HEELLPPP! SCALE on my Desert Roses!!!

Craryville, NY

Hello all you fellow Adenium lovers. I have a REAL problem...some time ago, scale developed on my two Desert Roses. They share a window with other plants, but those other plants are free. I have scraped away the scale, used Safer's, Scrubbing Bubbles, nothing works! The little suckers (pun intended) just keep coming back...anyone have any idea??? Also, My very young Jatropha has developed some kind of sticky stuff up around the crown, seems to be on short hairs, and the new leaves just keep wilting away as they open to full...what is that about????

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Morrigan, I have the same problem with my adeniums and have found that using a a granular systemic helps immensely. I also hand pick the scale as best I can, and then paint the leaves with Bayer's as a preventive. When the weather finally warms enough, mine all go outdoors, and that - combined with the other treatment - seems to help. I had problems with mealies and scale on other plants this winter, and took someone's advice to enclose the plants inside a garbage bag after (spray) treatment and let them stay that way for a good 24 hours. It may take another treatment within 10 days, but I did notice the pests were gone.

Sorry, can't help with the Jatropha.

Craryville, NY

Thanks Mamacita...what kind of granular systemic do you use? And do you mean Bayer's as in Aspirin????

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Sending you Dmail, Morrigan.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

They wipe off with alcohol on a paper towel

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