Ladies of the night: brunfelsia and Michelia cultivars

West of Brisbane, Australia

I've mentioned two Ladies of the night (LOTN) cultivars in a previous thread: one is a brunfelsia, the other a cultivar of Michelia figo. Here's a pic of the brunfelsia that I think is a LOTN (Brunfelsia americana). It's night scented, but doesn't have that knock-out intensity that has been described on US forums. So maybe it's not a LOTN?

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here is the label of M. figo LOTN.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's the rear of the above label.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

For comparison, here's the label of M. figo 'Coco'. The flowers look virtually identical to LOTN.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Another double post ... can't get rid of the photo.

This message was edited Mar 3, 2009 3:30 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Problem is, I've gotten the plants mixed up in the garden. So although one of them is labelled LOTN in the photo below, I can't be sure that this is LOTN and not Coco. Note the difference in flower colour though: one has that purple tinge in the centre, the other is more creamy yellow. I've been racking my brains trying to remember what they smell like ... I suspect that the yellow one has more of a ripe banana smell, but am only guessing as I just can't remember.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

And here's the rear of the Michelia figo 'Coco' label that I thought I'd already posted.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

I have a coco in my jungle is cream ...the bloom is creamy and larger than the normal port wine one, the fragrance is identical to it as far as my nose can detect.
I have a white Brunfelsia ...not Lady of the night.I had that one on backorder with a Nursery that specialized in rare tropicals for three years until it was lost to the fires.
Seems there are a handfull of plants called that particular name.
I have this one.
Does anyone have any other kind?
Aren't they wonderful?

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Here's a great link for LOTN

Whew ...wasted an hour over that one *sigh* not a waste at all we can dream can't we? over stuff like Ylang Ylang and other rare Jewels we can't hope to grow. I did see quite a lot of stuff in there we can grow though. Just gotta love that smelly stuff.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Yes, I love that TopTropicals website; often go there. Not sure that the plant IDs are always correct, though.

So, the all-cream M.figo is Coco, which means the pink-tinged one is LOTN. I'll have to remember that and label the plants accordingly when they next flower. Incidentally, one of them has set seed (see out-of-focus pic). Nature just wants to procreate!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Very pretty seeds I think magnolia seeds are like gems Exmouth sets the prettiest rubys ...smells so citrusy tingling yummy! too gotta love them.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Chrissy ,great is the ylang ylang tree....I am very,very tempted....blasted possums are always in my calculations when i want to introduce something new...........

how about this one....

Dipladenia sanderi `Rosea'' flowers and flowers through nearly all the months in our climate. It has big pink trumpet flowers.This is a most rewarding plant!!
This one is always grown as a shrub although it will turn into a climber if you don't clip it back or pinch out the main shoots.once a year. Needs a protected area where nights get cold. For warm frost free climates. Full sun.

This message was edited Mar 3, 2009 9:27 PM

Mya that is a mandy by another name daughter in law works for a Nursery that specializes in them. Beautiful things!
just to show you remember mine?

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They are wonderful plants but resent too much water in the winter ...tough as old boots here growing in pots and built up garden beds. I have minis and maxies ...Trying to strike them for you.

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Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Well ,why don't they just say mandevillas.....I know what they are,I have a red one,that I have growing from a hanging basket, so the possums don't eat them...

Thumbnail by MyaC

I guess it's like Frangipanni is Plumaria or a Kiwi fruit is rally a chinese Gooseberry ...
If you want lots of flowers chop it back a bit and throw some potash at it. Fantastic for the tropics ...even grows great here needs good drainage and hates wet roots in Winter ...great bang for the buck. I think names can be very confusing ...the grower calls them dips for short. Always look up the names of things that do not sound familiar ...some things are called incorrect names or some marketing ploy gives something old a new name.

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Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of what we call lady of the night, Brunfelsia nitida in Fairchild Garden, Miami.

Thumbnail by amygirl
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Here is another photo. The small roundish fruits turn orange when they are ripe.

Thumbnail by amygirl

Thankyou amygirl ...lovely pics!

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