you very much everyone who donated the seeds. I can't wait to see what the ones I don't know look like.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Mindy,
You are welcome. You can find most of what you got in the plantfiles. Here

Santa Clara, CA

Hi Robin,
Total newb here. Thanks for the welcome dmail. I have a question but I'm not sure where to post.

I would like to trade seeds or get some. There are some really good offers that I would like to participate in. However, the only seed I have to offer are leftovers from commercial packets that I've bought over the years. Should I list those among my "have" list with a note indicating that? Are there people willing to trade for that? I guess I could send out dmails to those people and ask. Thought I'd post because I've been reading the trading primers and I'm too lazy and loopy to search through all the forums. I'm sure it's been asked before...


ps Awaiting the seed packet with fiendish delight. I hope I sent the bubble envie with stamps and address correctly...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

nolansland, yes you can list them but put on there that they are left overs and so forth . You might just do trades on them for a SASE and list that you aren't sure of viability of them.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Patty,Hi Flower,
Yes as Flower said just tag them as commercial that is all. I have traded for commercial seeds and with commercial seeds. There are also people that belong to groups that collect for other people like community gardens that you run into they are always willing to trade for commercial seeds. Or in my experience they have been. Then like flower says whatever you have left offer them up for SASE or save them for the newbies!!
Loved the envies they help because some of the envelopes that are prepacked have large amounts of seed that I can split up and spread around with the envies you supplied.
Thanks again

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Patty,

Some people prefer the commercial seeds because they are more likely to grow "true to type" where home garden seeds are more likely to have cross-pollinated. As far as older seeds are concerned, be sure to say what year the seeds are packaged for, if you know. Some seeds will be viable for many years and some will only last a season or two, or their germination rate might be less than fresh seeds.

I think you will find almost everyone here receptive and helpful.

Happy Gardening, Z

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)


A little off-topic, but what kind of petunia is in the picture of your first post in this thread? Really beautiful!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Not at all off topic newbie thread new questions...they go together. Thank you I like them it is one of the wave petunias. THe tage is in the bucket in the more than foot of snow so I cant tell you exactly yet , but I know its a wave. Saved a few seed will see if the germinate or come true I will send you a few if they work. Remind me in a couple of months.

Machesney Park, IL

Hi everyone, I haven`t posted for a while, Does anyone know if hosta will grow from seeds, If so, do I collect the seeds from the flower? Hope that`s not a stupid question. How is Lorraine? Thanks Deb

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

zinna I received some Hosta seeds from maozamom. I have 80+ baby Hostas..She would be able to tell you about how to save seeds..

I also received some Candy lily seeds from makshi ..I have 15 babies so for, they just started..Had them in frig for awhile

I wasn't expecting this good luck..

Just call me Daddy..LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes hosta will grow from seed I have some right now I need to get potted up,but the only thing is that they say that they don't come out true to the parent plant in most cases. Yes collect the seed fron the flower after is starts drying out. Let them dry as much as possible on the stem but watch that they don't start falling or you won't catch any.

Santa Clara, CA

I got the seeds this weekend! Fantastic, what a great variety. I started the tomato and pepper ones already and a few of the flowers. The others will have to wait until after tax season...sigh. Thanks to Robin et al (donors).

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Glad you liked them. I am sure there were many more donors just no names on the envies!!
Al I got your package yesterday too just like Santa you are!!

Ashley, IL

Robin I'm so excited about the free seeds. I'll let you know when I get the envy and stamps, and put them in mail. Thank you and all members. .TinyRose

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Tiny Rose,
I will be watching for your envie. Put a note in it with your DG name and what you would like to have. OK?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, Robin. I'm a new paying member (YEAH!!) and will be sending an envy soon for some seeds. I'm lucky to have several growing seasons here in Phoenix.

On a side note, where is Litchfield? I was born and raised in the great state of Maine (Caribou - waaaaayyyyy up North), but can't picture Litchfield without consulting a map - lol.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Caribou that is wayyyy up north. I am 1 hour North of Portland. Will be watching for your envie.

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