Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

EEEEK! Walking around outside assessing things on the to do list I came across this lovely (ugh) scale growing on the outside of the greenhouse! It is almost like a lichen.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And double eek! The remains of the old orange trumpet vine that decided it could attach itself to anything by the root! That thing got huge and we tore it off last fall to make wreaths out of the vines and now it can grow back... but I am debating yet on that. It is a nusiance to clean, ubt will put a little shade on the GH.. so hmm to let the vine come back or not, that is the question..

Both the algea thing and the vine remains I am hoping will powerwash off. I think I will just use some dawn dishsoap when I give her a blasting and then follow it by a bleach rinse. That should not hurt!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, its time for a break so I am off to the take these lovelies to share!

You are wlecome to join me there!

I will be back here in the GH tomorrow!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I just have to share this with you.. here are the greater periwinkles that blckhand sent me! She had them wrapped just perfect for transport through the USPS! I am soo impressed with her healthy plants and also her care in packaging! Marvelous dear marvelous!

Look at those beauties!!

Now if I can get them to survive more so I can enjoy them! Old Blossom here does not always have a green thumb!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Been a noisy morning! The frogs and birds all chirping here!

Well, since the frogs are starting to come out of hibernation here I have decided to pot up those red spiderlilies I received in awhile back that have been sitting in my crisper drawer for a few weeks and well, we also put those glorious Eastern Echinecea roots straight away to nursery cans!

These cans are going straight outside. No need to put them in the greenhouse they should be fine just needing to water. There all labeled and ready to move out to my holding area (aka the patio!)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Moving out!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, thank you blkhand for those lovely plants. I am beginning spring renovations here. Eeks, the garden is a disaster that happend. Will you just look at this mess.

I have nothing but brown and down going on around here!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is that beast of a honey suckle you requested blkhand.. its the dark brown "heap" in the middle by the two steel posts! Ours got so big and heavy it took the trellis down in the ice strom! So hoping you have a solid place for yours when you get my plants!

The sweet autumn clematis are no where to be found yet.. so we will not be doing any transplants yet. It too is in this area of the garden..

Well, I best get to work on tying that thing up and see what is next on the TO DO pile here.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

yep, more spring uglies here....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Everwhere I turn around on this old garden path, things are getting uglier and uglier! Well, sort of, this part of the path is starting to show a wee bit of the green!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

... double eeks, the dog park is looking pathetic..

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yup, back to the greenhouse. things need to get going.

london England, United Kingdom

Nice to see others at work!
Will have to start my greenhouse blitz soon!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I thought our Flower Lawn and Garden show was this weekend, but it isn't until the end of the month. So no greenhouse for me. I have spent the day in the garden room, planting cannas, dahlias (cause they are getting too dry), and caladiums. I am going to start winter sowing today (I think). I have neve done it so I have posted questions on two sites and have been given really good advice. I raked up leaves yesterday and now can barely walk....LOL, I will have daffs in bloom in a couple of days. Iris are looking good. Didn' remove leaves from the mums, lots of green leaves below, but too early. I have lost a several new iris do to heaving of the dirt. That really surprised and disappointed me. It is amazing how much clean up like you I have to do. Things really look frightening. I chopped a climbing rose and sweet autumn clematis unmercifully. They were one giant mess.

Need to get back to the garden room.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well its been raining here.. turnd the place into a swamp.. We were hoping to clean up some from the ice storm and I was gonna pot somemore in the GH, but that did not happen. Maybe in a few days.

The grass in finally starting to turn a little.. biggest problem I got is this year will be really hard because of the cleanup work to do and the wet.
And I do not have help every day.

The birds have returned really thick these last few days and the turledoves are visiting their old nestsites looking for a place. This is one of last years chicks with her mom!

Other than that we are looking pretty "ugly" !


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

It rained Sunday all day starting about midnight, then rained all day on Monday (actually poured most of the night). Just one big soggy muddy mess....I know what you mean. I did get leaves cleaned off the iris on Saturday thank goodness.

Have daffs up, tulips, daylilies, leaves swollen on tree peony, mums poking up, and all kinds of stuff. Heard this morning we are going down to 19degrees. YUCK! Hope it doesn't stay that low for long.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Hap thats terrible.. 19 degrees! Well least its not 20 below!
I think we are safe from that! So I am going to pot up the red spiders!!

I have been out with a headcold for 4 days and a nasty cough, fever chilss and all that rot but hope to be back in here later this morning.. I have some potting up to do.. seems daffs too that I am behind on....then will take a tour around and see whats poking in my garden.

Spring is here.. I saw the first blooming dandylion today at the grocer!!

Well,here are the red spiders Cindy sent me! They did not look like this on arrival. They have been chilling in my fridge crisper drawer for s couple weeks or so. Upon arrival she had them nicely packaged. They were layered between newspaper and they still had their leaves to them. As you can see, the leaves have died off and it is just the bulbs. I save the vented baggies that we get grapes in from the grocer and that is what they have been stored in in the crisper while waiing to be potted. Works like a charm.. Theres about 50-100 bulbs in that lot!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have those spiders pot tags ready and so I will just set them aside to zip through in a short.

Here are the box of daffs I just receved from beautygirl about a week or so ago.. I have had them sitting in the fridge opened in the box, but have not done anything with them and they are holding great! She always does an excellent job with her bulbs for me. Check this out..

First just barely out of the box....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

She wraps a field bunch in a lightly damp papertowel and fills a plastic grocer bag wiht the field bunches and look how sweet they traveled!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

here is a single bunch.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

A great job in packing and they are holding nice!

I will plant 3-5 of the daff bulbs to a nursery can and as time allows me to, I will find some place in our garden to put them. Ihave been working on a border and still need a huge mass of daffs to fill that bed and I will give you a tour later! I think some of them are finally starting to peek up for this season! I am so eager for cut flowers.. Terry and the others in the floral design threads are making me drool!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I was going to start a new thread called PACKING PLANTS FOR TRAVEL and to discuss issues we all have sometimes in sending plants to others, but I am just going to leave that discussion in this thread as I amble on here in mY gLORIFIED pOTTING sHED and so if anyone has questions or comments and such we can conquer those as I move about here. ANd by all means if you got a better way.. share!

Well, right now, its break time.. I am going to the cafe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well looks like the wild climbing rose is greening up. Poor thing is in a bed that looks like a disaster!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Its 32 in the shade this morning and 40 in the GPS....I think I am gonna hold off a few hours before I get to potting up!

Things are starting to green up around here. Got little daylilies popping like crazy here in the apple lilac bed.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

anther bed a mess....this the dumprake and bittersweet arbor.. man winter was rough on the garden... it is gonna be some time before this place ever gets looking good.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, the hems here by the aussies are not looking too bad...
teh aussies though, they need a massive prining. the ice storm wreacked havov on them.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The wild hems here are looking super!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

the bed by the apple and lilacs... looks like the hemmies are coming!

Well, you know after all the hiking... it still as not warmed up to my satisfaction and I am holding again on getting anything potted for in the GPS.

Last night temps fell to freezing and it is stil to up and down in the greenhouse and unless I want to run a heater which I do not.. we are still going to have to wait.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow, just found this thread, great info to have...I'm hoping above hope that DH will build me a GH this seeing what works for others

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

1AnjL - well welcome! This thread is discussion on my fiberglass one peice greenhouse. It is not home made and so pretty much the topic is geared towards it in brands like it so it will probably not be too helpful in your homemade GH
jobs which perhaps there is another thread available on those who have done them. If someone has a link to that, please insert it, but do join in here and if you want to compare notes and such that is super.

Right now I am in season transition in my zone and as we get closer to the spring lingering, I can get closer to doing some things like seed starting out here and such. And I said before I try not to make too much of my gardening into rocket science. I am a simple old lady and engage in my gardening by the least technical means. Its just easier that way for me. If I have crop failure, I move on, replant with something else and try not to blow a gusset over it. Not saying that I do not always want to know why it was a loss or what pest or what was that. I have just learned through my years here in the same location, there are only some ways things can be done and not much changes that. There are a lot of experts that can help on technical things as they have more knowledge.. I just have my experiences to share on my hobby gone overboard.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oh it has been helpful... I know nothing about GHs lol! so the ideas on which way to open windows... and what to use for floor coverings (we too have voles here ) give me lots of tips on how to do ours.

we will be either using pvc pipe (I dont like that idea!) or wood and some recycled french doors to make ours...but wont be using plans of any kind...DH just dreams up a design and goes for all this talk on here does help alot :o)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, floors we pretty much covered. Them pesky voles on the other hand. What you have there my dear is actually more of a grub problem. If you have voles and moles and gophers they are perging your yard for the grubs.

If you have a dirt floor, you will always run the chance of the critters upheaving it.

One recommendation for the grubs though is to us a product called milkyspore. Its a natural product that works in the erradication of the grubs. You eliminate the grubs, you eliminate the bigger critters because that is their food source.

Another way you can tell if you have a lot of grubs in your yard is if you get a lot of starlings and black birds in your yard. They love grubs,

So ok, the milky spore and the birds act as grub control. Milk Spore will not hurt the birds.

About the only problem you might have is with your neighbor as the voles and such leave your yard to go hunt elsewhere. Recommend he use some too.

My yard is infiltrated now with the voles and such so I am in the process of applying this product.

Normally I shy away from hawking a product unless I am a satisfied user.

This message was edited Mar 20, 2009 2:37 PM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

thanks! I'll have to look for that when we go to the hardware store this weekend.

one you know if its harmful to small dogs? I have a 4lb teacup poodle and the garden is his domain! lol! he wont go after the moles, but I'm always worried about what we put in the garden and the effect it will have on him

(sorry I'm a bit off topic!)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Still haven't made a decision on the gh. The flower show isn't until the weekend after this.
I have all kinds of stuff coming up.
Still have lots of stuff to clean off the flower beds.
Working tomorrow so I won't get anything done. Think it is suppose to rain anyway.

Decision on the gh is hard, so much money, and will it be big enough, and on and on. Glad I don't think this much before buying a plant....LOL I see it, I like it, I buy it, the gh on the other hand.......

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww Happ. JUST DO IT!!! You know you want too!

You will be able to get those veggies started and all that glorious rot! And before you know it it will be all paid for again and again!

I put out an acre of perennials out of ours the first season... so I guess the biggest issue is what the heQQ are ya gonna do with all those plants after y aget that puppy home??!!

Nearly 20 years later.. the thing is still worth its weight in gold!

Well, guys, time to make a link, this thread has gottong rather long and us on dialup are feeling the load up.


is coming right up!

This message was edited Mar 20, 2009 6:59 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ribbet... hopping to new link!

Time to go here!


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