Free Tomato Seeds + Help for FFA

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I posted this on the tomato forum and was told it might do well here also...

While you might not want the seeds, you can always give them away to a friend, neighbor or your local FFA or extension office, the big plus is that for every label they are donating seeds to National Future Farmers of America!

If you need soup codes let me know I have several cans

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I could use a code. I only have store brand soup in the pantry.

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

If possible may I use one of your soup codes?

Thanks you

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Could I have a code too.
I am out of soup,,lol,,

Orlando, FL

I have a ton of soup....but not 2 cans of the same it kept telling me my codes could not be used...haha...go figure. Thanks for the link...I am sure it is a good thing.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

The codes are all on one can..not two If you look on the bottom of a soup can look to your left you should see on the second line a two letter this is code one (or at least on all of mine) then in the middle stamped in very large print two more letters/numbers this is code two. Next to the code buttons on the site they have a What Is this click that and they show you an example.

Code 1: CT
Code 2 HY
Soup: Cream of Broccoli

Code 1: CT
Code 2: 7U
Soup: Cream of Celery

Code 1: CT
Code 2: 2M
Soup: Cream of Celery

Code 1: CT
Code 2: YL
Soup: Tomato

Code1: P4
Code 2: 2P
Soup: Cream of Chicken

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My seeds are on the way and I have clicked twice. Thanks for the code. I will mark this thread as unread so it will remind me everday to click.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks for sharing, can always use seeds, I'll share these at the food pantry.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

no, thank you I'm not a country girl and was never in the FFA but now that I've been "bitten" by the bug it's a very important part of my life that I think I'd have enjoyed as a kid. It would have been a learning experience then and would have fulfilled a huge gap I had as a teen. So I think it's neat to support them now...

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

still clicking daily:-)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

me2, it says it can take up to 8 weeks for the seeds to arrive, so they will have to be for next year, it's planting time now.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm still clicking away.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am still clicking everyday but I have yet to get my seeds. Have any of you gotten any yet?

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

It said 6-8 weeks, I don't expect them in time for planting this year.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I didn't think much about it. I have become such a seed addict I just WANTED them. LOL I have lots of new maters I'll be trying this year. Haven't planted any seeds yet.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Do you start you tomatoes inside? I have no luck starting them in the ground. I love growing from seeds, so many plants for such little cost. Mine are about 6 inches right now, just potted them up to a bigger cup.

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

I filled out info for my seeds on March 14, 2009 and received them today. It does not give the variety, but there is a variety called Campbell's (I'm not saying that is the name). There are at least 25 seeds in the pack.

Don (DEMinPA)

Thumbnail by DEMinPA
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I have mine as well. Funny that they're just 'Campbells' seeds:) Still clicking, too.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It must be a variety they came up with to siut their particular needs. I haven't got mine yet. I will be interested to see how they do.

Yes, I start mine inside. I use a light to keep them from getting leggy. It's my first year using a light and I am very happy with the results. Right now I have blueberry, strawberry and broccoli starts under it.

It is snowing here today and I woke up with a headache.

This message was edited Apr 8, 2009 8:47 PM

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Sorry about the headache, what a pain (groan).

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i clicked and ordered the seeds

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I got my seeds today!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Got my seeds today so I will be able to plant them this season. I'll let you know how they turn out. The seed pack is like art.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Just saw this and ordered my seeds! My kids used to be in FFA, and nieces and nephews, but all are older now, and the gkids not old enough. What a great group though, so anything I can do to help.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We are really marching on toward the goal. Making good progress. Keep clicking!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Received my seeds, will start them this week, just a bit late but they should catch up.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We are really making good progress towards that goal! I'm going to seed my tomatoes today. I'll put a few of these in and see what they do. I am curious to see if they are the type that will all be ripe at the same time.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

It would have been nice to have a bit more information about these seeds, wouldn't it?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

For some reason the site isn't working for me. I can see it but it isn't taking the codes :( Can someone please fill in my info?

Teresa Barrow
460 Harper Rd
Quality, KY 42256


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

It wouldn't let me, it recognized my computer ID and said I already had some.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I haven't gotten it to work the first time :(

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It would have been nice to know more about the variety. I seeded 3 plants last night so I guess I will see.

The site worked for me the first time and I go to it every day to click for the FFA. I wonder what the problem is? Maybe firewall or virus protection? I am far from computer savvy.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

The first seeds I planted did not come up so I have redone them.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, what part of KY is Inez in? Is anyone seed germinating?

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I haven't got it to work either. I've gone & bought a can of their soup in three different stores (3 different kinds) & every time it tells me my code is invalid.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I too had trouble at first and tried several different cans that I had on hand. Then I noticed the part of the instructions that said it had to be a cream soup! So back to the pantry for cream soup. No problems after that :) Someday I might learn how to read! LOL

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am in extreme eastern Ky in the mountains where all the coal fields are located.

I have planted and replanted the seeds and still they have not come up! Is anyone else having any luck?

Mullins, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm still clicking this every day. It's nice to see the clicks away from goal come down!

Haven't had time to start seeds yet still, this will have to be a fall crop I guess.

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