CLOSED: Looking for any veggie seeds for growing in TN

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I don't have much to trade but if you tell me what you are looking for I may have it. I lost my job in Nov and money is getting tight. I would like to make a small veggie garden to help with groceries. If anyone has any extra seed or even plants they would like to trade please let me know.


Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Just thought I'd throw this out there, Wal-Mart (at least the one here anyhow) has tomatoe seeds for .20 a pack. I had about 95% success with this so it was alot cheaper then paying shipping to trade some. Also, if there is a Rural King near you, ours had carrot seeds for .01 a pack. They had a sell by date of dec. 2008 but I've had luck with old carrot seeds in the past. Sorry I didn't buy any extras or I would be glad to give you some. Maybe you can find someone here with extras but if not check the stores. Best of luck to ya.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Betty Tortoisekeeper, I have one (extra) pack of tomato seeds I was given when I bought some others, be happy to donate to the cause. I probably have some other things I can share but don't know til I get sorted out for my next sowing which will be later this week.

You might want to actually go ahead and post a wish list right here....... can't hurt.

I will send you a D mail about those toms......


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

When I get power back i will look. I know I have extra stuff. Battery getting low.Hard to see keys,,LOL

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks everyone.


Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Betty - I know I have some things I can send you. Give me a day or two and I'll get back with you. Post a wish list cause I have no idea what you can start there now. Em

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I am looking for tomatoe, squash, bell pepper, sweet pepper, banna pepper and any lettuces. Look forward to seeing you at Jerri's Emily.


Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Betty - I know I have tomatoes, bell peppers and banana peppers, possibly sweet peppers. Am at Granny's but will be home tomorrow morning for a while, can send them out. Are you in the addy exchange? I know - I can't wait for the RU - glad you are going to make it, will be good to see you again!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have some yellow scallop summer squash, some orange bell pepper and some cucumber seeds. LMK if you're interested and I'll get them out to you.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

I have trip-l-crop tomato,,white snowball tomato,,holland tomato,,salsify,,radish early scarlet globe,,radish red heart,,carrot chantenay red cored,,,cucumber burpless hybrid tasty green,,,

I can separate some more tomato packages if you need more...LMK


Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks to everyone that replied. I just reread my post and am very upset. I feel like my post was begging. I am very sorry I did not mean it to sound that way. I have flower seeds and daylilies I would be glad to trade with anyone who might want some of what I have or it I have any flower seeds that some one else would like for me to send them please let me know.


Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Personally, Betty, I don't believe that asking for support when you need it is begging at all. But I appreciate your not wanting to. ;-)


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Right on Kyla ..Besides were family..Just to bad we are so far apart.Everyone has extras from their gardens
I know I always do..Course I plant like I'm feeding a big family..LOL It's just the two of us..LOL

This year I plan on being able to give to Salvation Army,Low Income Minstrey & Abuse Center..I have the space & a few extra plants don't take that much more time Tomatoes is all for now..


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5b)

Betty, if you need any more tomato seeds I have a small pack of 'Delicious' that came with an order of some other seeds that I will be happy to send you, otherwise I'll be sending them to the Seeds for Newbies.

A kind DGer sent me some flower seeds last year without even letting me send her a SASE just because I admired her flowers in a picture so I am just paying her back by sending out my extra seeds to those who have room to plant them.

Just let me know if you're interested,

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Betty, please don't feel that way. I have lots of veggie seeds, and will never plant them all. I'd love to share, so they don't just go to waste, what's the point in that??

I'm posting to the list in hopes that others will ask for what they need, and that those of us who have, can share.

I'll go to D-Mail...

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much everyone. You are all so kind and that's what I love most about Dave's. I have made many good friends here and hope to make many more. With the help of you all I hope to be able to share veggie seeds next year.


Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

tortoisekeeper, one of the hardest thit is so easy to give. Most people wish they had a way to do it more often. We are all taught to be a "cheerful giver". What we all forget is that there must be some cheerful receivers out there for us to become cheerful givers. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity. Are you listed in the address exchange?

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Betty, I didn't get to mail out your seeds yet but hope to on Monday. Will let you know when I send them. Debbie and Jeri kidnapped me yesterday lol Em

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Kathy I am in the address exchange.

Emily I wish I were closer. I know you must have had a great time with Jeri and Debbie.


Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks again to everyone who sent seeds. I started the following seeds today inside and will do the rest after this take off. I had old greenhouses from last year and just bought the pellets to put in them. I have 6 greenhouses that hold 12 pellets each. Wish me luck. This is my first time trying veggie seeds.

Sugar Baby Watermelon
Black Beauty Eggplant
Jimmy Nardello Italian frying peppers
Yellow Scallop Squash
Mandarin Orange Bell Pepper
Cucumbers Long green
Tasty green burp less cucumber
Salsify Mammoth sandwich Island
Burgess Climbing Trip-L-Crop tomato
Delicious Tomato

I ran out of space for seeds. I still have others that DG'ers sent.

Thanks again

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks like you have a great start there. Keep us posted on how it goes.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)


Yes, do keep us posted! I have started veggies from seed before this year, but it was a long time ago and under very different conditions than I am in now, so I kind of feel like a first-time veggie seed starter also. Learn as we go, eh?


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