just got rhodochiton atrosanguineus seeds advice?

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, I figured where else to go to ask BEFORE I sow these is there any thing in particular that you masters of vine growing can tell me about these......other than if I get it to grow it's BEAUTIFUL!!
thanks ahead of time

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hi Mj-

two things about this one...

Sow on the surface, and do not cover...they need light to germinate. Once they begin to sprout, you can top with a little sand to anchor the roots.

Second, they are very susceptible to damping-off fungus, so be sure plenty of light, and air circulation, and be sure to start with sterile, clean soil. (I bake mine in an oven bag with internal temp 160 for 30 mins to be sure)

Also, they like to germinate a little on the cool side...like 60-65 degrees.

The best I ever got mine to germinate(100% of an entire flat!) was outside in the spring, under a tree, where it got the nighttime lows, and part sun warm days.

good luck!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Hey Thanks!
good I don't need to put them on the heat mat...I can keep that temp in a northeast window w/ filtered light. I've been using a mix of vermiculite and seed starter soil for all the seedlings lately and like that much better. Course I've got about a several dozen of those peat pellet thingies that came w/ the heat mat kit that I don't have a clue as to what to do with cause EVERY seed I've tried to start in them has not worked. They do seem to work well for small cuttings tho so I guess I'll save them for that.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

yep...no heat mat.

In fact, one of the factors that I think made that one flat do so well, was the erratic temperatures of outdoors, not static temperatures of indoors. :0)

...filtered might not be enough...l've supplemented window light, by adding a one light, plant light strip at the top of the window, and that has done real well for things like african violets, that need no direct light, but also need more than a north window can provide.

You'll know if they need more light, if the seedlings start to lean toward the sun. If they don't lean, and are upright, there in the right amount

have fun :0)

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