Addicted to Easter Candy

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

What is it about Easter candy??

I can usually pass up every other holidays candy, but Easter. I just can't resist these eggs!

The whoppers ones were my first favorite, and now these cadbury chocolate eggs...I can't stop eating them!

Those large gooey cadbury eggs are pretty good, too!

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Those little foil covered chocolate eggs set me on a chocolate spree!! And anything marshmallow and covered with chocolate --- I love to freeze and then eat. I can pass on the jellybeans....and the yellow sugary marshmallow chicks. If it is gritty ........eeeech..

When the kids were small - I'd leave jellybean trails to their basket because I was willing to toss the jellybeans away.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

When the kids were small - I'd leave jellybean trails to their basket because I was willing to toss the jellybeans away.

ahh...that is so sweet. I'll bet that is a fond memory for your children.

We never got easter baskets as a kid, ...not even once. My mother always said "candy will rot your teeth don't need it".

...kinda like in the Christmas Story classic when they tell him "you'll poke your eye out", but insert easter basket, instead :0)

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh no! I am sorry. However, I am happy you have GREAT teeth!! Your mom believed in tough love!!

The night before Easter morning we would pull apart a cotton ball and leave bits of it scattered on the hearth (rabbit fur you know..;0) - and on the hearth a chewed carrot was left on a plate where the whole carrot lay the evening before.

One year Joshua - then 4 - decided that he was going to 'catch that rabbbit' ...... he had a plan. We didn't think anything of it and he went to bed as usual, taking his empty basket with him. Later that night the Easter Bunny would come to fill his and his sister's basket. The kids baskets were made of woven straw. The base was round and about 18 inches wide I guess and 5 or 6 inches deep. The looped handle attached to both sides of the basket was very long...maybe about 15-20 inches tall --- a typical old fashioned basket style. Well, that night -like every other Easter eve, we raided the kid's rooms to retrieve the baskets.
As soon as we entered Joshua's room, we knew we were in trouble......... He lay peacefully asleep on his back. But horror of horrors (!!) (I don't know how he did it comfort-wise...) he had pulled up his basket onto his body like you would pull up a pair of britches!! ...His little butt was resting IN the basket while the handle rose up above him and his hands were firmly gripping the sides of the handle. That rabbit was going to have to wake him up to get THAT basket!!
(He never felt a thing as we gently extracted him from his 'rabbit trap!')

This message was edited Mar 7, 2009 6:54 PM

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Looks like the Easter Bunny is a little early here...

Thumbnail by JasperDale
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hahaha...that Joshua is a smart kiddo!

It must have been hard to keep from snickering :0)

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oh those cadbury eggs are my very favorite... I already ate a bag...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Is that your house...?

I know!...aren't they they best!, lol
They are just likes Lay's potato chips~you can't eat just one, and then before you know it, the bag is empty :0)

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

seedpicker: No, that house is around the block from me. The former owners used to have it very nicely planted, but then someone else bought it and tore out all the flowers. :(

Someone told me that rabbit is an old film prop.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, I am going to see Zuzu again on April 7th... are you coming for a visit??

Seed, I used to love potato chips... for some reason I don't like it anymore... but popcorn is another story!!!!

I'm going to cry, I love this thread so much! ;0)

Missingrosie, Your son is absolutely brilliant! Is he old enough to laugh about it himself now?

Jasper, I collected large bunny store displays and covet that film bunny!

I owned a chocolate shop and closed it last year. The holidays became to much for me to keep up with and I missed so much time with my family. Easter was and is my absolute favorite time of the year for candy!!!!! I never got sick of decorating chocolate bunnies, my specialty :0) I've lost so many photos over the years of my work and it's not really easy to them them in my home kitchen anymore. But here are a few to keep the Easter bunny spirit going :0)

The egg under glass is all chocolate and icing.

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Here is back of a 7 pound 26" tall dark chocolate bunny. Decorated with icing, easter candy and a vintage silk chenille hen and chick.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 12:28 PM

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Box made of chocolate w/decorated top.

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And this one was a favorite, only 3" tall, so cute and tiny.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 12:38 PM

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And my favorite Easter candy is Reese's peanut butter eggs. I know they make other shapes for the holidays now, but they just don't taste the same unless they are in the egg shape :0)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

beautiful work! I think that would be so much fun. Your shop looked lovely,and I'll bet it smelled wonderful.

Did you sell it to someone else, or just close? What did you do with all those glass display jars?...they'd make some really nice terrariums :0)

Thank you, I closed it and sold the building. So much of it was antique jars and molds that I've been collecting for years. I would have taken a huge loss selling all together. And I kept my large equipment incase the kids need a career. lol

I'm not as industrious as you are :0) I thought they would make lovely terrariums too, I just can't keep anything alive that's not outside and in the ground. The jars are all over my kitchen and dining room. The hold kitchen staples, sugar, flour, nic nac collections. Until recently, Mr. bubbles the fish lived in one And some make nice vases :0)

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Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Lulu, what beautiful bunnies, and the box is especially nice.

I don't have any Easter favorites. I just like peanut brittle -- any time of year, and all year for that matter.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

ZuZu did you see the peanut brittle recipe in Recipes? It is very fast and very good.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not as industrious as you are :0)

No, you are MORE industrious! :0)...owning a chocolate shop is quite an accomplishment.

Here is one apothecary I got to make a terrarium in, but the plants are still in their pots...just waiting on the right dollhouse arbor, for the little ivy to go on, before I assemble it.

I'm not normally good with houseplants...I forget all about them, for the outdoor stuff, but terrariums pretty much take care of themselves :0)

Sinningias are pretty fun, too. They are like african violets that are only about an inch tall and would fit on a quarter :0)

I have to admit, peanut brittle is up there in my top 5 favorites.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

close-up of the teensy weensy little ivy...I think it is just adorable.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

This is a young little sinningia on the right and a little sedum on the left in dollhouse hanging baskets.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Gosh, Missingrosie, I have never even looked at the recipes forum. I hate to cook. Thanks for letting me know. I'll go over there and find it.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

No fuss and fast

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, I agree it's fast, but I don't have any of those ingredients in my house, so by the time I buy all of them and a glass bowl and a cookie sheet, I could probably buy 10 pounds of peanut brittle at See's.

I really do hate cooking. I eat mostly raw fruit and vegetables, yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs. About once or twice a week, I throw a bunch of beef or chicken and various vegetables in a wok and cook it, but I never bake, so I haven't had any sugar or butter or any of the other stuff in my house for years.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

If anybody here says they like "peeps" , well ........
Those things are gross!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I LOVE peeps, JD! My favorite way is to rip off the cellophane and put them on the top shelf of the dish cabinet out of sight till they get hard, about 30 days. Oh so good. I used to put up lots of boxes of them to age to perfection. Sadly. I haven't had a peep in several years.

Taylor, I just LOVE Easter candy but the exact opposite kinds tha to love. I do not like milk chocolate and I really hate Cadbury eggs. I bit into one once and had to spit it out. My son loved those though.

I also love those big candy eggs with the hard candy shell and marshmallow inside. I can't think what they are called. They are in all pastel colors. As an adult I found out those were my Moms favorites too. I also love pectin jelly beans and some brands of chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies drive me wild esp if I freeze them.

Jelly Bellies make a sugar free jelly bean that I have on occasion with that mannitol in them that has that laxative effect. On the package it says: WARNING: Consumption may cause stomach discomfort and/or a laxative effect. Individual tolerance will vary; we suggest starting with 8 beans or less.

I remember one year my Mother had the sugar free ones on the kitchen table and my brother and his son sat there and ate them all. LOL. They were in acute distress.

Oh shoot! I have ben so good walking by the Easter candy aisle fast with my eyes averted. Now you know I will end up buying one of them.

Missingrosie, I made that peanut brittle from the Recipe Forum on Christmas day. I was going to bring it to Christmas dinner. I made 6 batches and had to toss 5 of them. Not that fast and easy! LOL. The first batch I was stirring it with my spatula and pulled it out and the plastic spatula end had totally melted into the brittle. Then I burned 2 batches and another was a pale icky color from not enough cooking. I finally got a decent batch and people loved it.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

When we were kids, my sister put a blue peep on the cement block wall and let it melt in the sun.
It oozed down and got stuck in the crevices of the blocks, stayed blue, and was there for about 10 YEARS !
I swear they are made of polystyrene.

Those cadbury eggs...don't even go there....

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Kell - well now you are an expert at the brittle and know what not to do! PS. I melted the spatula too - and I sampled the brittle before I tossed it. I figure I eat a lot worse than plastic.

ZuZu - you don't need the cookie sheet. Just the parchment. The mixture doesn't go 'traveling' when it is poured. The rest of the stuff you do need but it will make several batches and it is long storing things (the karo, baking soda, sugar and parchment,etc.) the peanuts and the butter not so --but I bet you'd eat the peanuts quickly anyway.
Jasper - PEEPS - I couldn't think of the name earlier... so gritty....hate gritty... My sis toasted one of those things over a stove...and as it melted she knew the mother from hell would have a fit so she stuck her hand under it.... Bad burn... and the color stuck too. (Just like your cement)

Reminds me of something (the color staining) last week friends husband had colonoscopy. Dr. had a fit. He could not see the colon lining clearly because it was deep purple....everywhere!!! The guy ended up have 12 polyp! (wow 12!!) but it seems like his vitamins/herbs something he was taking ...had stained his colon. His wife thinks it was the liquid sawgrass he takes for prostate.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't normally go for those marshmallow-y ones, with the exception of one...and they are divine! Have you tried those Russel Stover eggs? They are about the size of a real egg(only flat), and are wrapped individually. And, I don't know if it is marshmallow, or just whipped goo of some kind, but it is filled with a fluffy raspberry marshmallow type stuff, and they are heaven! Talking about them makes me want to run straight to the store!, lol...

Around this time of year, with all these wonderful candies, I need to get some of that medicine that you can take before eating sugar, so I don't go into a sugar coma, lol...

I never really liked peeps, either, but then again, I've never eaten a 30 day old one! *wink, lol...

You'd think I'd love marshmallow stuff, because I love marshmallows, but I guess I just like them by themselves...somehow a crunch to them, disturbs me just like the grit some people are describing with the peeps, lol...

In the summers, we never let the grill coals go to waste after grilling. I keep a bag of mallows, and some skewers, and we have roasted marshmallows for desert, after grilling,~ usually several times a week in summer...

Jasperdale-ok, so does that mean you LIKE them, or HATE them?, lol...I happen to love those gooey things. :0)

Missingrosie-As for the peanut brittle, I have the recipe for that quick simple brittle, that is SO good, but our local bakery inside the grocery store, makes it, so it is just too handy to just pick up a container of it, instead of making a mess in the kitchen.

I'm not really one who likes to cook, either. I think more specifically, I just don't like making that big of a mess, and having to clean it up, lol...

I can make an even bigger mess with pots, soil, etc., outside, and it doesn't bother me a bit, :0)

Zuzu-my husbands aunt used to send us a box of See's candies every year for Christmas. We don't have any way to buy it here locally, except once a year at kiosk sales in the malls, at Christmastime.

I've never tried the brittle, because she always sent us the mixed chocolates. I can honestly say, they were the best chccolates that I've ever put in my mouth. And, they came in really fancy flavors, that I just loved. (was there real rum in those?, lol)...

If her brittle is even half as good as her chocolates, I can see why you'd like it so much. Her chocolates were fantastic.


San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Good morning Taylor! Are you too young or do you remember the marshmallows that came in little boxes in the 50s and 60s? I do not remember when they stopped making them. They were so much better than the ones now that are so puffed up. I have tried the fresh made ones in candy shops, but to me, they are totally different.

I never thought of Peeps as gritty! Maybe I should sample one again to see. LOL. You must eat them stale. So good.

I am not a chocolate eater but always loved Sees dark chocolate covered cherries. But what is best are their Scotch Kisses - - Marshmallow and caramel! Oh my, light, so soft and so fresh. I also like their Scotchmallows -
Honey marshmallow and caramel.

You are in luck, Sees deliver. LOL! You can even get their Easter goodies or a custom box.

Gosh this thread is no place for a diabetic. LOL.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Ps Missingrosie, yes now I can make peanut brittle. LOL. I am a slow learner. It goes so fast, you really have to watch it. I meant to go back and post to that thread not to use a spatula to stir or get it out of the pot.

JD, why would your sister even think to put that peep on that cement wall? LOL. A few years ago I read that America is fascinated with Peeps. I wonder if I could find the article again. It was amazing how popular they are.

I'm with the peeps are like wine crowd....they get better with age :0)

Seed, that ivy is tooo cute! I've been want to do another fairy garden on old tree stumps. My mother has been collecting doll house stuff for the project..but you guessed's all in jars.LOL

My Dh had to work in Finland during Easter one year. He brought back some of the best and worst candy I've ever had. One was a decorated egg (real hen egg) blown out and filled with hazelnuts/chocolate. The worst was supposedly a national favorite. I forget the name but it tasted like hard chewy bits of shoe leather soaked in Jagermeister.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Seeds: I've never actually eaten one of those Cadbury eggs, but they just look repulsive when you open them up.

Kell: If I remember correctly, my DS had left her Easter basket in the sun and it started to melt everything, she picked up the peeps, which had all started to fuse into one another, and wiped them off her fingers and onto the wall.

There's a whole bunch of funny videos about peeps on YouTube.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hard chewy bits of shoe leather soaked in Jagermeister.


This is a cute stump idea for a fairy garden...someone on Dave's posted this a few years back, but can't remember who...

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

and this is another member favorite photo I saved in my gardening ideas folder, of kiwiluvsme's terrariums:

This picture came to mind instantly when I saw all your jars. She has many of them decorated with miniatures. I love this picture.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oh a chocolate factory... that is my dream! gorgoeus things you made!!!!! I can just imagine working with chocolate!

Taylor you still doing the tiny gardens??? I have an itch to get a fairy garden going where I used to have my turtles... (now I only have one and Cocoa will not be out of my sight this year... ) oh life...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't answer your, I don't remember marshmallows in a box. Not that I'm that young(will be 42 this year), but don't remember them. My mother wouldn't let us eat sugar, so even if they were available, we would have never known it :0)

I can SO relate to the melting the spatula episode, time when I was about 13, my brother had a friend over that I had a huge crush on. I solicited the three of us to "grill" some marshmallows over the gas burner. I got out three forks, and six marshmallows, and we started turning them together over the flame. I was beaming inside, but trying to stay "cool", and composed at my excitement that they both wanted to do this with me.

I was concentrating very hard on making a perfectly toasted marshmallow to show off for this boy(oh, being a teenager!, lol...), and then, I suddenly noticed my marshmallow was slipping, slipping fast! I started to turn my fork wildly, but the more I did, the more it kept slipping.

Turns out I had handed them flatware, and had used a plastic fork myself. The plastic fork had melted to the neck, and so it was just flopping wildly over the burner. They died laughing at me, and the rest of the day, poked fun at how stupid that was of me...good grief. I was mortified...

Happy ending was that I ended up "going with" him as we called it then, for the next three years, but that particular day, I felt I had ruined it, lol...I was so embarrassed.

Hi Kassia-How is nursing going for you? Must be hard to be stuck in a long shift at the hospital, when it is nice weather, and the roses needing tending to, :0)

I'm sorry to hear you are down to just Cocoa... :0( Are you going to get more?

Yes, still have plans for one outside,and one inside. The indoors one is being held up by finding just the right dollhouse patio set(I want to make a scene inside a one gallon windowsill aquarium I found, complete with partiere partions and potted sinningias), and the outdoor one is held up for lack of plant material available at the moment...

So many places are just now starting to get their stuff...

Roses are just becoming available...couldn't pass up this lovely orange w/ pink & yellow

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Taylor, you know I don't have Arizona... hum... I have a gift certificate for ARE and I am looking and looking... love their big roses...

Nursing is amazing. I could not imagine doing anything else... I am still learning, and I feel that I am making progress. I love it... love my patients and 99% of the people I work with. Some are so wonderful and teach me so much ... such passionate about the profession! but of course you find the bad ones that unfortunately can make the day really go hard. I am changing my schedule. I am going to be working only 3 12hrs shift this way I get 4 days to garden! for 3 days I may not see my garden much but I will spend more time gardening than working... now that is something to look foward to!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

We used to work a "fireman's schedule"...four days on, three days off, and I loved it. Better to get all the work out of the way, and then you can just play, play, play! :0)

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