Tips & Tricks Contest - And the Winner Is ...

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)


Here's a quick, easy and econimical hanging planter. You will need an empty gallon jug, something to cut with, a hole punch, a square of lanscape cloth or similiar material about 4' x 4" and a pants clothes hanger ( one with a cardboard tube ) Cut the bottom off the jug. Make a slit about 1 1/2" long up each corner. Turn the edges down. On opposing sides, punch a hole in the center of the flap through both layers. Remove the cardboard tube from the hanger and thread the ends through the holes in the jug. Place square of material inside the jug over the spout. This will keep the soil in and still allow drainage. Fill your container with soil of your choice, plant and hang. I plant my cucumbers in them to save room in my small garden space.

Congrats, Cheryl! I see you're in the addy. I'll get your seeds off today.

Thanks to all for participating.


Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Congratulations from me too!

It was sure hard to pick who to vote for; there were at least four entries I almost voted for...... and I certainly will use the techniques!

Great idea, X, thanks for doing this. ;-) -- Kyla

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Congrats Cajun. That was a really nify idea and already I gettign folsk to save me soem jugs.

Thanks X for holdign the contest it was fun to learn so many new things. Appreciate ya! : )

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

congrats cajun, I am thrilled to see someone recycle for plants of any kind! Debra

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

CONGRATULATIONS CajuninKy, wonderful idea!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Glad Ya'll liked it. Was fun for me too.


Raleigh, NC

Great idea for a thread, Xeramtheum--now think of some more, that was fun!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I just checked in and found out I won! I am so thrilled and glad I could participate. It was lots of fun and there were so many great ideas. I know I will be using some of them. Thanks X for sponsoring the contest.

Ripley, MS

Congratulations--that was a fun game
Thanks for having it

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Congrats Cajun!!

Thanks X That was fun!!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

congratulations cajun!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved them all!!!!!!!!!!!
X this was fun thxs so much!!!!!!!!!!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I got the seeds today. I got excited all over again. I've been telling my friends about my good luck. You'd think I had won the Nobel Prize. LOL Thanks again for sponsoring the contest. It made my week.

Here's a flower for you. It's some kind of wild flower that grows all over here. The farm is full of them.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

WOW Cajun, that flower is awsome.. save me some dead heads! LOL ( I love wild flowers)
I want to have a contest.. I have some great things for a prize.. I have to think on this .. I don't know how to do the bold type and all the link here for voting and stuff.

Raleigh, NC

Don't worry about the bold type--we can figure it out. And to vote, just start a separate voting thread. Hey, how's Derby? I am a Derby Senior High School graduate. (Well, kinda've, I'm quite beyond that age, but it is written on my high school diploma, and I did go there my last year of high school. Haven't been back in years...)

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Cajun, those seeds aren't just any old seeds. If you don't want to use them they will make good trading currency. Look each up in plant files and see who wants them then check their trading list and see if there is anything you want.


This message was edited Mar 19, 2009 9:10 AM

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I was thinking that very thing. Great minds think alike. LOL I have very limited space for growing and I have it all devoted to edibles now with the economy and the food safety issues. I can grow a few flowers in containers so I will check out my seeds from the contest. If I can trade some of them for seeds for a fall crop, the contest will have contributed to feeding my family. That's a really nice thought.

I do have some dead heads from those wild flowers. But they are still attached to all the stems. I was thinking I might be able to trade with them but I don't know what they are yet.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I would trade some vege seeds for a couple of those wild flowers.. ;D Derby, kansas has grown since we moved here 22 years ago.. there is almost a whole city of wichita here now..

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Cajun if your interested in trading off the MG seeds I have some 'Thessaloniki' tomato seeds I can trade!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

You have a Dmail.

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