Sydney, Australia

p.s. currently making U2 greatest hits CD's. Up to number 3!
Any other fans out there?

steve the pitchers die down in Winter and come back in Spring.No water from above only from the saucer or dish below ...they are more tropical than some of the sun dews. I love U2 ...my favourite I sing it and say it often ...
shelly and colleen pot those angels on as soon as you see the little white roots poking through the drainage holes.
helen your little parrots are popping out lots of little leaves all over so I would say nipping out the tips is the way to go ...and you are right every piece "takes" so long as they are kept a bit damp ...I am loving it! ...stay off the turps ...you have a wedding to attend to.^_^
shelly about those seedlings usually you can gentley transplant the seedlings once they have their second set of leaves. Some are more easily transplanted than others so to prevent shock be gentle and try to get all the little roots.
Please don't laugh at me but ...leisa wow! ...she sent me some lovely little broms ...now sue!!!! jean !!!! I can hear you from here! they are lovely leisa ...now I have to love them too! ha ha ha. Now she also sent me a cute little plant that I have never seen before ...I hope someone might recognise it if leisa will be kind enough to post a picture of it (her pic has flowers) ...thankyou! ^_^
colleen and anyone else who are trying out the angels for the first time ...it's a bit like jack and his magic bean ...last year I planted a little "bean" that was a brugmansia and now this is the result ...there may not be a hen that lays a golden egg up the top of the resulting plant, there are some golden angels.Once you see such rapid growth and then the resulting blooms you will too fall in love with them. (As well as everything else we are already in love with. *smiling*.

Thumbnail by
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hey Budgeiman,
I'm there!! What about some Bryan Adams???
Parrot lady.

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi chrissy100,
Yes, I am being very well behaved!!Mother-of -the-bride & all that. Just can't help myself sometimes??? I potted 2 doz parrot cuttings today, I can't keep up with the demand.
After the wedding I will be at the market with bells on!!LOL!!!
Take Care,

Brisbane, Australia

Ahhhh.... It's finally happened to me - I typed a short novel & now it's just gone poof & disappeared....
The short version...
Jean yummy ginger cake, even the few crumbs left are great!
Cody such lovely flowers - what is the name of the last camelia you posted?
Anyway, I'm off to bed, but before I go here's the pic Chrissy was asking for.. Good night!

Thumbnail by LeisaD

Thanyou leisa! anyone know what this plant is?
before I go to bed here are the most beautiful Broms ...gosh!
Wow it's certainly a wonderful plant! and these are amazing.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Chrissy maybe you can make a new thread with this link in it and see how many of us have bromeliad and how easy they are to grow .......

I've only got one but don't know much about them but these pictures are truely amazing.....I'll have to start collecting ,I can see that......

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I have been having a beautiful time going from one thread to another looking, looking, looking, drooling. The show has been fantastic especially the ocean scenes. The succulents too. The angels are absolutely spectacular. I cant wait for my 2 little buds to come out and then I can see first hand what all you people live with everyday. The cannas are wonderful too and I know that I can grow them here. Oh boy I am having so much fun. My back yard is just crammed full of little plants that I have been growing. My pic is of [I think] Procumbens or Climbing Zinnias. They self-seed and are so bright and cheerful and last for such a long time. The other Zinnias are about 3" high now so will have to find somewhere to put them. Has anyone tried stewed grapes? Brian did some and gave us some to try. They are really delicious. Just like stewed cherries. Well will be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. have to hurry, hubby is waiting . We are off to Mt Gambier today for a change. I love going there. There are nurseries and orphans. I will just leave some nibbles and run. Please excuse the state of the kitchen as someone has left empties and crumbs all over the place and I don't have time to tidy up .. I believe I saw a Helen footprint there along with some others.
Have a great day Enjoy this Apple and Nut Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
townsville, Australia

I am interested to know what the plant is that Leisa has posted, i have lots and lots of it and it is flowering at the moment as well, a very pretty little purple flower.
Jean thanks heaps for the tea, i am feeling a little better today, i would feel much better if i could budge this miserable head ache that comes with this flu. I wish i was hung over lol, i would be over it by now. I hope you enjoy your day in Mt Gambier, make sure you bring home lots and lots of nice things.
Helen i am with you Bryan Adams *very nice* have been a fan for as long as i can remember, i still have a born in the usa record, how sad is that. I am off to collect the mail soon and i hope my parcel is there it will cheer up my day to no end.
Mya wonderful, beautiful, amazing, and WOW your frangi is absolutely devine, i am going to have to get me one. My hubby will not let me put a frangi in the yard (i can have anything else i want) but he hates them, he reckons they are too messy mind you i have planted many a messy thing just to annoy him cause a can't have a frangi lol. i have taken many a cuttings over the years and got them to grow in pots for my sisters or my daughter in law, but i just cant keep them for myself, i have got him to relent as far as letting me have one in a big planter, so i will do that and hope it does ok for a couple of years and if i just happens to end up in the yard these small accidents happen lol. I usually get my own way in the end but this one is just taking me longer to convince him it is his idea.
i had better go and do some work, seeing as how i am behind as i left at lunch time yesterday, Steve are your sharks going to win this weekend against the knights i am undecided with this game.
have a great day all, and thanks for the get well messages, i appreciate them in my sulky miserable mood im an in.

melbourne, Australia


your parcel arrived today. the box was all broken and falling apart and it had written on it " damaged on arrival ". was not happy that my babies had obviously been knocked around. all inside looks pretty good though. all the little parrot flowers were everywhere in the box but i am sure i have identified which ones are the parrots. they look huge compared to my little baby here.

thanks so much for sending me this box of goodies. you didn't have to. i will go out now and lovingly pot them up and look after them.

i cannot thank you enough for your generosity.


Coushatta, LA

Hi Leisa,thanks it is called Giulio Nuccio.That picture is the sport like mutation of it.Well may God bless you all and keep you safe.

This is the shurb it came off of.

Good Night,Cody

This message was edited Mar 19, 2009 12:19 AM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
barmera, Australia

Dakota is going to see if he can find out who's drinking all the wine, and leaving all the crumbs.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Cody, that is a wonderful pic. I that snow or frost on the bush or just the sun reflecting?

se qld, Australia

Dokota won't be talking! I may have happened to mention that I have a good recipe for cooking galah ......

Coushatta, LA

Thanks Colleen,it is the sun reflecting.Plus i use my son kidizoom camera,it don't take that good of picture sometimes.

Everyone Good Night and Stay Safe.


townsville, Australia

Cody what a lovely photo, the flowers are beautiful.
Gardengal, i too have a great recipe for cooking galah, i would like it to be mine, Colleen your Dakota looks much more pleasant than mine, we have had her for 19 years and for 19 years i have fed her and cleaned her cage and talked to her but she still tries to eat me, she is, and always has been in LOVE with my husband and she hates any one that goes near him, including the kids when they were younger, me, the dog when she was still with us, the cats. Charlie (the galah) has no fear she attemps to, or has attempted to at one time or another, mutilate any humans or creatures that my hubby even talks to, she is one extroardinarily jealous bird. I threaten her constantly with galah stew lol. I have been told that they live for 80 to 90 years, so i only have 70 more years left of her temper tantrums lol.
its nearly go home time, i have to go bowling tonight, hopefully a bit better than i have bowled in the last couple of weeks, i have been in a rut, i ten pin bowl every thursday night, i am still not well but unfortunately i can not get out of it as half my team is away.
Have a wonderful evening everyone, Jean i hope you found lots of great stuff on your day out.

melbourne, Australia

helen - have just finished potting up all my new babies. those parrots are about 10times bigger than my other little baby. i have put the little one right near the other ones to encourage him to grow, grow, grow. the succulents are lovely. i especially like the purply colour one. i have two wheelbarrows that i am filling with succulents so will wait until they take root and then put them in their with some others i have.

what is the really tall two that you sent? i have put them straight in the garden. i hope i have chosen the right spot :)

i also repotted my four angel cuttings. boy do they grow roots! they are in my biggest pots now so i am hoping that they are happy in there. the snails have had a feed of two. i am so sick of these snails here. have to resort to snail bait i think. didn't want to but don't have a choice. going to go and buy some tomorrow unless someone knows a natural way to get rid of them. they are eating all my little seedlings and the angels are the last resort for me.

must go and feed all the animals and get dinner on the table. it was a lovely day here today -quite warm and meant to be getting warmer over the next two days.

shelly xx

barmera, Australia

Aw, Gardengal I wouldn't cook the galahs. I can't even kill my roosters. They're all pets to me. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Shelly to4kids. Please don't use snail bait. just get some common old sawdust and spread around the plants and that will keep the little blighters away. The succulent pieces could have been planted straight into the wheelbarrows if you'd wanted to. The ones you sent me went straight into the rockery and they look fine. They are pretty adaptable. How are all the bits going that I sent? Shelly,Q, my galahs bite too. I have heard of animals of the opposite sex being very possessive.Maybe you should get her a mate, then she might thank you for it. Colleen

townsville, Australia

Colleen i tried about seven years ago, i bought her what i thought was a very handsome galah, but she nearly killed him, so $100.00 for the bird, $270.00 dollars at the vet, $60.00 add in the paper for a giveaway male galah, later, i gave up lol. And Gardengal i would not stew her either, i may threaten alot especially when she draws blood, but i would not actually do it.
Shelly if you want to kill your snails humanely, just cut a plastic jar in half, dig a little hole in you garden where you have lots of snail problems sit your jar in it, pour a half a glass of beer in and there you have it snails love beer and it is fatal to them, they just die drunk.
I do not have snails here at all but when i lived in northern nsw, i had monsters, i found this method very successful, I hated baits as i had small children and animals at the time poision to both. Hope this works for you.
have a great evening all

barmera, Australia

My God Shelly. She sounds absolutely vicious. I don't think mine are that bad, but then again I don't give them the chance. I do go into the cage to feed and water them and they don't attack me though. Colleen

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi all,
shellytwo 4kids,
I'm sorry your parcel arrived banged up! At least they didn't have to go too far. The loose parrot flowers, I put in to show you, so that was me!LOL!!!
You are very welcome, I enjoyed going around my garden, picking bits & pieces for you. I know you have a large property to fill. As Colleen said, you can put the succulent bits straight into your barrow.
The long fronds are Crucifix Orchids, very hardy. This one is Dark Red/pink. I also have a pink one & an orange one. The pot desparately needs re-doing. I'll try & post a pic, but this #$@!* pc is not behaving at the moment.
Colleen, I'd better stay clear of Dakota, I'm needing the odd one or two wines lately!!
Cody, I love your pics from all the way around the world! Take Care!
Shelly61, my kids put in & sent me to a Bryan Adams concert a few years ago, it was fantastic!!! Maybe I'll send you some pics? I have Springsteen's Born in the USA too!!!LOL!!!
Good Luck with your ten pin bowling, not so good with a migraine, hope you feel better soon? I used to love it also. None around where I live now :(..I hope your plants arrive in a better condition than shellytwo4kids did?
I'd better go or I'll be babbling all night!LOL!!
Jean, chrissy,mya, kat, sammut, colleen, sue, lesley, stake & budgieman & others, I hope you are all well.
From the Parrot lady, Helen

Thumbnail by helens5162
Sydney, Australia

Hi all,
Busy as usual. Last half hour catching up on the gossip.
Gardengal please propagate the Thunbergia. (provided the whipper snipper leaves it alone)
As a coastal Budgie I don't know what frost looks like so I'm bound to find a good spot for it.
Chrissy i'm with you on Beautiful Day but rarely find the time to say so. Somethings got to give in my life!
Had a guy drop in to work from Wallacia which is your area?? He calls in when he is in the area to pick up some paper pallets which he puts on his shed floor to sit the hay on. Gave him a couple of dozen and off he went. I'd love a larger property!
Parrot Lady - Really Bryan Adams? I'm sorry but it must be a girlie thing. I still remember he supported The Police at a Sydney Showground Concert and not one person was listening. To this day I have not seen steam coming from a persons head like I did that day. He threatened to leave the stage and everyone said 'please do' (or words to that effect)
Shelly don't let me ruin your picks. We have a few injuries already but it is mostly a better than even money bet picking Sharks at home.
As for all you Galah lovers - I miss Cocky. We bought him in 1972 and he is still going strong at a client's aviary. He's a bloke and our client a woman. She has to wear boots in the aviary because he tries to remove her toes. He can't fly because we inadvertently poisoned him but that's another story!
Off to dinner now.

steve yes wallacia is just around the corner from us ...
I haven't had any killer birds except for a couple of very protective roosters ...those spurs can really inflict some damage.
Speaking of birds ...anyone with Helen's Congo Parrots will find they do very well if you sit the pot in a shallow dish of water ...just topping it up every couple of days ...mine are doing very well ...also nip off the top tips and instead of naked stems the little leaves pop out all over.
Helen I can't remember what you said about Winter care ...do they die down like the other impatients? I read overseas they are kept as houseplants.
A big wave to everyone ...it's off to bed

Thumbnail by
melbourne, Australia

helen - that crucifix orchid is gorgeous. i think i have put them in the perfect spot. i take it from the photo that they clump. lovely.
i am glad you put those flowers in. my first thought was 'oh no the parrots have been bashed around'. still think they have but hopefully not as much as i suspect.
colleen - your bits are going really well. a couple are looking sad but may still be ok. hard to tell. the others are looking very healthy. you did well. will put some sawdust around the ones worst effected. thanks.
shelly - i will try your beer idea. that sounds so good if it would work. they all live in my agapanthus and after every rain the kids run out and do a lot of stomping and collecting. the chooks have a field day afterwards.
chrissie - thanks for your advice about the parrots. with your expeiience in gardening you seem to do stuff that i would never ever consider. i guess its a massive learning curve this gardening thing. my hubby can't get over how much i read about it. i am so glad i got onto daves garden. i never would have even known about a lot of things - like angels etc. i am thoroughly enjoying gardening and know that it will be something that i can enjoy my whole life. totally addicted you could say.
helen - will think of you when i have my wine tonight. will go out and toast the parrots LOL.
very very foggy here this morning - should be a nice day later though.
shelly xx

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful morning but supposed to get hotter. 37 tomorrow. We are going to a flower show tomorrow. Lots of Daliahs from interstate and all around. Hope they've got some plants for sale as well. only joking.Jean how did your trip to the Mount go. Any orphans? Come on show us. I have posted another pic of the Icebergs. They are still flowering very well, and I do think that the burgundy flowers as well as the white, it's just that the burgundy isnt as old as the white. Well everyone have a wonderday and will be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, it is a lovely day today and i am feeling so much better, yippee.
Yep Colleen she is as mean as a cut snake except when it comes to hubby, she kisses and smooches and dances for him, she gets out in the yard with him and they will play for ages, everyone that knows her can not believe the difference in the bird when she is with him, ahh my rival lol. Your iceburgs are lovely. Jean how was your day trip, i hope you had fun, and got some great plants. Steve i have already picked the Sharks my nephew is a one eyed supporter and he informed my that it was a must for me to pick them this week, so i can go mad at him if they lose lol.
Chrissy thanks for the tip on helens parrots, i am hoping my parcel will arrive today, i can't wait to get home and potter this afternoon, i have felt too yucky in the last couple of days to do anything at all, it will be nice to plant out a few more pots and put a few more in the ground. Shelly i really hope the beer works for you, most men would think it would be a waste of beer lol, but i feel it is a good cause.
I hope everone has a great day, ITS FRIDAY yay, and i am feeling good not great but good, by the weekend i will be full steam ahead again.

hi everyone just came in for a quick drink ...it's warm alreay although you can feel the drop in temps early in the morning ...gotta go finish hand watering some things ...back later.
A big wave to everyone!

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Everyone,
Shellytwo 4 kids~ Yes, The orchids are lovely, I have just let them clump, as they need to be thinned out & re-potted. I'll try & post a pic of the pink one, that is in desperate need of re-potting. Just don't have time at the moment.
chrissy~The parrots don't die down in Winter, maybe not just as many flowers. I totally neglect mine & have never had them inside. Thank you for all your help to me & others with them.
Mya & shelly61~ I hope yours aren't too far away?
C'mon Budgieman, give Bryan a break??? That must have been nearly 30 years ago? Maybe it is a girl thing, I don't know anyone that doesn't think he's great....
Shellytwo4kids~I'll think of you too, with my wine later, we better get in before the guys!!!LOL!!!
Must go & do some more housework, Yay!!!NOT!!!
Take Care & waving to everyone else out there,

Thumbnail by helens5162
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to every one ,
One big cuppa needed have not been in the last couple of days I have been playing installing new things on this thing I know Iam not the smartest kid on the block but gee I sure can get things in a pickel I know just follow the steps and still some how I can mix things up I know thates whate we have children and grand children for from now on I will leave them do it whate took me 2 days it takes them 2 minutes .
Its a beaut .day here I have done some repotting still have to to plant my angel seeds I think thate will be done monday I am thinking the bath garden will be my angel garden .the vegies will finish soon .
Well I had better make a move I hope every one is having a good day take care its time I cut the pinapple ----------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Coushatta, LA

Thanks Shell,i bought 3 more of them for Forest Hill yesterday.I don't know the names of them.Well Shell,i hope you enjoy your weekend and have a bless day.Take care and be safe.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Hello eveyone. i just went and moved us as I had to sit down halfway down this path. Isn't it lovely to have to move us often ? It means so many are enjoying the Tea Room. I am going out to do the washing as I never had a chance to do anything this morning. Hubby forgot things yesterday so we had to get going early, shopping again.I did not buy a single plant except for a tiny Tillandsia. I will take a photo later. Have to get this washing out while it's warm. See you all later. Enjoy the rest of the day. Have some afternoon tea. Jean.
We are now here.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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