Bokashi in Worm Bin

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Has anyone ever feed their worms the fermented bokashi? I just started with bokashi & although it is recommended for vermiculture, I'd like to hear from someone who has actually done it.

Palmer, AK(Zone 2a)

I haven't done it...but you could try just a little in one small area of the bin. If the worms like it, you'll soon know. And if it's a problem, the worms could/would avoid that area.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I've used the Bokashi in the worm bin. The worms love it! I do recommend that you layer it with worm bedding, either shredded newspaper or coir or whatever else you are using. The Bokashi has a low pH, so you don't want to put too much in all at once without the bedding.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I put about 1/2 cup of the fermented bokashi in a few days ago. The worms can't seem to make up their mind about it. A few have found it, but not too many. I'll give it a few more days & see how it works. Sometimes it takes the wigglies a few days to either find the new food, or decide if they like it or not.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

When I dug the first ground trench to bury my Bokashi, I uprooted a few worms. After smoothing the soil over the buried Bokashi, I suddenly noticed the worms on the surface racing to the area covering the Bokashi and diving in. I had no idea that worms could race like that, or move so fast. They stetched themselves out, very long and thread like, then contracted together and stretched out a again, crossing several feet of soil very quickly. The red worms in the bin were a bit fussier at first. Once they developed a taste for Bokashi perment, they were hooked.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

garden_mermaid, I buried my first fermented bokashi bin in a large bottomless flowerpot 2 weeks ago. I am so anxious to see how the first batch turns out. I thought I'd let it be for at least 3 weeks since the weather has been kind of cool. I can't wait until I dig up that first batch & show my doubting DH, although he has been great about putting stuff into the "scrap bucket."

New Orleans, LA

I am starting a compost bin with my children. We are trying to find starter worms to buy in New Olreans. Does anyone know where to but them locally?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Laughing Buddha at 4516 Clearview Pkwy is where I got mine, $20 for a very generous pound. Their website is:

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