Snow scenes

Kannapolis, NC

Here's what it looks like at my house today:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Man, we got Nothin!

Kannapolis, NC

A few views:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

A few more views:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Pretty! We didn't get anything here either .. I was hoping!


Kannapolis, NC

Thanks, all. I enjoy snow scenes so much and I'm hoping to use some for Christmas cards next year. Maybe I can get a nighttime scene if it doesn't all melt. It would have been nice to have this back last month instead of this month, but God thought otherwise!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Its been sleeting here all morning. Our office is not closed . Its cold outside also.



Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

You are thinking like me - this is what I took for our cards - not sure which I'll pick.

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

and another

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

This was a cold walk in the ole slippers!

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

One more - If only the sun was out - I think it would have made a better Christmas photo - these look so gloomy

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

A pseudo Christmas tree ? at least it is colorful. Those other photos look black and white and they weren't! (I was blue from the cold tho!)

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

opps ..again the foils of not previewing I meant this for color

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Kannapolis, NC

At least you have some Christmas-y looking decorations in yours. I'll have to select mine carefully. Nothing Christmas left at all.

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 2:53 PM

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

and this last one NOT for color ! (see color can go either way!!)

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I went into the attic and that is all I could find without going into the trunks. I went out with the cards in mind. I should have just laid the wreath in the winding road and took a photo of it on the road or leaning against the railing. But, it really was so windy and cloudy, I figured I'd need the horse as a prop.

Kannapolis, NC

I can't even get in our attic! Thought about tying a big red bow on a post but was too cold by then and didn't want to go in and come back out!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

At least you had that gorgeous strip of sun on the snow.

You can make postcard style cards - I think that is what I am going to do because less expensive anyway. But you can punch two small holes and tie a thin red velvet ribbon through and that is all it will take. And/or while still in the computer edit the photo and write Seasons Greetings or whatever you want in scroll-y red letters across the bottom or on a portion of the snow. It will look very festive and the house is just beautiful and pristine looking.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

The photo with the feeder / post and also the fence line both would lend to a red velvet bow - 3 D!! much better than part of the photograph

Kannapolis, NC

I agree. It's strange that you mention the postcards. I've already told DH that this year we are sending Christmas postcards instead of regular cards because they'll be cheaper to mail and I can print them myself. You and I must be twins who were separated at birth!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Great minds!
(I am one of 14 and so I could CERTAINLY understand it if dad only kept one of us!!)

Kannapolis, NC

You mean I have 14 other brothers and sisters? ;-)

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I figured I'd tell you gently. They are either boys or girls.

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

Missingrosie - your 'pergola' thingy (the wonderful creation you used to provide the birds with nesting material:-)) looks absolutely gorgeous!! How have you been?

Hemophobic - my favorite is the bird feeder (if that is correct) looks beautiful covered in snow!

I love the way it looks but ya'll are right it is just too gloomy out there to get good pictures - there was a bit of sun today but I couldn't get any good shots of the sun glistening on the snow and ice :-(

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Garden
I'm fine! Hows the plants coming? The birds have picked a lot of the hangy stuff off the cedar....hopefully it will shed some more. You are correct... .very gloomy for good shots. I tried brightening with photo program..but most looked harsh and sharp after the adjustment.

You are right about Hemo's birdfeeder --I can see a velvet bow tied around the post...but then again..that long white fence line is so clean and understated its just reminds me of home and a neighborhood.. and of course the house in the sun photo would make a very traditional card.. I KNOW she should use them all!! Actually today's photo programs are so great..the drive and car could be cropped out of that one photo leaving only the small 'grove' of small shrubs so that they'd fill the entire card and with the program, the shrubs could be filled with glowing little bursts of light...they'd look great as a card.

We might even be able to fit in all 15 of us kids ! HA!

Kannapolis, NC

MR: Oh, dear. All girls? That's great, too. My family's mostly women.

Y'all sure are giving me some great ideas on the cards.

GardeningNC: Yes; that's a bird feeder under the roof and all that snow. I like the fence line, too. I also like the trellis. Wish I'd had something Christmasy to hang on it. Of course, it shows the neighbor's walkway, not ours. Oh, lots to think about between now and end of Nov.

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

MissingRosie - I think I have killed one of the cottoneasters :-( I am not sure yet - so it is still being cared for:-) I never dig up a plant that appears 'dead' for at least a year or so - it could be alive and needed to recover. Both Edgeworthia's are doing wonderfully!! I LOVE those things - got to see the BIG one at PDN this past weekend... I must say thank you again for introducing me to that - it smells wonderful, looks great and has so much to add to my garden!! I still have those water plants for you, hehehehe - we will have to get together again this summer, the drive out to your place is so beautiful! 15 kids... Ill get back to you on that one - all I can say now is WOW!!!

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

now and end of NOV - you guys are WAY AHEAD of me!! I haven't thought of Christmas and really don't want to until later in the year - I know I should but........ :-) The fence line is just nice and clean and homely like... I like it!!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Only 15 IF Hemo tests out genetically.... (smile) And, if she doesn't look will be a dead giveaway.

The cotoneaster - the plants were so big that I am surprised any made it. But you are right ..sometimes just a sprig lives in the ground with those things and if will take off again. I am glad I don't have the water plants. The last snow/ice thing we had a few weeks ago.... well it froze the waterfall..dammed it up with ice..and it overflowed..and the pump kept pumping it. I think it also ruined the lavender planted alongside. So, I am going to suck it up and buy a pond vacuum...clean out all the remaining water/algae and debris..(I did net it this fall) ..scrub up the rocks and start again. Your plants would have just added to the dilemma. I gave a way a ton of bee balm and shasta.. I have to give away the agastache (sob!! Blue Fortune) the bees... just love's like a living work of art that undulates with the bees..... My husband had a bad reaction last year to a bite.. I am dragging my feet...maybe I should just give him away.....Anyway, I have them in the ground waiting still. They are BEAUTIFUL about 5 feet high ..full and bloom bloom bloom. Fragrance like licorace when the rain hits the leaves. I am glad the edgeworthia worked for you... so they bloomed?? of course NOW they are covered with snow as mine are as you can see...

As you age you won't see the stretch from Jan to December... it just flys by and you get so slow at things you have to start will see.. Plan now for December!! Ha!

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

Nah dont get rid of DH- he sounds like he is an ok one! ;-) I am so sorry to hear about the water back up - I have had a few problems with my pond this year as well. I had the 'fountain' if that's what we call it froze up and split - it was bamboo :-( lost almost all the water in the pond before I knew what was going on and on top of it, while it was low I had no water!! yep the outside line from the pump had busted :-( and now the pond is leaking again and no idea where yet!! Ill find it!! But i have water so I can refill it :-) Let me know if things begin to come together and you'd possibly like some of the water plants, I have them in kitty litter buckets... they are doing great so far :-)

The Edgeworthia didn't bloom this year - I figure another year or two, but got to smell the ones at PDN - Im trying to be patient about mine :-) I think as gardeners we learn to be more patient... maybe a bit, hehehe. Yours look like under the snow they are doing great!!

The agastache is that the one the hummingbirds like?? If I recollect correctly they are beautiful!!

Kannapolis, NC

Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. No way do I look Sicilian! Never mistake me for anything but Saxon!

Is that your Edgeworthia with the yellow bloom or is that forsythia or witch hazel? It's lovely with the snow on it.

As I said, I love snow scenes!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

No - not forsythia --I still haven't looked for the one little clump I planted a few years ago -- on another thread I mentioned that I thought that was a summer bloomer and the one little clump I have is off the beaten track so I don't know if it is in bloom and what it looks like. I plan on hunting for it the end of this week when the weather warms up. That is (was!!) the edgeworthia.. It is really unattractive when leafed out and overall really not so hot when it is blooming (although the blooms are pretty) All the blooms look down and go every which way and the branches have nothing special to recommend them. It is better placed out of the way --not a focal point -- just something to perfume the air.

Gardening, your edgeworthia will bloom next year. It takes about two years for the shoots to bloom but you will get just one or two blooms on top of that skinny branch..then much more the next year as I recall. I confess I have trimmed a few thick branches back to 2/3 and put a few bottles over the branch (like a bottle tree) to add some color and try to spiff up those shrubs in and out of bloom.

Thumbnail by missingrosie
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

you see how they look? not good

Kannapolis, NC

If the fragrance makes up for it, that's a fair trade, I think. I'm torn right now between a mock orange and the edgeworthia. Love plants with good fragrance.

Nice snow scenes from your house, MR.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I'll save you a shoot or pull you up a shrub - if you are headed this way come spring.

if it is a visible area --- choose the mock orange (I guess how long bloom time lasts would matter too) but if not -- try the edgeworthia - it's durable!

Honestly - once the blooms gone --this is one ugly shrub and hard to fit into the landscape.

It can do without too much sun and so that is good because then you can hide it. I have it around my deck and that was a mistake. Too visible.

Kannapolis, NC

Are you going to the SARU? I'll be there the first weekend in May in Asheville.

This corner I have in mind is hidden away at the back of the house, but I pass it every time I go from the back yard to the front drive (which is often when I'm working in the yard), so I'd enjoy it tremendously.

Thanks for your generosity!

Sis Angie

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Not sure - may head up to see Mom in NY sort of a mother's day visit. I try to get up there every now and again to give bro a break. He visits mom (nursing home) a few times a week brings food etc. etc. he has his hands full for sure. I was on the phone with her on Sunday and he walked in the room with beef stew... (His name is Jim) I heard her say... "Hello Mister.. ..have you seen my son Jim?" "I sure wish he'd visit he hasn't been here in a while."

Kannapolis, NC

I'm truly sorry, MR. It's so hard on the family when a loved one starts deteriorating like this. Is it Alzheimer's? A couple of aunts had that and it was such a difficult time. One of my cousins put it very succinctly: my mother's already gone and this is just her body. So sad when we went to visit. It was confusing to the family member as well because it was obvious she didn't recognize us.

Well, maybe there will be another opportunity at a different RU in NC. I'll keep you in my thoughts, dear.


Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

OK and let me know if you head this way for the shrub - or if I head that way. I can always leave it at the courthouse at the front desk or something on a work day for you.

No, not alzhiemers I dont' think. Just senile dementia --she is almost 90. Sometimes she is sharper than me. I think it is those rotten meds and combos of meds that she is on. I told her I was calling from NC and she said "you are?? when the hell did you move there?" HAHAHA (like almost 30 years ago and she has visited me many times)

Kannapolis, NC

It's good that you can still laugh and remember better times. I know it's difficult. My mother is 83 this month and she tells me the same things over and over. Her mind is still sharp, though; she just forgets what she's already told me. She still lives alone and drives, although I refuse to ride with her anymore.

Maybe you could get a family consult with her doctor and review her meds. They do have some serious side effects and interaction that could be the case of some of the dementia.

I won't be heading your way until June 22 when I come to CH for a state conference. I'll be there overnight at the Institute of Government. If we don't get up with each other before that, we can make arrangements then. Thanks again ever so much.


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