Distictis - buds fell off?

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi All,

We've had a Distictis in a large pot on our deck for about 8 months. About a month ago or so, we noticed buds beginning to form. One of them opened up and it was that beautiful red color. I was also watching other buds form. About 4 days later, we noticed that the buds all dropped off. We can't figure out if the distictis just doesn't like being in a pot or what. I know it can grow like the dickens and there are new leaves everywhere but I don't understand why buds would just drop right off before even beginning to get larger. We haven't seen any bugs on the plant whatsoever.

Any ideas? We're thinking of moving it to the ground to cover an ugly chain link fence. If we do that, does anyone have any suggestions of a colorful vine that will grow quickly and enjoy being in a pot as well? We used to have mandevillas growing up there but they never did very well in pots.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Bud drop can be diverse and is a response to a stress. Too much water, not enough water, not enough humidity, sudden drops in temperature or sudden changes of light, usually from bright sun to shade. Some diseases will cause it as well as insects like spider mites. Plants that don't like being root bound will drop their buds as well.

It take a tremendous amount of energy for a plant to produce flowers and bud drop is a survival mechanism that allows the plant to put its energy back into growing rather than reproducing. I will sometimes cut off buds of a plant if it looks like they are struggling.

See if you can identify any stressors and correct them if possible.


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