Plants for hedges.

Sydney, Australia

Can anyone suggest a low growing flowering hedge plant for my south facing front boundary fence. I live on an elevated block with views and would like the plant to grow between 1.0-1.5m.


Thumbnail by Jim_Gallo
Christchurch, New Zealand

Some hebes would fit that description...
there are so many varieties of size shape & colour to choose from

Christchurch, New Zealand

a quick search for 'flowering hedge plants' brought up lots of web pages...

this is a NZ based one.

Sydney, Australia

I would agree with Dalfyre's choice of Hebe.
Or Westringia fruticosa - Coast Rosemary
Cheers Steve

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All
I suggest having a look at some of the smaller growing Melaleuca there are a number of the required size and they will take pruning with no trouble. M. wilsonii, M. gibbosa, M. glaberrima, M. pulchella, M. steedmanii. They are just some of those suitable and because they hedge so easily you could go for ones that have a maximum height much more than you indicate.

Grevillia would be my choice ...there are many suitable for hedging.And they will bring a constant stream of feathered visitors.
There is a beautiful hedge of camelia "Plantation Pink" up the road.
Failing those can throw up a low fence and grow a fast growing climber over it
Good luck with it

Thumbnail by
West of Brisbane, Australia

Jim, if there's an image in your original question, my browser/firewall is preventing me from seeing it. So I'm answering blind, so to speak.

Anyway, my suggestion is a Himalayan sweet box, Sarcococca confusa. It's an evergreen shrub growing to a max. of about 2m H by 1m W but possibly smaller in a warmer climate. Anyway, it can easily be pruned to size. Apparently it prefers shade to sun, so your southern aspect sounds ideal. Best part is that it's scented, which is why it aroused my interest. You can read about it at the following links:

An Australian ebay seller has been offering them for sale in lots of ten (they don't seem to sell individual plants), although it doesn't seem to be on offer right now. With postage, it works out to about $4.50 a plant. If you want only one or two, you could ask your local nursery to find one for you.

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