Use #??? for Coffee Grounds

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I have had the devil of a time with my labrador, Thelma, and the asparagus bed: every time I lay down chicken manure (well mature and dry...from a bag) she comes along...later when i am not looking...and she eats it. There is nothing better to her than some good old chickenpoop. Almost as good as Avocados!

Well...put a layer of Coffee Grounds on that chickenpoop and it goes untouched!!!! I tell is GREAT! This is a dog that eats anything and everything...yes, oranges and broccoli...and she leaves the chickenpoop untouched when covered with coffee grounds...and it doesn't even have to be a solid coverage!!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That is fantastic!!! I have held off getting manure (Llamas make great "dog treats" ) for the same problem. I'll get some and do a test 'plot' ! Thanks!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Same problem here - My Ridgeback was sneaking up to the truck while I was busy carting away the wheelbarrow full of fresh horse manure; she would wait until I was preoccupied & then snag a nugget with shark-like speed. It got to the point of "Who Will Win?"
I cannot cover with coffee grounds - she hovers while I pour out bags from Starbucks, and steals the pressed rounds. Apparently, I have been living in the land of ignorance regarding the delectability of manure nuggets & spent grounds, and now she has enlightened me.
The folks I know that own horses say their dogs love the manure; one, whose wife is a vet, says it won't hurt them. If a large quantity is consumed, they'd probably get a tummy ache & manifest diarrhea. Moderation in all things! oy.....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

too funny. I'm sure glad to know it isn't very harmful.- the manure- I am not sure about the coffee being OK.--caffeine traces?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

No on the caffeine. Well, that's what the worms claim...
And brewing renders spent grounds neutral.

I think they are categorized as "Smell-good" by the dogs, and that's where the interest starts.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I guess Thelma isn't the biggest garbage hound in the world....!!! She will generally scarf down Horse Cookies (AND Kitty Cookies) and anything with Chicken Manure (even when mixed with commercial ferts) and gets the worst gas!!!! I guess I am lucky she isn't a coffee nut!! I was told by someone sometime (the memory that it is the salts in the "other" animals manure they like...minerals they may lack. Then again....greed and gluttony play a role too!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I had a golden who ate his own poop, then he'd come in and try to kiss us.

My collie ate a whoe stack of PVC pipes. Another time it was a whole rose bush- canes, thorns, and all. Once he ate my Mother's stockings, needed emergency abdominal surgery after they obstructed the outlet to his stomach.

There are a lot of really dumb and gross dogs running around this world. Good thing they're so darned cute.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

No accounting for

Oakley, CA(Zone 8b)

I love reading your stories about dogs and coffee grounds. My dog doesn't even like to walk in compost because she is to high maintenance, but that doesn't stop her from eating the neighborhoods cat poops, yuck. She has also eatten a whole corn cob and pooped it out a month later, which came out whole. That had to of hurt, yikes... I used to make candles and she ate the candle wax, but not the frargrance candles. She pooped what looked like white soft serve ice cream. It pratically glowed in the dark and stayed for over a year. It was a wax poo. She also ate a bag of valentine wrapped 3 Muskateer Bars and had psychadelic poop. The one bad thing she ate was old macarooni salad. She ended up with ecoli, but she is ok now. Animals are crazy, but you gotta love them.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

LOL !!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

OMG,this is a hoot ,almost makes me glad we dont have a dog anymore. Nelson nelson was his name the best dog in the world,miss him soo much !!!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7a)

I recently moved to a new neighborhood where I see coyotes frequently in the early morning hours. And every morning for a month the newspaper was almost ruined from canine tooth marks. I guess if you're a dog you'd ask for a newspaper and no coffee in the morning.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

shelbsyd you need to stick a wick in that wax poop your dog made and sell it on ebay. It would be a one of a kind and put the heading
"Here is the poop you get the person who just think they have everything. ROTFLOL

I have always wondered and have never founf the answer..When a dog is sniffing around to take a poop do they have to find a place that smells good and make it smell bad? Or do they find a place that smells bad and make it smell worse? Guess I will never know. rotflol

I did read it is bad for a dog to eat it's own. They recommend putting one of those plastic cones on it's neck to keep it from eating it. They are my two little cuties but they like to eat the cats poop. and if a big tree roach comes in (they are usually dying from the spray. My Princess Daschund has to roll upside down on it and wiggle her back all over it. She looks funny how she does it but it is also gross what she is doing it to. Is it Ode' de Roache' parfum?

Orlando, FL

Starbucks gives away spent coffe grounds if anyone wants some.....just a thought!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ecopepper--It's a good thought!

You may find that different stores have different ways of dealing with it though, depending on customer demand and employee interest.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I've never found a Starbucks around here that saves grounds for gardeners. They just say "we don't do that".

This is a little local coffee shop near my house that saves grounds for me though. I supply the 5 gallon buckets and make it easy for them.


San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Next time your local Starbucks says "we don't do that" when you ask for spent coffee grounds, you might mention to them that the Starbucks corporate policy of social responsibility program includes a program called "Grounds for your Garden" where they make the spent grounds freely available to the public for garden use. If they don't have any packaged up, they are supposed to give you the spent grounds they have on hand or let you know when you can pick them up.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Good on ya, GM...glad you posted that! There are coffee grounds wars over here...Starbucks is busy!!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Unfortunately according to Starbucks Corporate office ...
Hello [name removed for privacy],

Thank you for your interest in the Starbucks Grounds for your Garden program.

Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our business. For this reason we established the Grounds for Your Garden program. Coffee grounds, mixed with other materials, are an excellent source of nutrition for soil. For more information about composting and the Grounds for Your Garden program, please visit

At a typical Starbucks store, coffee grounds make up more than a third of the waste stream by weight. That's why we introduced this program in North America in 1995. We offer complimentary five-pound (2.27-kilogram) bags of used coffee grounds to customers to use as a nutrient additive to their soil. The program has spread to a variety of locations including Chile , Greece , Australia , Hong Kong , Canada , the UK and Korea . Please also visit for more information about our environmental practices.

Please feel free to check with the manager at your local Starbucks to see if the store participates in the Grounds for Your Garden program.

Thank you for contacting Starbucks Coffee Company.


[name removed for privacy]
Starbucks Customer Relations

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This message was edited Jul 4, 2009 7:50 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

At 'my' store they bypass the repackaging and will just pull out a huge bag from the trash can and give you whatever has accumulated since last dump or pickup. Works for me, plus you can score two huge trash bags. Sometimes so heavy the guy had to load it for me, which he did cheerfully, and a tip doesn't hurt our gardening image in their eyes.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Amen - same here!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Same here! I also bring them loads of flowers from the garden everytime I go in....They know me now!!


Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

oh Carol - you are very kind to your Baristas!
How's everything out your side of the island?

Plano, TX

same here--if they haven't emptied the trash can of grounds they will carry them to the car for me! i have not been good about going lately tho--kind of forgot! they told me that when i come in and take the whole trash bag full it makes it easier for them-they don't have to bag it up for gardens or empty it outside

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sunny and hot today...upper 70s, trade winds blowing - mosquitos out in roaming bands of thugs and it is GREAT!!!!


How's you?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

90° with a north breeze, and those mosquitoes have thug relatives here, ready to descend in a couple hours. Watering all day long - I have planted the last of my pot ghetto except for the Lemon Grass & Horseradish. Did all the weedeating & finished mowing this morning - so glad i had that extra cuppa joe. Cool shower & the dogs & I will enjoy a leisurely evening until the neighbours start the fireworks. That's when I'll have that glass of wine I deserve!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Just talked to my son in Bellingham...said it has been hot, sunny and beautiful! If you have any extra horseradish this fall I'll trade you for something...I LOVE horseradish!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Carol= good idea, to take flowers!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Ok - I hear its prolific, so I decided to exercise caution & put it in a container.
Fireworks are getting radical & the dogs are not sure about the noise.
The glass of wine is calling.

Cleburne, TX(Zone 8a)

Got a few laughs reading through this thread. We have miniature donkeys and our dogs think "donkey donuts" are the greatest treat. But since they are house dogs, we try our best not to let them get to them.

Question: I have a source for coffee grounds and they asked if I wanted the tea too. Does anyone use tea grounds in compost? Haven't seen mention of it.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I throw my used teabags under the Gardenias... figure it might be a good acidifier. Don't know if it acidifies or not...but I put EVERYthing in my compost. I would definitely put tealeaves. Hmmmm maybe I should switch to loose tea!!!!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Tea leaves here, and yes - anything like that can go in your compost.
Really nice to have a source like that!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Donkey donuts! ha ha ha
Yes tea is great

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

HAHA Last two posts: I grew up in Ann Arundel Cty ... and we moved here from Washington State. Isn't it a tiny world?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

NO WAY! Want to do a house-swap? LOL

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks, Sally...I like it here just fine!!! lol

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh well, worth a shot. &^ )
Youd be amazed how things have built up lately. Annapolis has become pretty high dollar shopping.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Gosh...I remember running across the street in Annapolis when i was in the 7th grade....down by the Wharf...and my slip (you know, those HUGE crinolins 'they' used to wear) fell down!!! Oh goodness! Annapolis was a little town, back in 50-53 when I lived there too!!! I used to crab on Hospital Point and sell them for 12$ a bushel. I have wonderful memories of Annapolis...long ago. Was confirmed in St. Mary's Epis. Church downtown...

The world IS changing...or is it US?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, I know this little world has changed a lot since 50- 53, but I'm sure you are cute as ever
Dmail me if you want me to blather on about all the new stuff there, otherwise I guess I shouldn't keep filling this thread up.

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