This also happened last night ...a bit battered ...others were smashed to bits.B bbbbbbut !
It's a stuffed skirt ... a potential double!
Sorry anyone that does not know about the brugmansias probably will think Huh?(angel's trumpets) ...anyone who knows about them knows that this is a special moment for any breeder/grower/collecter ...
a newly opened bloom ...with something waiting to drop down. Hopefully anyway ...here is my first! the second plant to bloom from the seeds crossed by Brenda Delphe in Florida USA ...Brenda what a thrill!

Thumbnail by
western sydney nsw, Australia

Top of the day to all,
Boy it sure is warm to day good to be home and inside .
Chrissy - first time I noticed the picher plants I think Iam getting smarter buying plants now they had bigger ones with about 5 pitchers standing up and the little ones half the price the little one has a lot more so I went for the2 little ones I get a lot more for the same price next summer they will be big ones. The tin baskets have asian herbs really bought them for the tin basket I think it was worth 3 dollars alone yesterday I watered with seasol now standing up and looking so fresh .
do you know whate the big leave plant may be it was half pulled out of the soil showing its roots I repoted its looking nice to-day the poor little flower vinca was left all alone on the stand there was a little teer on her so she had to come home as well [ my son said it was a rain drop ]
we were lucky our power only flickered once .
darn just dribbled coffee down my blouse I better go hope all are having a good day ---------Sammut.

Hi sammut it may be a fatsia but I haven't grown one of those myself so ...see what you think ...if it is it needs shade I think.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All. Sorry I'm a bit late but I had to remove all those empties from out the back.
I thought I would try something slightly different with the wine. Some may not be aware that plants can have clones. That is they come from a common mother plant but through slight mutations are a little different to the parent and each other. This is not the same as varieties because usually the difference is not visible but the fruit or fruit product is slightly different. This is about the same as vegetative off spring of one of your favourite flowers was a bit less prone to sunburn or wind damage or cold.
The wines today are Cabernet Sauvignon clones 15, 338, 169,191 and 337 all highly regarded clones from France. These are test tastings to see if they are better than our tried and true Australian clones like SA125, CW44 etc. Most of us won't even notice a difference, but Budgieman will and we might just find one that appeals more than the others and there might even be one that 77sunset finally likes.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2009 1:49 AM

western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks chrissy I have put it in shade so Iwill leave it there --------Sammut

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. A good day overall.
Feeling quite good about myself after dismantling the laptop to confirm my thoughts. A few messy blobs of solder and half an hour and we saved a minimum $270 dollars. It's working. As for your comment Jean on women and machinery I can say that I wish they were as gentle with laptops!!! Both of my female loved ones have clear instructions (asked with a 'Please') to be gentle from now on. In typical restoration fashion I have a screw left over. Hope it's not an important one. Celebrated saving money by spending some on Grays. Got some interesting wines.

Sold six budgies to the local bird shop, made my all important trip to the hardware (I love hardware stores!!!)
to get the remaining bits for the pump housing at Sussex. Now just need to endure a week of work before heading down to the Inlet. Can't wait!!

Coushatta, LA

Hi everyone!!!!Hope you have enjoy your day.May God bless you all take care and stay safe.

Good night to all.

Shell,this is Taylor's Perfection-Camellia


This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 12:05 AM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Sydney, Australia

Good night Rose Girl

Coushatta, LA

Good night Steve.By the way how is your foot doing?

Sydney, Australia

Foot has mended with some minor scarring. Pride is still a little crushed but sense of humor still there. It will be one of those family folklore things that will come up every Christmas around the dining table. Good thing I am only dumb every now and then. (or is that every second day?)

Coushatta, LA

LOL!!!Steve,good to know you are ok.

Good night and be SAFE.


Christchurch, New Zealand

hmmm - so Steve you are admitting to having a screw loose?
Anyway I spent the morning in the glorious autumn sunshine dog training & then had a rushed lunch & off to the Ellerslie International Flower show.
I really enjoyed it & was glad I didn't just collapse in a heap after club & stay home.
I am not sure I saw everything as the layout was a bit spread out but by going on the last day I missed the huge crowds.
they had hoped for 50,000, according tot he news they had at least 70,000 though the gates.
Because I was taking the bus I couldn't buy up large, I was sorely tempted as I was still there when they started breaking up the displays & selling off the plants - & in some cases giving them away!
the only thing I bought was a bottle of plum wine.
Trust me to go to a garden show & come home with an alcoholic beverage!
I used up the memory card on my camera - need to upload to my album...
meanwhile here is the link to their website gallery

cheers - Teresa

ps since we are in the tea room - here is a pic of the entry entitled High Tea in the Garden...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Brisbane, Australia

Good night all. Steve, we are heading to Cal next week.. the grass is evidently a jungle and I want to see how the hibiscus I planted went. I hope they didn't, in fact, "went" anywhere as they were along the front fence. daughter went uo this weekend but they never seem to have time to mow! Hmmm.
I went to drop the essays off early today and got another lot instead. So, no night off. Did drop into Bunnings on the way and got wire to finish repairing the chook run..and another Scensational radermachera. a fancy leafed canna, a dwarf heliconia and butterfly ginger ..up there with my favourites..and...
Hello Cody from Brisbane. ;) have a good night all.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Katciao,and everyone!!!!Hope you enjoy your day.Well my God bless you all and keep you safe.


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Dalfyre I'm looking forward to your pics from the flower show. I'm going to a fund raiser one next weekend. It's put on by the gardening club to raise money for the flying doctor. Anyone can enter, so I'm taking the boys with an entry each. It'll give me a chance to catch up with some gardening people and have a bit of a natter. I bought myself a Crab apple tree yesterday. One of my neighbours has one and they have such pretty flowers and the little apples are pretty as well. My Zinnias are up to about 3" now so will have to plant them out. I planted some snow peas yesterday. The boys wont eat cooked ones but they love them straight out of the garden. Hope the chooks dont get them this time.Starting to get quite nippy in the mornings now. Still no rain. Chrissy you should have told that downpour to get down sth west. Hope it hasn't damaged those beautiful angels. Mine are still growing. Fingers crossed for me. Alister's angels are wonderful aren't they? It's a bit sad about Lee. I hope he's alright. Well had better go and get breckie for my boys. Talk later. Colleen.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2009 3:54 PM

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coushatta, LA

Hi Shell,hope you had a blast over the weekend.By the way did you go fishing and how many did you catch?Well take care and stay safe.


Coushatta, LA

Hi Colleen,is that a Camellia if it is which one is that?It is pretty.


se qld, Australia

Dalfyre I'm looking forward to your pics too. I must admit that I thought most of the gold medal winners featured on the official site were quite ghastly, so it will be nice to see some that a real gardener found appealing.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning to all ,
it seems it is going to be a beautful day I over sleep have not been out side yet peaked out when I opened the back door and windows every one have a great day till later ---------Sammut.

Coushatta, LA

By the way everyone!!!!I think the rain is gone.I hope so,it is so muddy around here.It is just Yucky.


Shell,this is my Taylor's Perfection after opening last night.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 12:06 AM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
barmera, Australia

No Cody It's not a Camellia it's a Rose but I don't know the name. How are you?

Coushatta, LA

Oh ok,it's pretty though.I'm doing good how about you?


barmera, Australia

I'm really good but I wish we would get some rain. The vermiculite that I put out on the garden has done wonders but it is just so dry everywhere. There has been lots of oranges and grape vines pulled out or just left to die. If it doesnt break soon a lot of the blockies willgo broke. It's a very sad state of affairs in some places. Colleen

Coushatta, LA

Well,it was raining for 4 days in a row.Thank God it has stopped.I thought before to long i would be swimming outside.I hope you get rain soon because it does help.I know it help on our flowers grandens and the other granden.


Merino, Australia

Good morning all. It is fine misty rain her . More like a wet fog really.
Yesterday was fine and I managed to get down and finally clear a path of plants which I had left to do their own thing since Spring. There was a lovely black garden spider living there with his web across the path so I left him there. now he has gone I cleaned up. I am gradually going around trimming and looking for spaces that will need filling. Believe it or not, there are some Ranunculi popping up.
Chrissy, waving like mad, I have a large furry bud on one of my Glasshouse Angels. The Suavolens that flowered before is covered in buds . Also I have a large Angel cutting grown to around 1 metre and I'm not sure where I got it . I may have bought it in a mad moment on eBay. It has apricot on the label. There are a lot of buds on it and they are all sticking up through the leaves . I must take a photo to show you. Congrats on the double Angel beauty.
Hello Dalfyre. Fancy going to a plant show without bringing half of it home. I would have been getting on that bus with so many plants.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Look forward to seeing more photos of what took your fancy.
Hello Cody, you put up such lovely photos. Enjoy your day.
Steve, hubby loves hardware shops too, it must be a man thing.
Brian, thank you for the wine. Steve and the ladies will make short work of it. Sorry, but you won't ever find one I like.
Colleen, I love zinnias too. I used to grow them years ago. I have planted some here but they never came up.
They do make such a bright show. I have some of the Iceberg roses. The white does well as a climber and the burgundy never stops flowering . It is one of my survivors
Hello Gardengal, Shellys ( Melb & Qld ).Helen , how are things down there ?
Sammut, you will need a double decker garden soon with all your lovely plants. Aren't those Pitcher plants cute. ?
Kat, Have a great time next week . Watch out for turkeys hitching a ride.
Hello Leisa and anyone I have missed. I will leave you all something yummy. Bee Sting Cake
Have a great day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Thanks Jean,so do you.I can just gain weigh just by looking at your pictures you post.LOL!!!I hope you have a bless day too and be safe.


western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Jean did you read my mind , my idea this morning was making a frame of some sort screwing to the top of the garden shed and 2 long pots of may be ivy to trail over it be hot up there sun all day .
I even love the pitcher plants tag .
May be some one can help with telling me the best plants I could grow up there ?


Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

I just went and put pots on top to show how it will set up . sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
townsville, Australia

Good morning to everyone, Its monday YUCK, the best part of my mondays is catching up on what everyones doing on dg and this takes me a while between phone calls and work.
Cody i did not go fishing after all i just ran out of time on the weekend much to my displeasure, but i have a week off just before easter and i am going to the reef for a couple of days i am so looking forward to it.
Steve i do hope your foot is getting better i did try not to laugh at your pain, but man and their machines, i found this task very difficult and did have a giggle at your expense, sorry.
Sammut and Shelly your buys were great the markets here are no where near that good, i am with Jean i hit the orphans tables at the hardware all the time as well, i usually find something there that appeals. Sammut the hoya is wonderful i am going to try and find one, wish me luck.
Leisa the oil spill is tragic, i cry everytime i see things like this on tv, the loss of animal and plant life from them is horrendous. i do hope that the damage will be minimul.
Steve i pick the sharks im the footy tipping comp im in and they won, i will thank you for that unfortunately the cowboys got done by 1 lousy point so that was one i lost, sux.
Teressa i am looking forward to your photos as i am sure they will be beautiful, but no plants to take home, buggar that bus.
Chrissy i am so glad you got the rain, looks great in the photo, and much better down there than up here.
Kat i too would cry, everytime a turkey ripped up one of my plants, the only thing i have to contend with is the grasshoppers and bugs but those i can live with.
i had better go and do some work. have a great day all.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Shell,sorry to hear you didn't have time to go fishing.It is also good to hear from you.Well enjoy your day and stay safe.


Merino, Australia

Hello all. I just popped in to see if there were any cakes left. Nope, not a one. Hungry hordes have been in and scoffed them. No more until tomorrow, so everyone will have to make do with some of the wine so kindly supplied by Brian and some cheese and bikkies which are in the cupboard and frig .
I did mean to say this morning Dalfyre, I love that photo of the High Tea
That setting would look great out the back of the Tea House.
Sammut, you be careful those pots don't fall on you. Goingout to try an ddo a little more trimming. Every time i go outside, the misty rain starts.
see you all later. Jean.

Hello everyone ...yes I know monday Blahs ...sorry but it only lasts a day ^_^ ...in a strange kind of way the weekends can be quite frantic ...trying to sqeeze everything in and changing all that routine of the week isn't actually all that good for you ...most heart attacks occur on mondays ...(I think it's all the coffee ...trying to wake up.) Never mind like I said it only lasts a day.
Jean I see you waving ...yes!!!! furry buds are good ((((big grin)))).
Everyone is busy by the look of things ...that's looking good sammut.
Ummm shelly24kids it was no rain ...it was Niagra falls! but yes it's better than drought even if it did cause some damage in the garden.
That Black filth up North a calamity for sure (as if they need any more trouble poor things) ...I hope they can fix it very quickly but a lot of dithering is going on.
A big hello to those who are out doing their thing ...I had better go do that too.
Hoo roo!

Thumbnail by
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi All,
Sorry, I'm very slow today/exhausted from the Hen's night!!LOL!!! Kat, how dare those turkeys munch on your parrots!!Hahaha!!! I saw them wondering the streets of Noosa, when I was there last year, funny things.
We've had a few good dumps of rain, Yay! But I'm not going out in it today. Will get to the Post Office this week, to send some plants off. It's a busy time with this wedding thing, please bare with me.
I hope everyone is well & happy? Waving to you all, will post a pic of my gorgeous Hen!LOL!!!
From The Parrot Lady

Thumbnail by helens5162
townsville, Australia

Sammut, your lorakeet looks so pretty in the palm fronds, we get them in the back yard every morning, but i can never get close enough to get a photo, but i will get one one day.
Helen you are right your daughter is beautiful, i hope you are not toooooooooo badly hung over lol.
Well my monday is over half over only 3 hours 15mins to go but who counting, i planted out a bit of my future forest on the weekend and am going home this afternoon to do some more, i will put up a photo when i looks half decent, a big mess at the moment.
Jean i have swiped your cheese and bickies and brians wine to get me through the afternoon.
have a great evening all

western sydney nsw, Australia

No problums with pots falling I made frames for them to sit in and tie with wire waiting for the sun to go down then have to drill holes to screw on to the roof will finish the job to morrow morning .-----Sammut.

Coushatta, LA

Hi everyone!!!!!I hope you had a bless day and enjoyed it as well.Everyone take care and stay safe.

Good night to all,May God bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe.


Betty Sheffield-Camellia

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Barmera, Australia

Hey Sammut don't you fall off that roof you might break a leg, Everyone else is worried about you breaking pots. As for plants up there what about some of the prostrate Eremophila or ditto succulents. The sun won't worry the Eremophilas and if you pick the right succulent they should be OK.
I laughed at the hen photo, do those ears mean she's as mad as a March Hare or is going to breed like a rabbit?
There was a bottle each of those wines so if they are all gone there must be some thick heads around today.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 3:25 AM

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. Another day closer to next weekend!!!
Dalfyre - yes I am admitting to a 'screw loose'. After all 'who hasn't?' Funning thing is that there seems to be more loose screws every year.
Kat - bet you can't wait for Cal. I also gathered materials on the weekend to attempt finishing the bore pump housing. Can't get away until 8am Saturday because the boss is on call but will be there in no time!
CT - We love snow peas in this home (well the older adults do). Will plant some down the coast when the irrigation is up and running. Feel very sorry for you and others without water. I have a problem with the short term thinking of government. We built things like the Snowy Mountains Hydro but can't see far enough ahead to start building pipelines from the North. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Shelly 61 - I did a rough calculation of the winnings from tipping comps over the years and came to $2500. That's what I can remember. Came equal second last year and was one off $800. Not in one this year as I'm focused on the business. I will say that the average picks will need to be 5.5 per week. So you are on your way! Too bad about the cowboys but game one means nought!

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Brian,
Yes, I thought it was stange that we ALL had to wear bunny ears, on a HEN's night?
All the young ones had a ball, as The Mother-of-the Bride, I was very well behaved!LOL!!
I'm hoping to be a Nanna soon? Not too many tho!Hahhaha! But then, what will be will be!
Just leave me a drop for later, puleese!!??
The Parrot Lady.

Sydney, Australia

Helen - bunny ears are not that strange. Just ask Hugh Hefner!

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