western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Brian,
I finished 2nd story pots I am a good climber but can trip on my own feet on flat ground temp. I put mother in laws and a lavendar I have succulents but still only small it will look better in winter when the plum tree behind looses its leaves . ------------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

thate was a planted pot here is both on top

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

NOOOOOO wrong pic.

Thumbnail by sammut
Christchurch, New Zealand

I have started a thread for the floral art pics...

think I should start a thread for the other pics so I don't take over the tea room ;)

I did think the High Tea was appropriate for here though.
It was a really nice display & something you could have in your own back yard.
With a lot of work...
One garden writer criticised this aspect of the show, she felt it needed to be a bit more 'out there'
& thought provoking.
I suppose she has a point, the commercial garden centres can have 'do-able' designs but for a garden show there needs to be drama & imagination taking flight.
It will be interesting to see how it goes next year.
oh did someone mention pitcher plants?

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sydney, Australia

Pitcher Plants - Love 'em to death. (literally!)
Can't seem to keep them alive much to my distress.
Will keep trying though!

Christchurch, New Zealand


more Ellerslie photos

Steve ...now listen up re Pitcher plants ...plant into 50% sand and 50% peatmoss ...or leave them in the pot you bought them in if they are happy, sit the pot in a shallow dish of rain water or cooled pre boiled water. sit in a warm place but sheltered ...think bog plants.Do not fertilize!!!!!
when the weather cools they may die down ...ease off the water thing under cool conditions. Start the water in the dish (don't water from above) once the weather starts to warm up again. This also applies to venus flytraps.
I sounded quite silly saying happy St Patrick's Day ...they were talking about the march on the radio ...ooops a nanna moment.
Watch your step up there sammut!
helen those parrot bits are all throwing out new growths ...I feel a bit silly not having nipped the tops out before now ...but I was afraid that I might "hurt " them. Look at this! (goodnight everyone)

Thumbnail by
Coushatta, LA

Hi everyone!!!!!Hope everyone is doing good.It's hard to know what time it is there so everyone please enjoy your night and have a bless day.Stay safe!!!!


western sydney nsw, Australia

Good Morning to all ,
To-Day is wearing of the green .
Every one have a great day .
Cody I am writting this Sydney time 7:00 A.M.

*giggling* Happy St Patrick's day (for real) everyone.
Yes today really is the day for green ...green doughnuts ...green beer ...green cupcakes ...and you guessed it ...green plants.
So I thought I would be a bit Irish today and make bubble and squeak ...for dinner tonight ...who still loves bubble and squeak with leftover corned beef. I usually cook Italian but tonight it's good old Irish/ Aussie. Anyone else having an "Irish" day today?
Looking at the news today Scientists have discovered that our brain starts to age at 23! ...awe what does that mean? ...do you agree?
I don't think we grow up until our mid thirties at least.So anyway if you want to know how old your brain is here take the test (not on dial up )
I got 8 out of 10 so I am on the downward slide (never been good at maths anyway!) ...are you game?
Or would you just rather have some lovely old fashioned Irish food ...
I know brian and steve will be ordering the Irish coffee ^_^
Have happy "Irish" day everyone ...
May you find a 4 leaf clover in your lawn ...

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Chrissy
Talk about the luck of the Irish a beautiful man just delivered my box from you a very big thanks .
Iam making a pot of Irish stew with dumplings one of my sons favorite meals I might be lucky and find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow .now thate would be nice . every knows whate I am doing to day playing in the dirt .----------Sammut

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Ar last I finally arrived. I went mad this morning and dusted everywhere. I started out to clean where a mouse had snuck in then the dust bug caught me so around I went. I usually hate dusting but if I get in cleaning mood, watch out.
We have been having quite a few mice lately. Hubby has his traps all around and then feeds the corpses to the magpies. They love them
Chrissy , I did that test and missed on one. The easiest one too.
Oh well , the brain is getting older.
Hello Sammut. You are quite the climber there. Please be careful. I do like the effect though. Once the plants grow they will look lovely hanging down.
Helen, bunny ears ? I wonder what the thought was. I hope the wedding is wonderful and expect to see a picture of the bride. . Steve, I thought of the furry bunnies when I saw the ears, what books have you been reading ? Hugh Heffner, indeed. Hhhmmmmm.
Sorry Helen , the wine is all gone.
Shelly ( Qld), what were you thinking ? Wine and cheese at work !!! I don't think much work would be done Ha ha.
Brian, help, the wine is all gone. I don't know what goes on here when I'm not here. There seems to be a lot of merrymaking.
Dalfyre, those photos are gorgeous. I do like looking at those shows. Would love to get to one. I think a thread for all your photos would be great. We can enjoy them and I won't have to move us too quickly from here as the path gets longer.
Chrissy, Alphonse's bud is getting bigger. I can't wait. The apricot Angel's buds are also getting larger. They do look odd sticking up from the top of the leaves. I presume they will hang as they get heavier.
I'm pretty Irish in my ancestors. Dad's grandparents were Irish and some of Mum's were Irish convicts.
I love everything Irish and would like to visit there one day. We have an area near here that is very Irish . The small towns of Koroit and Killarney are the main places there . I don't have any clover to look through but over the years I have found the odd 4 leaf clover.
Hello to all I may have missed and I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.
I don't have any Irish cakes, but try this Icing Sugar dusted Fruit Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Good morning all. Sammut, you're obviously a bit of an early worm too. I just wish it was light earlier. Once the summer equinox hit I was amazed how late it started to get light so quickly. Within about a month it was close to an hour later that it was getting light.

Dalfyre, I loved your Ellerslie pics - thankyou! Please keep them coming.

Ladies, if you think a man with a piece of machinery is scary, consider what they can do with a whipper snipper ....... oops, didn't see it! Was it you Steve who has a thing for vines? If you don't know it, check out Thunbergia mysorensis - absolutely gorgeous. Anyway to get to the point, I DID have four planted, one on each post of our gazebo. I wandered out one morning following a whipper snippering the day before to find one was very limp. On investigation it was no longer attached to its roots.

I'm still working up the courage to plant its replacement. lol

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 7:05 PM

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 7:27 PM

townsville, Australia

Chrissy i did the test got number 4 wrong i obviously can't think strait this time of the day lol. oh well close.
Jean unfortunately you have no cheese left and Brian has no more wine i have no idea what i will do to get me through the day. i will just have to have a piece of your cake for morning tea instead it looks so nice.
Sammut your artwork looks lovely, i would love to be able to do folk art, i may give it a go one day when i actually have more time.
Steve you have done really well in your footy tips, i came 3rd last year, i did not think that was too bad out of 38 and only 2 women in the comp. equal 2nd the year before. But i do love the footy tipping comps, gives me a little something to aim for in footy season. I love the cricket in summer and the league in winter, how ever i just can not get into afl, i just cannot understand the game.
i planted out 10 broms in my future rainforrest, yesterday afternoon after work, it still looks like a bomb has hit it but its on the improve, at least now i can start to see some progress.
have a wonderful day all, and stay safe, i may pop back in later on this afternoon if i don't get too busy.

Barmera, Australia

I don't know what is happening with the wine. It's not Budgieman drinking it, he's to darn busy with work to stop by for long and it's not me. It must be some of the ladies unless Alistair sneaks in every now and then. If this keeps up I might have install one of those stainless steel tanks from the Berri Winery. I know the answer, it can only exist in the Tea Room, a self refilling bottle. Here's some of the Merlot clones. D3V14, Q45-14, FPS8, SAVII 01 & SAVII 02. For those who don't know Merlot is a very "soft" variety very pleasant drinking as a varietal and often used in a blend to soften the harsh tannins of varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi gardengal ,
My inner body clock starts at 5:00 each morning thates when I go out light candles and have a cup of coffee . then water mostly every thing is finished before its light its the best part of the day.

Shell I dont do folk art I just dab a brush around hate to see a big blank space I would call it play time art its fun every thing is done quick takes longer to get ready than paint . till later Sammut

townsville, Australia

Sammut, now i am even more impressed, my favourite piece of your display (apart from your art as that is my favourity part) is the budah sitting on top looking out at the garden i love this piece. she wont be so alone when the plants get going on either side of her.
have a great afternoon

Barmera, Australia

I got #4 wrong too.

Christchurch, New Zealand

more Ellerslie pics added to the thread...
check out the Underwater garden :)
cheers - Dalfyre
some of the garden sculptures for sale... thought of Sammut when I saw this

Thumbnail by dalfyre
townsville, Australia

Brian what can i say, great minds think alike, oh and by the way thanks for restocking, lol.

Coushatta, LA

Hi everyone!!Hope your day is going good.Thanks Sammut.May God bless each and everyone of you.So stay safe


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
western sydney nsw, Australia

OH Yes love the Feature .
Shell Its good to know others enjoy my garden I have lots of budda's and heads around inside and outside my all time favorite is inside he is like me very relaxed here he is -------sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
townsville, Australia

Sammut he is beautiful, you could not help but be calm with him around.

Coushatta, LA

Shell,it was good talking to you again.Have a bless day and be safe.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Brisbane, Australia

Evening all,
It's taken me all afternoon to read thru all the entries since my last visit, especially with the flower show to visit & the little test to take (& a wander around my garden while the sun was going down)!
Actually I'm not surprised some or you got #4 of the test wrong, as I actually believe their answer is wrong!
The question was: True of false: If all Doolies are Bawuns, and some Bawuns are Toodles, then all the Toodles must be Doolies.
I'm in IT & deal with logic problems a lot! If you draw a Venn diagram (if you know what that is...), you'll see the answer is wrong.
Or as my husband suggested, if you substitute other things for Doolies, Bawuns & Toodles, you can also see it's wrong,
eg if Doolies=Queenslanders, Bawuns=Australians & Toodles=men, then you get:
If all Queenslanders are Australians, and some Australians are men, then all the men must be Queenslanders?

Anyway, back to the garden...
Dalfyre I loved the Inner Sanctuary from the Flower show, ie the garden with the bath in the middle. I could handle having a bath in the lovely setting - but only if there were no neighbours! The succulents look wonderful too! Also that pic of the lovely purple flowers you posted - is that candy tuft - it's so pretty!
Chrissy your down pour the other day looks really heavy! It seem like we get a lot heavier rain these days than we used to, the old saying it doesn't rain but it pours!
Sammut, your buddha looks very relaxed! As for your shed-top planters, I've seen ice plant growing down rocks nicely - would that work? (see http://www.tclawnservices.com/images/Baby%20run%20rose%20(Ice%20Plant).jpg) Or maybe oregano?
Anyway I gotta run & do dinner. Here's my helper (or hinderer, as he kept sleeping on the bits I needed to look at!) with the paperwork I was doing today!

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Sydney, Australia

Hi all. Flying (as Budgies do) visit.
Thanks for the tips on pitchers Chrissy. May adjust my blend which is sand, vermiculite, sphagnum and peatmoss in equal parts. So far the Sundew are growing really well from seed so it at least works for them.
Jean the bunny ears and Hugh Heffner only relate because someone told me about it. Will that do for an excuse? Yes Gardengal it is me re. climbers and just googled Thunbergia mysorensis. That is a beautiful plant. Available in Aus? (the name sounds like a disease though). As for whipper snippers be thankful it was not me. All four of them would have been sans roots! Shelly i'm the same with AFL kick, fumble, fall over and you get a point for missing a goal! Figure that! We sponsored the Sharks for the previous 9 years and were there for nearly every game. Love it. Even watched your Cowboys get smacked! (and the odd vice versa) Sounds like you are on track for tipping win this year.

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Everyone,
I wasn't going to 'fess up...but sorry, it was me, with the wine out the back!LOL!!!
Will BYO in future...
It's getting late, will try & catch up tomorrow?
Sammut, keep the great ideas coming, loving your buddhas, so relaxing.
PS. Mya, Shelly61 & Shelly to 4 kids, keep an eye on your mailboxes in a few days.
The Parrot Lady

Barmera, Australia

Hey Budgieman is your football that one where they all get around in a circle sniffing each others' backsides or is that a different one?

Hi everyone my guests have just left and I am very tired so I will pop in tomorrow ...I need some ZZZZZ's ...too much good food great company makes me happy and sleepy ^_^ ...

se qld, Australia

>Yes Gardengal it is me re. climbers and just googled Thunbergia mysorensis. That is a beautiful plant. Available in Aus?

I was going to say, "no, that's why I have it growing on my gazebo!" but nah, I don't have it in me. lol

I've never seen it for sale anywhere other than Queensland, and even then it's not too common in most places. It comes up from time to time. If you have a frost free spot and would like to give it a go, please remind me in Spring and I'll propagate a bit, if hubby hasn't been out with the whipper snipper again. lol

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. The sun is shining and the day will be lovely here. Yesterday was fine and mild too. A real Autumn day.
The garden is already looking a bit better after the drop of rain. Marvellous how a small amount of rain will work more on the plants than gallons of tap water. But then, I think we do better on the rain water than tap water too.
I have just about tidied all the garden now and will only have to do the main winter rose prune later in the year.
Hubby is still running about with his chainsaw so I usually get out in the opposite part of the garden. I then don't have to watch how and what he does .
Talking of men and their toys, Gardengal, I think you were very lucky to only lose one vine. I have a strict rule here. Hubby is not to touch the Roundup. Oh dear, have I seen some dire results of that combination.
I watched hubby spraying when I was first here, Never again. Just as well I had not started on the garden then or it would have all died. He waves the sprayer over everything. I said I will spray from now on and luckily he agreed.
I had a friend with a beautiful trimmed daisy hedge she had nurtured for years. She needed some weeds killed outside the fence. Her nephew and grandson arrived and did it while she was out. A few weeks later the daisies were very ill so she asked me to check them for her . I could see by the trail of dead grass what had happened. Man + Roundup strikes again.
Don't get me wrong Brian and Steve, I know there are male gardeners who know where grass stops and garden begins. Our men can be handy around the garden when asked to help and under strict supervision.
Found the wine drinker too, Brian. She owned up , so there maybe a tipple left for the others . Sammut . Your house matches your personality . So serene.
Shelly, your rainforest is taking shape. The broms will look wonderful. You need some wildlife now . Ask Kat for a few turkeys, Ha ha.
Dalfyre, I am really enjoying your photos. So many ideas that I would love to try but not really for here. Hello Leisa, your helper looks rather tired. He probably needed to sleep right there. Steve,your carnivorus plants sound great. I always like looking at them in nurseries Yes, I do touch them to see them close. Don't we all ?
Remember, though, they do grow. "Little Shop of Horrors" Feeeed meeee !!!!1
Hello to Chrissy (resting) , Mya, Helen and all others who may pop in.
Try this today . Ginger Cake

Thumbnail by 77sunset
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, Jean i do not want to seem greedy so i will let Kat keep ALL her turkeys lol. It to is a lovely day here a little warm this morning but not to bad, i am sure it will get considerably warmer later. Helen i am looking forward to my parcel, thankyou so much, Mya how is our wonderful frangi going havn't heard for a while.
Leisa thankyou very much i knew i got question 4 right i am a logic problem aholic, and i redid it in many a case scenario, and could not figure out how i was incorrect.
i am not feeling well today got some kind of flu, ache from head to toe, head all stuffed up, and coughing my lungs up, i do not think i will last very long at work, it sux when you are the only person here it means you have to come everyday sick or not, and it does not help that i am a sook when i don't feel well. i might go and make a cup of tea and take some drugs and see if that will make me feel any better, sorry Jean i do not want any cake today i just can not eat anything at the moment. The worst part is there will be no gardening for me this afternoon, and that just makes my whole day that much worse.
well i have had my little sulk now, i will go and attempt to do something.
have a great day all

hi no rest for the wicked jean ^_^ ...who can lay about when so many exciting things are happening in the garden ...
steve don't change that mix it sounds perfect ...just sit things in a dish of rainwater/ or boiled & cooled water ...place undercover for the cooler temps ...somewhere where it will be fairly warm...ease off the water if they die down.
leisa that baby sun rose eats up the garden here ...it climbs up over everything in sight if you turn your back for a minute or three.So you really think that test was wrong? ha ha ha ...hope for us yet hey?
sammut that buddah looks very relaxed ...hmmmm look what is behind him ...brian ...steve and helen ...stay out of there!
teresa ...WOW ...great pics!
sue ...are you there?
mya ...loving the dwarf oleanders! fab little bloomer and tough as a brick.
ann ...hate doing business stuff too ...I have done it for too many years ...no more!
cestrum ...can smell your wonderful garden from here (well in my mind anyway!)
gardengal ...hope your hubby hasn't whipper snipped your beautiful little climber ...my vote for the most beautiful climber goes to the Jade vine something I guess most of us can only dream about ...I did have one on order from the Green Jade Nursery but it was lost in the fires and never re opened. Silly of me to even try I guess but who can resist?
rose girl you have some beautiful flowers in your garden
hel how are you enjoying the forums ...what do you reckon ...worth it isn't it.
judy ...no one does cannas like you do ...love looking at them!
Well I had better go do some other stuff ...A big wave to everyone!
have a great day!

Thumbnail by

Sorry to hear you don't feel well ...shelly ...jean, give her a lemon tea with honey ...there you go I hope your day gets better.

Thumbnail by
Merino, Australia

Methinks a hangover . There was a lot of wine gone when I came in. All the cake from yesterday too.
Sorry Shelly, just teasing. I really hope you feel better soon Here , have some of this

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi everyone!!!!Hope your day is going good.May God bless you all and enjoy the rest of your day.Take care and stay safe.

Shell,it was good to hear from you today.I hope you feel better soon.

Good night everyone!!!!


This message was edited Mar 17, 2009 11:58 PM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Christchurch, New Zealand

did someone say hangover ...
that would be me this morning.
I went into work last night for the St Patrick's do.
Live music, Guinness & whiskey.
I really enjoyed myself but the legs were not steering straight when I got home.
The good thing about hangovers is that they don't last.
Funny thing about letting my hair down - people don't recognise me.
It is amusing to say hi to someone & watch them do a double take.

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone,
This is my second attempt to write! I tried to post a pic last night of me at a winery in Tassie!LOL!!! I have to try all these different wines!! Sorry, guys, I beat you to them!!Hahahaha!
I didn't attempt the brain test, mine is mush, at the moment. Maybe in 2 weeks, after our celebration??
Chrissy, I'm glad your parrots are doing well. I forgot to tell Mya & shelly61, make sure your take off the large leaves, only left them on to show you.
I was just popping into to say, I am lurking but not thinking straight. AND...hope everyone is well & happy.
Take Care
The Parrot Lady with the Bunny Daughter, masquerading as a Hen!!!LOL!!
PS. Leisa, your helper looks alot like my Ginger!

melbourne, Australia

helen - think i might have been with you when you drank all that wine LOL. love my glass of wine at night and its my full stop to the day. thanks so much for sending me another parcel. my little sole parrot will have some friends. he still hasn't grown at all. poor little thing is just staying the same size. couldn't believe the photo chrissie put up of hers. let me to shame i am afraid. will cherish my new additions when they arrive. thank you so very much. please let me know if you would like anything else i have her. i could offer a heap of different cottage garden seeds - interested?

shelly - sorry you haven't been feeling well. hope it doesn't last very long.

chrissie - those angels of yours are just devine. i am so shocked at how fast they grow. i stil have my four and they are going strong. will repot them on the weekend as they are looking a little cramped.

question for anyone that grows seeds. when do you usually plant out the seedlings? when they have four leaves or does it really vary to type of flower? i have a heap of seeds planted in little trays and am wondering now if the first ones i planted might be ready.

gorgeous day here today... lovely about 22degrees. think its meant to get a little warmer tomorrow and then again the next day. lovely weather. going to open up all the blinds and get stuck into cleaning this house really well. then hopefully can spend the weekend again in the garden. jean - i added some more seeds that i had here to your collection and will plant them out on the weekend - can't wait to see what surprises i have in store for me from that mixture. will be very exciting to wait for the flowers to all arrive.


Sydney, Australia

Hi all,
Dalfyre - don't you hate it when your legs act like shopping trolleys! You want to go one way and they head in the other direction. Stake - a good friend of ours who hates anything that requires exertion has described a Rugby League scrum as 'one man trying to shove two men's heads up three men's bums' Obviously anatomically impossible so what would he know? (he would also rather watch grass grow than watch Cricket).
Jean - I have to say it. 'Yes we do need supervision' although, as a gardening type I am the supervisor at our place. Wife ' I've cleaned up down the side of the house. I zeroed everything' Husband 'Where are the ferns that were growing nicely there' Wife 'What ferns'. I rest my case!
Chrissy - I think I will stick with my mix as the Sundews are loving it. My problems stem from impulse buying from some larger nurseries. I bought some Pitchers in flower in the middle of winter and wondered why they died. I took it up with them and got a refund. Have not purchased from them again. I prefer smaller Nurseries now where you may pay more but they are not all about the dollar!

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