Moving Jackmanii

Bristol, VA

I have a jackmanii that's been in the same stop for 3 yrs. I've now decided to move it closer to the front porch (about 2 ft) so it can climb the porch railing (just installed this past summer). I'm in VA zone 7, it's about 65 today so I thought this might be a good day. Can I do this now? Should I do this now? Thanks , Lesa

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Is it still dormant? Mine are just beginning to put on leaves but you're farther north than me. If it hasn't begun to put on leaves, I don't see why you couldn't carefully move it right now. Maybe someone with more knowledge than me on clematis will come along with better advice.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Now is the Purrrrfect time to relocate your clematis "Jackmanii"..remember to hard prune before moving and keep the soil moist ...planting it 3-4 inches deeper than it was...Jeanne

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the extra input Jeanne. I feel better having a little expert backup :-} I love clematis but still have a lot to learn about them (other than how to buy more than I have room for, LOL). I just planted another new one yesterday.

Bristol, VA

Thank you both for your help. On my way outside to move it now!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You are so welcomed...Jeanne

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