What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today? #15

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over...is sunshine gleaming through your windows..

OMG, time to get the windows washed, sure do need it..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

In changing rooms forgot to welcome Albertarose...

Ooops, brushes drying, best get to the floormat..
I'm this far..lol...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The Swing Greenhouse... yes that did work in a pinch.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Inside, not a lot of head room

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the move Betty .. did 4 big outside windows here yesterday as the sunshone poorly on me :-) Jeez Louise were they dirty !!!

Love the floormat .. so far, so good .. enjoy your project

Off to the dump (or Municipal Landfill site) Lilly loves going for the ride there .. as do about half the other dogs and dog owners in our little Township ^_^



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The unveiling

This was Spring of 2007. Started way too many plants indoors & ran out of room. The swing greenhouse was in operation from April 10 to mid-May. Heated it with a little round propane tentheater. Held down the plastic with landscape ties.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Champion, AB(Zone 3b)

Hi Betty, Thanks for the welcome. It looks like you are into tole painting. I'd like to see your floor mat when it's finished. I'm an artist too, painting in acrylics mostly birds and wildlife in detail. I come from Ontario and know V. Harbour and have relatives living there by the name of Schnitzler. Would you show me some of your work? Here's a pic of a pheasant that I did not too long ago painted on stone tile. I don't know where this thread came from so I don't know what the topic was about but we'll talk again. ab-rosey

Champion, AB(Zone 3b)

duhhh, Just found the previous thread Thanks ALL for your welcome. We were talking about the weather kinda. Well, here's how a Chinook happens---I went to the p.o. this am for my mail, it was calm when I walked in, sorted through some flyers, and went out. The wind was blowing//////. I got in my car and the wind blew the door closed on my leg. ouch!! I was in the p.o. for 5min.
Has anyone ever grown Eustoma?? I have some VERY tiny two leaf seedlings just sitting there and they aren't doing anything, namely growing. any ideas?
Do all delphiniums need cold treatment before sowing? My packages (4 different var.) don't indicate this, just 1 pkg.
I am the proud nana of new grandson, b.Feb. 2 and I'm off to a baby shower for him, then work. Have a wonderful day everyone.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

ALBERTAROSEY - welcome. Give that new grandson a hug from all of us and show us a picture, please.

Hi to everyone else too. I've sort of been MIA. Worked a wonderful concert of the Toronto based Tafelmusik last night (here in Ottawa). If they every do their Galileo Project concert and you are close enough to go to it, do! I think they've just finished this tour of it though. Interesting, because they had ALL of the music memorized. That's very unusual for everyone in an orchestra to memorize all of it.

Have been working today on the Food Cupboard pictures again. We have them mostly captioned and now I'm putting them into an order before we give them all to the person who will do the Power Point presentation.

My Vancouver daughter sent new pics of Leila a couple of days ago. Enjoy.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ANN .. I still say Leila (I LOVE THAT NAME) looks so much like you .. what a beautiful child ..

Re the Food Cupboard .. I have noticed a great upsurge in advertising both in the local paper and other media sources with regards to donations as the organization is having to distribute more food than ever before .. so sad ..

AlbertaRosey .. what a fabulous job on the Pheasant !!! ALMOST as good as Robert Bateman :-)
You'll have to keep after Betty to show you pics of her painting marvels .. she's quite talented, and, as you will no doubt find out .. she is DEFINITELY related to the ENERGIZER BUNNY !! LoL
Congrats on the birth of your grandson .. hope you enjoyed the shower ^_^

Have walked Lilly several times today .. the weather is astounding .. in the mid 40's F and blazing sun .. only small problem I had was wearing my winter clogs along the deer trail .. I got a wee bootful of snow with some 'raisins' in it !!
As you all know .. I can get into predicaments .. and this one was NO exception .. lets just say there's a few new holes in the snow .. I kept losing my balance while I held my clog to clear the snow (et al) out .. and Lilly kept pulling on the leash .. ahh well .. all organic !!



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - we are mystified by the Food Cupboard. Demand in February was a couple hundred people less than a year ago. Go figure. I think we are still quite insulated from the effects of the recession here in Ottawa. But we are afraid it will hit us eventually. Our OWN program is doing well. Those in the centre of the city are likely harder hit and they need more support from the Ottawa Food Bank than we do because we work hard and successfully to cultivate a community "ownership" of our program which translates into very good support.

Found an interesting blog on the construction of a cello. You might find it interesting.

AB Rosey - I have to admit that I didn't really look at the pheasant the first time through, but I just did and I also think it's very good.

Just looked at Joanna's spring seedlings and Wow!

Are you up for another Leila picture? DD sent 10, but I won't bore you with all of them. Need to go check my bread which is rising in the pan.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann what a beauty! she looks so angelic.
Welcome ABrosey
Joanna Here is the address to the supplier for the heater www.thenextenergystore.com/catalog/item/3585961/4924993.htm

If I remember right I had to go and buy a heavy duty cord to run the power to my GH. It is a gentle heat and I found that nothing was dried out from it. I really liked the thermostat as it assisted with a constant temp and I didn't have to leave the heater on as it would do it's own thing if it was needed.
Would the giant paper clips work for holding your bubble wrap?
Marilynn thanks for the visual on your organic trip through the bush LOL


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Here's how it turned out. Big difference in heat retention.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Looks good, Joanne. You will be prepared for that cold snap coming. Good Luck ^_^

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Dont forget to change your clocks before you go to bed tonite!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Great looking GH.

It snowed today. I know for most of you it's not newsworthy, but this is Victoria. We've got rhodos and daffodils blooming! They're forecasting more for tonight as well.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

UGgggggggggggggggggggg .. it is SO DARK out right now .. the drawback I dislike re Daylight Savings .. course .. tonight at 8pm we'll still be able to be outside without floodlights on ^_^

I tend to think that cold snap from the west is wending it's way towards Northern Ontario .. glad you got the bubble wrap situated Joanna ..

Ann .. what can I say .. Lovely Leila says it all ...

Hope you all have a great Sunday .. no doubt Linda will be shovelling (whooda thunk it)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Snow here too and supposed to be winter again for a few days ( I mean REALLY winter).
Briar started yesterday. I like to watch curling on TV and they show a game from all 2 draws so lots of TV the next week! Dont know all the results but the 2 games I watched Alberta beat NB and Ontario beat NFLD.

Reminders of the week I got Fancy in 2002- Had just had my BC surgery and sent Bailey off to board so I would not have to walk him . The Worlds were here in Calgary and she and I spent the whole week cuddled in my lazy boy watching the curling!It was to darn cold to do anything else that week.
Out to shovel all that stuff soon.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Joanne - how's your greenhouse doing in these low temps?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Great. It is a balmy +23ºC right now with the heater on low; outside -12ºC. This morning it was +12ºC, but it just jumped up when the sun started shining.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Heater off, -10 outside & 26.5 in the greenhouse. The sun makes a huge difference. This is all new to me. Last year the greenhouse was assembled mid April and it was 1/2 the size. DH bought the bigger one in the fall & we got it assembled in Nov. Sorta jumped the gun with Mar 1 for start-up day.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Gotta luv 'passive solar heat' .. I sometimes sit in the living room with my laptop .. my back is towards a south facing picture window and I have oft times had to move because the heat was so intense ..

Don .. your .. WHEW! comment is too funny .. it's probably that there WITHOUT a greenhouse LoL

Lovely day here .. went and bought some 'bunny food' .. had to go to PetSmart as the Feed Farm only sells FIFTY pound bags of alfalfa/Timothy pellets .. I took them some chopped carrots this morning .. they are still sitting there!!
Bugs Bunny would be saying "Nah .. what's UP with that doc' !!

At present I have a disaster happening in my breadmaker .. but am STICKING to it (almost literally) .. I made a loaf of cranberry whole wheat bread .. recipe called for fresh cranberry .. but .. I had canned leftover .. set everythin up according to the directions .. the machine was churning away .. I was putting dishes away (10 minutes after the fact) .. and low and behold .. there was the KNEADING PADDLE .. horrors .. so .. I stopped the machine .. and proceeded to try and seat the dang thing .. once I did .. I continued .. put it back to GO .. and was figgrin it's going to be a titch on the messed up side .. THEN .. 'bang, clunk, clunk, bang .. I look inside .. the kneading paddle has gone AWOL !! .. uggg .. back into the muck and myre goes my hand AGAIN !! THIS time I got it FIRMLY in place.
If any of you use a bread maker .. you know there comes a point in the process when the beeper beeps and you ADD your fruit .. so ..the beeper goes and .. PLOP goes my 3/4 cup of CANNED cranberries .. I hang back at the kitchen table .. filling little snack bags with alfalfa for the bunny .. and .. I'm thinking .. 'sounds kinda SLOSHY to me .. I open the lid .. DAWG .. cranberry loaf soup is happening right before my eyes !!!! QUICK .. what would be the remedy ?? FLOUR .. I grab the whole wheat flour and proceed to throw some in .. a 1/4 of a cup at time .. the gizmo is whizzin .. and before I even realize it .. I am lookin a wee bit like CASPER .. the flour is all over my face and hair as I had been intent on watching the whole process .. right now the 'loaf' is in it's second rise cycle .. and I am hoping it doesn't turn into BLUE JAY food !!!

Off to make supper


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

ROTFLOL...Marilynne, I don't know what we'd do without you to brighten our days. ^_^

Champion, AB(Zone 3b)

Just posted a pic of my new grandson........thought it was here but it's not . dumb, dumbdumb .........abrosey

sorry it's in the ........."has the seeding for 2009 started"

This message was edited Mar 8, 2009 2:24 PM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AlbertaRosy's new grandson .. 'KANE' .. a 6 hours old ... VERY handsome young man ^_^


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

And no matter what is happening outside ( BRRRRRRRRRR) it is spring inside!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. the Cranberry Loaf turned out 'A OK' .. don't ask me how !!! I even have pics .. but have to upload'em on the desktop computer which is in use ..
Will fer SURE never forget that little kneading paddle again !!!!

Off to shower and onwards to bed .. busy upcoming week ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann and Abrosey, your grandchildren are adorable!!!

Also, welcome to Dave's Garden and the Canadian forum AlbertaRosey! Your painting of your pheasant is awesome.

the other Joanne Ü

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol - that looks gorgeous! Don't you just love the prim roses this time of year.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

ABrosey - nice looking young man in that pic. I look forward to seeing more pics of him as he grows.

Marilynne, LOL on the bread. So glad it turned out OK in the end, but what a story. Me, I think I'll continue pummelling my bread by hand. I'm sure it kept me from beating my kids when they were growing up.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Mmmmmmmm .. I can almost SMELL the Hyacinthe Carol .. I am going to have to get to a florists and get a couple ..

Ann .. I have only ever made ..non bread maker bread .. a couple of times, and was not too impressed as I didn't seem to have the 'knack' .. it did, however, SMELL awesome when cooking .. the bread maker does as well, but not as intense.

Looked out into the back yard at 6am (course it's dark out there) and here is a small Doe bedded down on what at that point looked like the INSIDE of Lilly's compound !!!! I tapped on the window and she looked at me .. but made no move to get up .. I went out onto the patio .. and I then realized she was on the OTHER side of the compound .. I walked closer (I had thought perhaps she had been hit by a car) .. I got about 5' away and she got up and walked back into the back forty .. not at a run or kicking up her heels .. it's SO dark I can't see her very well .. am waiting for some light .. EVERYONE .. be they human or animal has to be careful on the property right now as the melt proceeds .. the driveway is quite slick in spots .. and the snow has a hard crust on it .. fingers crossed that she's OK..

Seems to be a storm on it's way here from out west .. due to arrive overnight tonight .. guess we'll have to wait and see if it materializes ..

Hope everyone has a great week


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

it's been snowing since 7:30 and we already have 5cm. Cooper loves the snow!

From the Weather Network:

Greater Victoria
10:39 AM PDT Monday 9 March 2009
Snowfall warning for
Greater Victoria continued

5 cm of snow for much of southern Vancouver Island through this afternoon.

This is a warning that significant snowfall is expected or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.

A localized area of low pressure that developed early this morning over the south coast continues to wrap bands of snow over much of southern Vancouver Island. Snowfall amounts of 5 cm are expected before the system pushes to the south later this afternoon.

An Arctic ridge of high pressure building over northern British Columbia will produce strong outflow winds through coastal valleys and inlets. The strong outflow winds in combination with the cold temperatures will produce wind chill values near minus 20 degrees over the coastal valleys and inlets today and tonight. Winds are expected to abate tomorrow morning.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Uh oh...BRRRRR?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, busy weekend, painting basic floorcloth, all but finished, too busy for me..likely will give it to sister in law..might throw it on floor, live with it a day or 2 then decide..worked on cleaning back deck, winterized it with plastic, thank goodness I didn't take down plastic, winter was back this morning...snow and freezing rain..

Computer down at work since Friday, just got back from Toronto picking up yet another, all my files have to be transferred .. can't gab, borrowed co-workers' just to check in on all of you..

Leila and Kane..just want to squeeze them..so cute..

Albertarose will have to check on family name..moved into town about 4 yrs. ago..did you visit them, can you give me an idea about where they may live?

"M" you are always up to something..some good some not so good..lol
last week making break in breadmaker, I was doing as they said, work ingredients to the corner and make a hole in middle for yeast..guess the spoon fell down while my back was turned..lol...hey, do you all remember when we were younger, well some of you are younger than I so may not remember..you'd just die if someone did it now, you use to put money or an object in a birthday cake and the person finding it would get a gift..can you imagine that being done..was the thing up north, no-one that I know of ever came to harm..

OMG Joanne, what do you do with all those plants?

Don, have you returned north of the border..just scanned the posts, might have missed your 'eh' at the border...

Want to gab to you all

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

LOL...not yet Betty. Hope to be home by "Spring", or somewhere around that date.

I remember the coins being put in birthday cakes. We didn't get any extra gifts, but got to keep the change and it was supposed to be "Good Luck", but only if you didn't bite down too hard and break a tooth! ^_^

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DAWG Betty .. I do SO remember the Birthday cake caper LoL .. it just was NOT birthday cake if' it didn't have a quarter in it !!! Sometimes the coin was wrapped in waxpaper .. sometimes not .. my D in Law in 'Ms Fussy pants' .. as are her friends .. NO WAY would that happen .. but .. 'back in the day' it was so FUN ^_^

GADS .. you don't like your floorcloth ? Lucky Sis n Law ...

Was an outdoors day here ... Lilly is having lotsa fun walking atop the snow .. the Doe that bedded down by the fence finally got up and left .. .. still not sure what the scoop was on why she was so near the house.

Made the INTREPID trip into the GREAT CANADIAN SUPERSTORE today .. 3 miles of walking (guesstimate) and an hour later .. left happy with my finds .. also met about 5 people I hadn't seen in ages ..

Am happy to have the ingredients to make .. SPANAKOPITA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanakopita
Have had it a couple of times over the past few months and finally decided to try it myself .. fingers crossed ..

As I HEAR it .. we are expecting a HUGE winter storm from the south west within the next day or so ..
I NEVER really believe the warnings as the meteoroligists have been SO incorrect this winter .. however .. ya never know !!

Take care everyone


This message was edited Mar 9, 2009 4:22 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG "M" I've never heard of that store..taking the back roads from the city I saw one , wasn't sure what kind of store so keyed it in..grocery store right? what a co-incidence..is it like cosco?

Making squirrel feeders and need 2 gallon glass jars, bet I'll find them there..ok so I'll have pickles for eternity..but the squirrels will enjoy..now if only I could find some filled with nuts..two purpose purchase...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Best be off, going to a 'portrait' class tonight and I can't even draw stick poeple..it's 3 Mondays..done with pencils..what a waste...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty Superstore is owned by Weston group - same as Loblaws is.

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