Anyone have a Solexx greenhouse?

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I need to replace some hail damaged panels in my Harbor Freight 6x8. I was thinking of buying some Solexx panels and cutting them down to fit. Does anyone have experience with Solexx? I like the white vs clear, since here the sun is so hot in spring and fall.

Hillsboro, OR

I have a solex greenhouse and love it. My wonderfull husband made it. The sides are half wood and rest is soldex. In winter we run a small electric heater, just at night when temp is below freezing I have lots of geraniums samd other plants that would die in our 8a weather. I have two small fans that run 24 -7. This winter the temp here was below feezing a lot. We also had snow. I didn't loose any plants. Ours is the white not clear.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks cowgirl. Sounds like a good replacement for my hail damaged panels. Now to save up.

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