GH and neighbors

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

This is making me laugh. Neighbors I rarely see have shown up to see my new greenhouse, and one brought green pepper seeds for me to start for her! I barely know the woman, she lives all the way at the other end of the street, I wave when she drives by. Thankfully I thought to ask her how many plants she put in last year, she only needs a few. I told her the rest would be shared in the neighborhood and with the food pantry at church. She sputtered a bit, but finally said okay. I think I'm going to sell extras at the end of my driveway to cover my costs, I'll have lots of extra tomato plants, too. Bless her heart, she has guts.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Perfect opportunity to ask her for some help, no? As in, "If I'm going to be starting seeds for you why don't you give me a hand with my veggies at repotting time." Maybe she needs to know that the greenhouse doesn't grow things automatically. Might send a message that there's no free lunch - and no free plant starts...

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Not a bad idea, I'll have to get to know her better before I invite her into my special place. After years of working in a frantic office with lots stress, I like to be alone a lot.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I don't blame you. A greenhouse can be like a sanctuary. But admitting her for specific and well-defined tasks might work!


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

haha, I was going to use the word sanctuary, but thought it sounded too dramatic, but that is exactly how I feel about my gardens. I'll set her up in the side yard on a table, lol.

Gentry, AR

good idea "greenhousegal" but cathy4 be careful she isn't the type that will make her self at home and and be there 24/7. i have had that problem before.
and i know what you mean about everyone and his dog showing up when you put up a greenhouse. as i'm putting mine up "next to a hwy" everyone stops and asks questions. some even ask what type of plants i have for sale, and the greenhouse isn't even got the plastic on have fun with the new greenhouse cathy4 and "WHERE ARE THE PICS" LOL "whitebear"

Gentry, AR

sorry for yelling cathy4 but you know i'm a pics junky ,lol

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

bear, it has been colder than you know what this last week, so no pics. If I get in hubby's face with a camera, I might not get a finished house. I did get 8 five gallon buckets filled with water on the south wall, and one shelf above them to get started with cool weather crops. It is amazing how warm it gets even with a hole in the roof (vent window not in yet) and the doors open.

I have several trays of seedlings in the house, once I get a thermometer that will tell me the night time temp, I'll move them if it is safe. I don't have a small heater yet, but we are getting close to where we won't have long freezing periods at night.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Did you yell? Didn't hear it, haha.

Hopefully I'll get my rain gutters up this weekend (inside) to grow salad stuff. On that note, I'd better get back outside and say words of encouragement.

Gentry, AR

ok cathy2 have fun and i'll be patient. "whitebear"

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

It is amazing how warm it gets even with a hole in the roof (vent window not in yet) and the doors open.


The roof vents should have been installed during the roof assembly. How are you going to get them in now?

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

The vent was broken when it arrived. Hubby left the trim off in that section, the frame lifts right out, no problem.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Cathy, I think you handled it very well with your neighbor. I feel like you do though about the greenhouse and garden being your sanctuary, so I personally would probably not ask her to help in exchange for you growing the seeds. Maybe later, after you got to know her a bit and if you really hit it off with her.

Rapid City, SD(Zone 4b)

Cathy... I love to paint, and made a cute sign that is on my garden gate that reads.

Trespassers will be composted! Maybe you need one yourself.. LOL

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I love it!

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