Dahlia's from seed

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

I had picked up a pack of Cactus Dahlia seeds at Target. I sowed them according to the directions on the back. Its been almost 3 weeks and still none have popped up. Have I possibly done something wrong or am I just not being patient enough? I am a newbly to Dahlia's by the way. Have only grown the short ones you buy at the greenhouse in 4 or 6 packs so far. Any helps or germination tips would be wonderful! I do have more seeds, but afraid now its to late to start them?? Thank you all in advance! :)

(Zone 6a)

I sowed mine in the cool basement and they came up in about a week and some are already starting to make their first true leaves. Some of the seeds were a couple years old and they still popped right up. When starting seeds it's important to make sure the seed mix doesn't dry out and stays evenly moist.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dahlia seeds have always germinated quickly for me if the seed is viable, usually within a week. Could yours have dried out? For quicker germination, I soak the seeds overnight in a H2O2 solution (2 tablespoons peroxide per quart of water) before sowing them. I sowed pre-soaked Dahlia seeds yesterday, and have one sprouting today.

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

I sowed more yesterday, laying them on top of the soil then covering with some vermaculite. Then watered them good. Fingers are crossed, but if they don't come up this time I will try soaking them. I just bought the seed a few weeks ago, so it should be good. They do get bottom heat, the shelf they are on has a heat vent under it and heat is constantly coming up. I will move them to a cooler location today. Was really excited about these seeds, so I hope I can get them to grow!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

gemini sage, what does the peroxide do for the seeds? I just managed to get a few seeds from the rare dry dahlia flower heads from last year. Hope they didn't dry out too much: they were very much ignored all winter with no special storage.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I can't explain the technical side of it, other than it has something to do with the extra oxygen molecule, - it penetrates the seed coat quickly and speeds germination. The faster I can get seeds to germinate, the less likely that mold or fungal infection can set in. Seems like more of the seeds sprout at once rather than staggered when I soak them too. All of those I sowed on the 6th are up now. I think it may also help get rid of any mold spores that could be on the seed- saved seed in particular.

I don't think over drying is that bad a thing with seeds, so they should be ok. I think the heads staying wet is typically the bigger issue with Dahlia seeds.

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

Eww, eww so excited!! I have 2 sprouts this morning!! Maybe the first time I had them to deep. Who knows?? Just so excited to see some sprouts. Can't wait to see these babies bloomin!! Thanks all!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Congrats!!! I've had that happen with a couple of types of seed this year, first sowing nothing, 2nd fine?

(Zone 6a)

Congrats from me too!!! Some of my seeds have been insanely solw this year. Be sure to keep us posted!

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

Alot of things seem to be weird this year. Some things I sowed weeks and weeks ago don't come up, then I transplant some extras into their pots and bam they germinate..so that must be the trick, lol! My tomatos and peppers took an extremely long time to germinate this year. But they are looking wonderful, as is everything else I have started so far!

As for the dahlia's, this morning there are a total of 4 out of the 12 up. But even if thats all that come up, I will be happy! I really don't need 12 anyway!! :) Was planning on sharing with my Mom..so I do hope more come up so she gets some! Will keep ya's posted and when they bloom, if I can remember, I will have to post some pics!! :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Congrats on yoru new babies!!!!!!!!! : )

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

YIPPEE!! New baby dahlias!!! How everso exciting!!

(Zone 6a)

Same here, planted pepper seeds about 2 and a half weeks ago and one is just starting to poke up. The Dahlias I started are 'Fireworks' from T&M and 'Bishops Children'. I'm really excited about the latter because it's be on my want list for a looooong time :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've got Bishop's Children up too! Like you, I've wanted those forever. This is the 3rd year in a row starting seed for them, the first year no germination, last year late planting and drought lead to no blooms, so this year the third time should be a charm! The seedlings look great, so I'm going to be totally OCD about seeing these babies to maturity!

Millerstown, PA(Zone 6b)

I wanna see pics of those when you get some blooms you two! I eye them up everytime I look at my T&M catalog, just never order from them. One of these years I am gonna get some of those too! Good luck you two!

I have a total of 5 out of 12 up now. That will be plenty as they get 4 feet tall, but am still hoping the others sprout as well. Will just share any extra's! Was to Wal-Mart today and they have tubers (Is that right for dahlia's..tubers?) 3 for $5, they have some pretty ones too. Just a fyi!

(Zone 6a)

I'll be sure to get pics of the 'Children' when they bloom :) The seedlings are already showing a redish colour and I can't wait to see them bloom!!! I also wintersowed the Fireworks year before last but they got killed by a frost so I'm looking forward to them this year and then the tubers can be lifted in the fall!!!!
I'll have to check out Wal-Mart soon as I want to get a white cactus dahlia, a friend had one years ago so I'd like to get one for myself.

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