Louisiana peppergrass

Hester, LA(Zone 9a)

I know very well what wild mustard is, but I'm trying to detect our native Louisiana wild peppergrass. I did searches and turns out that there are at least 7 DIFFERENT things called peppergrass in deifferent areas. My momma says she hasn't seen any in a long time, but they use to grow wild in the fields (all the chemicals must be wiping them out), but I know for a fact there still around. She said that when you rubbed it, it burned. Anyways, this is an old-time green that use to be used & was often put in Gumbo Z'herbes (gumbo with 7 greens) that was often ate during lent.

I'm looking for some type of positive identification where I can actuaally pick this and not get thoe wrong thing & end up poisoning myself or anything.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I found this link for you, scroll to the bottom, there are pictures.

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