Please recommend Z7 mosquito eater.

Everson, WA(Zone 7b)

Help, I am suffering from exsanguination.

I am looking for a plant that will:

1. Be hardy in zone 7
2. Consume both: Flies & Mosquitoes.

My problem is primarily mosquitoes, and although I could take care of the problem another way, I'd like to try using carnivorous plants this time, simply for the "joy" of it.

My question is, wouldn't mosquitoes be drawn to a pitcher plant for the sole purpose of reproduction? If I were to remove all external water sources that I could fine (buckets, lids, cap, etc), would the mosquito choose the water that collects in a pitcher plant as its breeding area? I am worried that the surface tension of the water would be too great, and the mosquito could possibly just fill the plant with larva and fly out with no problem.


Would surrounding a jar of water with sundews possibly work?

Thanks for reading.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Carnivorous plants will NOT solve your problem. They just don't consume THAT many insects to be an effective choice.

For mosquitos use "Mosquito dunks" in any standing water areas. These contain BT which is safe around pets and children/people.

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