Black Spot, tomato diseases. Prevention of

Harwinton, CT

Up here in CT, there's still snow in the air but I'm planning for the new growing season. Every year I have problems with tomato wilt and black spot on my roses. I use the commercial sprays for these but they always win out. As these diseases reside in the soil and splash up onto the plants, what can I use to sanitize the soil beneath the plants?

Any thoughts on the use of a dilution of hydrogen peroxide for garden diseases?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

For tomatoes, I think you need to rotate them around and not plant them in the same spot every year, otherwise you're going to have problems like this. Is there another place in the garden you could try them and plant something else that's not in the same family as tomatoes in the spot where you usually grow the tomatoes? You can also shop for different varieties of tomatoes, some of them are resistant to wilt.

On the black spot for the roses some things that may help are preventative spraying with fungicide at the beginning of the season (once the plant already has symptoms there's not much you can do). Also make sure there's good air circulation, and try to always water in the morning so the leaves dry off more quickly. Also if you put in drip irrigation instead of overhead watering that'll cut down on the stuff splashing back up on the leaves. And when the leaves drop off for the winter make sure you gather them up and get rid of them rather than leaving them there.

As far as the peroxide--if you have used stronger commercial fungicides and they haven't worked, I'd be surprised if peroxide would do any better. It does have some antifungal properties, but in cases like this with diseases that are tough to control even with the stronger chemicals I don't think it's going to be very effective.

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