Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

rain rain rain! My grounds are soggy! You feel the water squish out of the grass with every step!
My mud is quicksand mud!!! TEXAS needs rain so i vote to send it to them!!!

April showers in March-i think the world is on a tilt!!!!
I can believe how soggy it is out side-the ground needs to thaw so
this water can soak in!!!

the winds were bad the other night-northeasterly(evil)
the ice came ashore and into houses on the bay-horrible

what are you doing today?

picture-utah zion park weeping rock 08

Thumbnail by notmartha
Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Sunshine

I was gonna come into town today (Bay City, Saginaw) but we have freezing rain here, and have decided to hunker down instead with the ole guy and watch some video's.


Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

In Florida for the month, 80 and sunny for the foreseeable future.

Birds, Butterflies and Blooms everywhere.


Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

Paul soak up some sunshine for me....^_^

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

my yard looks kind of like the lake on top of a large sponge
its looks awful on the bay I would have freaked out big time!!!!

Paul you are soooo lucky ;0)

I so hope next Tuesday is some what warmer and drier for the kids wedding why oh why do they want to get married outside every one keep your fingers and toes crossed that it will be half ways nice Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Gloria how fun a wedding and on a Tuesday? wow. That will be fun. Im keeping my fingers crossed them also.

Yes the ground is so spongie around here also. We really do not need any more rain right now! Thanks that is enough. ;) There maybe that helped. Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

oh Ronna I hope so I think we could do with NO wet stuff of any kind for a couple of weeks any was just till this drys up

i think my son wanted to use St. Pattys day so he could remember when to buy gifts !!! ;0)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh I understand now!!! Teehee! Well eveyone has there ways of remembering things right? Ronna

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I would gladly accept your offer of sending the rain here.. we really need it.. I have forgotten what it looks like!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

L you can have all the excess water in my yard !!!!

Ronna I think all the men in this family have short term memories when it comes to things like that ;0)

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

UGH!!! My two little dogs are bringing in the muddy water now my floors are showing a dry sprinkling of dirt!!
Oh I love the Spring but I wish the rain would stop and the ground would stiffen so i can go PRUNE!!!
I am on a mission this year to get all my pruning done. Also any one starting plants??
I am soo late but I will get my tomatoes in this week.
How about you all??

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

This is what i have growing===
tomatos are up(more to start)red shield hibiscus,rudebeckia cherry brandy,autumn colors,tiger eye,chocolate orange,maya and green wizard,foxglove milky chocolate,Giagantea,trojan,sunset.grecian,
columbine lime frost,Leprechaun gold, chocolate soilder,winky reds & Blues,cornflower chocolate, helitrope marine,lunaria varigated,helenium Lollipop,daylilies,gaillardia razzle dazzle and13 kinds of mators so far
oh and a pot of tulips and crocus

this is what i have just planted
Penstemon chocolate drops
varigated kiwi vine
catmint pink dreams
summer poinsetta
kale?=we shall see what these are!!
ebay foxglove i have had for yrs!!

thats it for now-but i will be moving to the GH soon so i can really get going!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep thinking spring!!!

Thumbnail by notmartha
(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

We have RAIN!!!! Well, slow light drizzle really .. it barely wets the fence but in my book that counts as rain since we have had so little moisture.. anything counts. I am sure the ground is soaking it up. Thank you for wishing it for us!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Good for you I hope it keeps on drizzling for you ;0) we have high winds right now so maybe it will dry up some of the mini lakes in peoples yards and driveways

Dori its a good thing you have a big old farm house !!!! are you going to have a sale ??? I'm going to start some tomatoes tonight I don't know what else

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

yes everything is for sale here -just ask! LOL

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Let me know when things are ready and Ill come over you will have to direct me again I know I'll be in your part of the world this spring I all was am ;0)

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok did anyone check the out the gigantopithicus ice that washed up shore and damaged all the houses, I know you did Dori....geese-o-petes! Those poor people...I can't believe all the water levels here too...git yer row boats ready...ya never know...

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I would have totaly freaked out I feel so bad for those people can you see your self watching all that ice pushing up on shore ??

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

detheo..........there were so many gawkers wanting to see the ice that police blocked off the roads getting there as it was impossible for workers to get to the shore line and dig those people out. It happened over in Linwood which is south of me and north of Dori .


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i was grew up in linwood!~ I almost went down to gawk too!!! you dont see it everyday!!!
The road blocks didnt work-they still came and they drove right by all the houses!!
Patricia lives out by the bay-state park area!!!

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

well I guess maybe it's never anything they ever saw....but they need to get out of there and let the people get there jobs done...I know I was completely amazed when I seen it and very heart broken to for the people that suffered the loss...I'm not sure if that happened in the middle of the night or what but can you imagine waking up to that or coming home to that. I know it's a freak of nature but I have so much to be thankful for that I take for granted and whine about...bad me, bad,bad, bad me...

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

We got a light snow last night. The ground is all white again and the "lake" in the fields seems froze over. The sun is out and warming up the house. I'm fixing to go in the kitchen and make a big pot of vegetable soup and some cornbread.

Dori, I love love love catmint. Mine is blue. I would be most interested in buying your pink catmint when it is big enough. I'd like at least a dozen of them. Let me know when they're ready for sale and we'll make a trip down to Bay City to your place to pick them up. I think they would look spectacular planted in between my dozen Knockout roses. I love them because the deer and rabbits won't eat them and also they're drought tolerant and bloom all summer. I don't like fussy plants but I do like things that are beautiful. My blue ones make a small bush about two feet tall. I have a row of them planted all along my ditch and they are wonderful. The bees like them too. I hope this is the same plant only pink.

Gloria, I hope your wedding goes well and will pray for a nice day. My husband's and my birthday are the same day and he wanted to get married on our birthday. I told him no. That was too much for one day so we got married a couple weeks before our birthday. :) I hope the happy couple have many years together.


Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

that's funny Brenda, My brothers 50th just passed on March 8th and he and his wife were married on his b-day so "he" wouldn't forget it.....

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

oh geeeeze I just talked to the 'Bride to be " and this is such a ser of the moment thing she never thought about flowers or any thing so now she thinks she wants garter flowers and glasses she will call me on Sundat to let me know for sure


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

lol u poor thing!!!
good luck

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks Dori I told her she just might get a beer mug plactic flowers and a ribbon ;0)

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

oh yaaa I got the cake ,flowers & photographer its so good to have friends that work in cool places !!!!! oh she found her garter. I think we have all the things she was going to let me know about on Sunday ;0)

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Whatever she carries, beer mug, tire, they will be married, and
you will always be the happy momma.
Congratulations on all

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well this is the week for the wedding belles to be ringing with Gloria and her family. Its suppose to be a beautiful week around here. How about where you all are? Tuesday is my next day off and its suppose to be 64. That is the wedding day. Hope its as nice for that. dont forget to post some pictures! We went to Davids Bridal Sat. to order brides maid dresses. Here is a photo from that! My daughter are on either end of the "line" up. The bride is in the leather jacket. Three other could not make it on Sat. So they went on sunday. Man what a busy place. Ronna

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

cute Ronna !!! yupp tomarrow is the day and I think we are as ready as we can be I'll get some pics up as soon as I can
went for a walk last night what a nice evening I have daffs comming up yaaa diden't see any thing else yet which is good its still too soon
have a good day

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Great picture Ronna. Good luck tomorrow. It is supposed to be a grand day weather wise.


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I know its to be georgeous around here also. Good Luck. They must really be excited! Ronna

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Good Luck for tomorrow!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Have a GREAT day Gloria and don't forget to breath LOL Enjoy the Beautiful day. And congrats to the New Bride and Groom ^_^

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 8:55 PM

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

ok here I am trying to relax a bit be for the rush every thing is ready and waiting to be put in the car I tryed to sleep in NOT
Ed and Dawn are so nervous I told them as long as there in Clare at the apointed time all will be good there comming from Vasser and are late for every thing !!!! ;0)
talk to you all on Wednsday !!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well??? How did it go? We are waiting.... LOL. Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

It went just great I put a pic on the other thread The one about master gardener thing I started a while ago it takes FOR EVER to load a pic ;0)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

thanks I am going over there then. ;)

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