Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OK, well, here we are.. new thread. We came here from a private inquiry about my
mY gLORIFIED little pOTTING sHED and the reason I am posting it here on this forum is because eventually when I garden, I end up with cut flowers and floral design!

So here it is, my little greenhouse..... Let me open the door so you can come one in!

Today is 3/1 and it is still pretty much winter here so as you can see everything outside is brown.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thank you Buddy, I have alot of questions.

I saw this all one piece fiberglass greenhouse at the Flower Lawn and Garden Show last year and it has been on my mind since then and I think it is what I want to buy. We have lots of strong winds and seems to me it would be better than what I have read where folks have panes popping out.

1. What size is the greenhouse?
2. I was concerned that once I got plants inside it would feel small inside, since the ceiling is curved.
3. On the other hand not having a tall ceiling heat wise would be a plus, is it?
4. What do you consider the pluses and minuses?

Thanks, I am sure I have lots of questions, thought I would start with your opinion of it first.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well c'mon up and take a look!! You will have to pardon the mess.. I have not started anything for spring yet. And as you can see by the looks of everything outside, its still winter! So basically right now, the lil greenhouse is a "glorified" potting shed at this time of year. I will show you more in a minute!

Our GH is 8ft x 16 ft. with a peak of 8 foot.

Depending on what you are growing will depend on how you arrange it as you will see things can get a tad tight in here.and every year is different!

What I hope to do in this thread is just give a virtual tour as I use it so that should give everyone an idea how it works as I use it!

Ours is mounted in the ground. The house is all one peice and we took treated 6 x 6's in the ground horizontally and leveled them up nice, then we took and set the greenhouse on the 6x6's, then put treated 2x4s on top of the flange of the greenhouse length wise and then drove numerous long pole spikes through the 2x 4s and the flange and the 6x6's through that and the ground kind of like how they do mobile homes with spikes and then we bermed it with dirt... or in our case sand.

We moved our lil greenhouse from our old farm here and at the old farm we had it mounted on an old concrete pad and well, that was much better than how we have it now, but we were utilizing an old pad from an old mibilehome and we never poured a pad here. The greenhouse is technically portable. And that kinda too will effect yoru taxes.. some locations, if it is a portable building, you are not taxed for it as like real estate! It is personal property then.

Mounted either way and mounted properly it does fine in the wind and we have had 80-85 mile and hour wind storms on occassion. It has withstood hailstorms as well.

You will notice on top it has two vents. You need to tie those vents down for the winter. They have automatic openers that are solare powered and they will open to vent the house but you do not want them popping open in bad weather as they can fold all the way back and that is not good for the openers or the hinges or to have it flopping in the winds.

It also has a back window.. it is pop open style with a lever that holds it open and you can adjust it for ventalation or close it in the wind.

Our Gh is all fiberglass and the fiberglass did have a UV protection in it. It is about 17 or 18 years old now so I dont think the UV is any good at this age, but the house is still functional.

Minuses is it can be too small! We have never heated it in the winter so I cannot say anything there.

In the summer it can get too hot so then you need to put a fan in there to circulate the air and keep things watered.

We have raised chickens in it, but I do not recommend doing that in August! Early spring is fine and fall through winter is ok and then you woudl heat it if you were doing chicks. Pretty versatile eh?!

We have modified ours for our various uses! Which I will show you as we go in!

I do not know what they cost today.. but I think we paid around $2200 for it and well it has paid for itself many times over. My only regret, we did not get the bigger one, but at the time, it was what we could afford and plenty!

If I can find them, I wil see if I still have the old brochures that showed a diagram on how to mount it!

You will have to be patient with me as I go look!

So ok, has that pretty much covered your first few questions happgarden?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Simply Solar Greenhouse 8' x 8' x 15'
Molded in one piece.
Wind Resistant.
Very High light transference.
Nothing to build or assemble.
Lowest Heating costs.
Highest growth production.
Best humidity for optimal growing.
Finest Automatic Venting
Can better withstand the elements
Unmatched 10 yr. Warranty.
$3,995.00 (like your price better....LOL)
Several people have them for sale on the internet. Course the biggest is 30ft for $7,300.00. Like you I will have to settle for the one above.
The one I saw at the garden show the "salesman" said you could plant below the shelves and the plants would still get light. Did you find that true?
Did yours come with a fiberglass door? I think they do now.
Makes me feel good to think you have had yours that long. Course hopefully they are built to the same good standards.
Can you hang any plants in the greenhouse? Course I guess there really isn't much head room.
It has been a year since I have been in that greenhouse so I can't remember what the inside looks like, that is why I ask.
Off the top of my head, I think I would use it to put tropical plants in the fall to get them ready to come indoors before the dead of winter. Our temps in Oct and Nov can range from 80 to frost and back and I end up in a rush having to stuff them in the garage where I can't spray with water or anything.
Then I want to start winter sowing seeds. I have never done that before, so I am not sure how the greenhouse would play in that. Then as temps warm start more seeds.
Does that sound reasonable?

I can't imagine why in the summer I would need to use. I have a lean to greenhouse made out of the double honeycombed stuff and it still got too hot in the summer to use, but I could use it in the winter for very little heat. Don't think dead of winter is a problem because I have a garden room. Has window on east, south is mostly glass and a small furnance.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My price was 17-18 years ago!! Wow talk about inflation!
Still looking for the brochure we have on it.. I keep everything..
But I would say in this day, the prive your guy is saying.. it would be a great buy!

Let me tell you something, the first year we put out literally an acre of plants out of this thing.. Propagating, planting from seed, every way we could think of!

But yes, the one you are looking at sounds very similiar to ours.

Come on in now and take a look inside...(excuse my mess though.. its that timeof year things are stored and quite askew!) Like I keep saying, its my glorified potting shed! LOL!

Sorry the pic looks dark inside its not so in reality! It is just my bad camera angle on that one.. See the door!! It comes attatched .. the whole unit is one peice!!

Mine also came with a table and a potting bench also made of fiberglas and pvc pipe.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, my warantee was only half yours. but still no complaints!

Ok, another dark pic, but you can see my mess.. last years pots at the end of the season all askew on my potting table. LOL!. Well I had annuals in those yellow pots and I just let them die...drop their seed to the pot and well, we will see what happens later... To the right is my portable fan on a stand its an oscillator... several speeds, the kind actually you use inside the home. Nothing fancy.. cheap but efficient for this little cubicle!

Ok, on your cost as you mentioned... have you given thought to the floor? The dirt floor has pros and cons as does the concrete! What are you thinking on that?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's my mess on the opposite wall! Both this shot and the one above are looking back out the door you just came in.

Now let me point something out here.. speaking of mess! Look at the outer wall in this shot.. see the scum? It is on the outside. But the inside of the GH could use a scrubbign too. This year I need to take everything out of the house and get the power washer out and do some sanatizing.. bleach and water and the power hoser! This is something I aim to do this spring as soon as the weather gets warm and I can get myself wet enjoying the cleaning! I will keep you on the virtual tour here as things happen.

Ok, so maintainance.. ICK! Scum on the house! Not fun, but not to bad to take care of either. Scum happens, but if I woudl have cleaned more often, mine would not be this bad!

Ok, still looking for that silly brochure.. so Keep thinking on that flooring. We will chat more on that later! Your choices are concrete or dirt. And then what kind of "bedding" to put on top of that! More optiions and depends on what you are doing.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, now here is the veiw of ours straight front the threshold to the back window.

Excuse the clutter... we will explain that mess in a short.

Ok, well back to the floor.. this one is on sanddirt. But on top of the sanddirt I have (had) wood chips.

There are pros and cons to the dirt floor. I dispise the fact that the moles will tunnel in and leave a mess or hills in here! But well, no biggie.. get rid of the moles and well not issue! (I can read your mind.. but how does one get rid of the moles!!....more on that later!!!)

Nice can of worms you have opened asking about my "glorified" potting shed havent you!! LOL!

Ok, well lets catch up, your questions please! Besides that I am out of pictures and tomorrow is another day here! And I am still looking for the brochure!!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm just jealous! LOL We are hoping to make a kind of greenhouse on the end of our little shed and I'm excited about that.

Those greenhouses that you guys are showing are very cool!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Haven't thought much about the floor. Concrete would be nice with a drain like I have in my garden room. Hate the thought of soggy wet clay dirt under my feet. In my lean to greenhouse we used bricks with sand in between and that worked well.

Hadn't thought about maintenance either. Not having any wood and just fiberglass would have alot of benefits. Wouldn't have to worry about rot or slim growing on the wood.

Thanks for the pics. I couldn't really remember what the inside looked like. Sounds and looks like there is more than enough growing area in there for seed starting and stuff. The garden room right now I am fighting spider mites (brugs and elephant ears). It would be nice to have a "clean" place to do the seeds and starts, or a place to stick everything while I clean one.

I am sooo happy I happened to reply to the question today and read the responses, otherwise I would of never seen your pictures and found out so much great information on the greenhouse. Nothing like finding an avid gardener to make you feel good about speading that kind of money.

Hi McPlanter, glad you could join us. I am thinking about buying a greenhouse built on the same principle that Buddy purchased years ago.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Only in the winter!! LOL
In the summer they get pretty darned hot!
Must have fan!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Happgarden, your door windo flops down! Mine ios hinged at the top. I think I like mine better!

Reason.. the rain does not get in and if the wind does happen to catch mine when it is propped open.. it will pretty much just shut lift it of the prop and shut it....

Yours too leaves easy room for small birds to fly in. Mine seems to deter that.

Now on the timbers you are mounting this thing on, those do have to be pressure treated. Dont even think of using nonepressure treated wood there.

I like woodchips as flooring, but on the concrete pad I liked using just a plain rubber mat! Or in the winter would put straw down. And yep, the concrete is easier to keep seed and weed free and no moles!
I will not be without a rubber mat to stand on. And I do keep a small wooden barstool in mine for those day when I am transplanting.

You also need a place to keep a few tools.

You notice the mail box outside mine! Yup, its a fine tool box and ornamental in the garden. But yes, if you are keepign tools in the greenhouse, you want a dry spot to keep them dry and clean.

As for putting plants under the tables, yes, that is doable too. We got some stack tables from our farm store. They happened to be throwing them out so we scarfed on a great deal!

We put a cattle panel divider in ours because we were rasing chickens in their last year...that worked nice. I could still have half the greenhouse for my vegitation!

I never did have any problems with bugs in raising any plants in it.

Did occassionally run into a damping off problem which I blame the soil and watering on.

We have an outdoor yard light by ours. So we get a little extended lighting from that at night.

You do need to plan for havig a close outlet nearby. One that cannot readily get wet and need to be careful so that when you water you do not mess with your fan if you are using one like ours.

You will want a thermometer in the thing.

One neat thing is is that when you are not growing anything in it, you can use it for other duties. case in point small animals...but take regard to the heat. It is not all year you will do that.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, I finally found the brochure on mine.. I thought I remembered it had some pic on it for installation.. so here goes..not the best pics because they are pics of pics and a tad blurry, ut I think youcan see what I mentioned above for installation.

You need to dig down the perimeter of the walls of the greenhouse. That is where you wil set the woood that I was talking earlier when you go to mount the thing.

Here is the trench....

I did like the concrete better, only because I could stripe the bedding out of it and clean it up better. But the dirt floor is not bad. You cna stil clean it out.. what I do like about the dirt though is that it wil retain moisture and humidity better than the concrete, but you put like straw or woodchips or a layer of sand on top of the concrete ant it does almost the same you just need ot check it regular to monitor things.

As for hanging things, I do not recommend drilling too many holes to mount things to hang. It could ruin the integrity of the structure. You can hook a basket or two on the vent wall...but yeah, head room is an issue! As for drilling holes, you then want to be sure they are not in stress point of the walls.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of the tables we got.. the pic is from their brochure.. again a pic of a pic, so sorry for the quaility of the shot.

When we bought ours we had also became dealers. We bought a demo model which helped shave some off our price.. so you might want to inquire with your seller!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, well, that was all I could add here from the brochure were those two prior shots.. the rest are my actual greenhouse.

Here is our thermometer. Sorry you cannot read it.. I am looking into the sun taking its pic so it is in the shadow. We mounted it up by the door. Our greenhouse is located as such that the sun hits the theremometer the hardest at about noon and the thermometor is mounted in a strong point of the structure. Today it was 40 degrees when I first came in.

I just got back from outside again just to see if my thermometer was still working (its old you know so .. well any way,) just checking equipment getting ready to use this thing.. and the temps are at 20 above in the shade outside at 11AM and in the greenhouse it is a pleasant 65. It will get as cold as the outdoors at night. But you do want to locate your greenhouse and thermometer with that idea in mind on how the sun hits and all so to give you your hottest readings.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

After talking to you and remembering I think I like the idea of bricks and sand again like my old greenhouse had. They stayed warm in the winter because they were dark and hold heat, usually in the city I can find some old building being torn down and they will charge you very little for bricks. You just have to get them out asap.

I am only 5'5" so most of the time head room isn't a major problem.

Discounts - last year at the garden show he was giving a nice discount if you would buy then, course that was the first time I had ever seen the greenhouse and didn't go with the idea of spending that kind of money so it wasn't a consideration. Hopefully he will be back this year with the same thing. We are lucky in the midwest so far the down turn on jobs and things haven't hit us too hard, except for the investment returns, so I am in hopes he will be back.

Some of the pics on the internet show what looks like a solid fiberglass door, this pic shows a little different window. I sure would like your type better.

The garden show is this hopefully by Saturday I will be a proud owner of a greenhouse in time for spring.

I want to thank you for sharing all your information with me. Who knows having a few chickens doesn't seem like a bad thing either.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, now here is my fan. It is just a cheap oscillator on a stand that I can move around if I want to re-arrange things in my greenhouse.

You do need to be careful watering around it so when you do water, I recommend shutting it off by UNPLUGGING IT! Ours has to run on an electric cord to an outdoor outlet that is located OUTSIDE the greenhouse for its power source. I do not recommend putting any electric INSIDE because when you maintain the thing and power wash it then you can clean it more by getting down to business with that power hoser and do a thorough job without having the concern to get yourself electrocuted!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

In my garden room because the furnance shut off one weekend I bought one of those wireless temp readings and I put the receiver in my house, so when I am at home and it is bitter like this weekend was I can keep an eye on it.

That is a great heat gain you got from your during the day......if we could just figure out how to keep it at night without costing an arm and a leg. So I would want my warmest readings around noon?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Good idea about the electrical, I don't like being shocked or even the idea of it.

I had forgot about needing a fan in there.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Happgarden! Keep on visiting, I am just getting warmed up here and getting ready for the season!

What I do not like about using bricks for flooring is out here we have moles and pocket gophers so they reack havoc on the lawn as well as tunnel and hill into the floor of the greehhouse.. so to have to be messing with resetting bricks all the time. .to me that is just too much sounding like work!

We will put a layer of woodchips and that retains the moisture and if the critters do tunnel, well, we just rake the mounds down or take a garden hose and ruin their tunnels by flooding them.

Ok, now here is a shot of my back window...we put the mesh over it to keep the chickens in. It is just a lever pop up hinged at the top. I like that better than the opposite style of window where it flops down for sure! I do not know if your manufacturer offers the option. But if it does I do highly recomment mine over the other. I would much rather have the wind knock it shut than blow it open and destroy the plants inside.

Basically the wire mesh we put in on the window later was cut to fit and molded around the hole and lip of the window on the inside edge. We drilled two holes and just poked another wire through to wire the wire mesh on. Works great and also keeps coons and cats out.

You can do the same thing on the door window!

You might just have to play a bit to see what you like and what works for you. What works for me, does not necessarily work for someone else. My modifications only come with what we found for us that works the best for us!

Now the wall divider that we installed to keep the chickens on their half of the greenhouse is made from an old peice of corncrib mesh. It is heavy metal much like a cattle panel but the mesh is tighter in weave so the birds could not get out....It is just cut to the shape of the greenhouse and we took a 2x4 to stabelize it to the standing position and the hubby cut me a walkthrough door that opened to the inside on the animals.. That helped push them in so no one would escape on entry or exiting their space! And he made a paddle latch out of wood as you see in the photo above! If you cannot find crib panels, cattle panel will do, but you will then need chicken whire on that to make the wall escape proof!

(Pardon the mess in there, it is now just being used to store my seeds that were harvested last season and some nursery cans. I do not get too neat at the end of the year becasue usually I end up just stuffing things in when the snow flies and call it quits until spring!)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Hey, don't blame you there. Getting shocked is no fun. I am one of those people who are a walking lightning rod. Dont stand near me in a coming storm I have been tickled by God! And thank God not scorched by the lightning devil!! If you see my hair starting to go up RUN! Ye-ouch! I actually did have some slight burns once much like a over backed sun burn to which was not fun, but peeled and had a blister!, LOL! But gads.. I have had near misses of nearly a dozen times just because I work outside a lot! But the power from an outlet, that can kill you too So no inner outlet, and no inner fuss~!

So now, getting back a bit to the outside of the structure.... here is the veiw of the north wall of my greenhouse. Yuu will notice it has only 2 vents on the roof. Those vents pop open with the solar openers and the sun can enter their openings. You want to locate your greenhouse to that advantage. The sun heats those thingees that look like a shock absorber, the temperature in them rises and pushes teh cylinder to pop the vent open. Occassionally those openers wear out and do need replacing. I think we did ours once.

I am fortunate I have a security light above my greenhouse. It runs all night and so well it affords a little extra light hours for my plants, but I cannot really say it makes that big of a difference on their growth, just is nice to work in the thing at night if I choose to when it is dark!

Perth,, ON(Zone 5a)

just thought I'd toss out what I have as a floor in my greenhouse.

there's about 2-3 inches of pea gravel. It drains easily if you overwater, easy to rake level, doesn't get muddy, and retains a bit of heat from the sun.

it's always nice to take a tour through other greenhouses!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a better shot of the window that is mounted on the door of our greenhouse.

We put a hasp lock on our door so that when we did use it for storage it could be locked. That post you see is there so the door, when we have it open backs up to that and we take a bungee strap to tie the door to it to keep it open when we want it open.

Just a couple more modifications and ideas for you!

I do not like the door open flat, there was nothing to tie it to to keep it from closing in the wind and besides that I have plants all around my greenhouse as it is landscaped. Well at least it was last summer! Hope my pretties will be coming back!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have thought about peagravel, but if I decided I wanted to remove everything from the house and plant on the ground in it.. what woudl I do with the pea gravel? And then the gophers would make me a mess here!

So many pros and cons eh!

Well here is my last pic of the day. It is the back window from the outside..

When I start doing something again in here I will show ya'll around again when we continue our tour, but if you have any questions or comments, have at me! I am happy to share our experience with this thing. We absolutely love it and the manufacturer of ours, we love its features over other styles we have seen.

One of my first projects this season will be to scrub this thing down. It has scale on the outside that occured under some of the vines I had growing on it. The inside is not actually too bad. But the vines left their little suction cups on the greenhouse after we peeled them off and its getting beyond time to clean it up!

Come on warm weather!!

Oh, ours was originally called a SUNCATCHER 16 Master Gardener Greenhouse and was made in Kentucky.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oops wrong pic!! LOL! here is the back side window!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow, thank you all for your input. I sure can identify with throwing everything here and there at the end of the growing season....LOL I am usually tired by then, the days are shorter, and by the time I get home from work it is already dark. Then it will be 60 at night and when I least expect it they will forecast frost so I am out there at night like a crazy person.....LOL Hate to admit it but sometimes by the end of October I am looking forward to a "short" winters rest, problem is the winter is tooooo looooong...LOL

Do you have the greenhouse facing south?
After all I have seen and knowing the winds at my house and having a poly-carbonate lean to greenhouse. I really do think this is the way to go, with the amount of money I have, and the life span of the building.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ours is facing on an angle with the door side slightly cocked southeast
and the length is sort of on the southern exposure. It was also the only way we could get the benefit we needed of the sun and in relation to the location to the house. Our house is southwesterly of it. So it is not quite "square" with the world. There were some trees here too when we put it in so now it is getting a lot more sun since we had to remove the trees. I miss the trees that were around it, but they were going into our power line and well, we could not have that!

Figure this too, it is a portable building.. if you move you could also take it with you or opt to leave it for the next guy.

We put ours on a long hay rack and it only took the two of us to move it! We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies back then!! LOL! But it was worth taking it.

Yeah, I have had it with winter too. I do not know why, but this winter has beat the life out of me. Sooo depressing and I have been soo achey. I spent three weeks back in December on and off between a
cane and crutches..just because old "Arthr" was bugging the hawk out of me! I am not aging graceful and going down kicking and screaming!!

I am sooo pathetically out of shape.. It is really going to be tough getting going in the better weather without wearing myself out even more too!

Well, I did get 4 sacks of potting soil....and no place to bring them in here!! LOL! Guess I best start walking my yellow containers and window boxes out to where I am going to put them later and get in the walk pattern for watering gads.. exersize!.. I am kind of sortof hoping what ever seed feel in from the plants I had in them last fall will sprout and go. I am not going to do them in the greenhouse though. If nothing starts to show by mid April, then I will poke something in them.

Now where did I leave the wheelbarrow.. well, maybe I will just hold off until energy is shot for today! I hate pilates!! LOL!

I was looking for a picture of when we moved the thing here, but could not find one, but came across this oldie!!.. too funny! But you get the idea, the greenhouse is portable! This load here was a riot! Back then we figured if we could move this, the greenhouse was gonna be a peice of cake! And it was! Just took a little of what we called farmer-engi-nu-ity!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Love the pic.

Moving us now would take several semi's, so that is not happening. We will leave all this wonderful stuff for my poor step-son to figure out how to get rid of some day.....LOL I tease him and say look around this will be all yours someday (he gets sort of pale) and then I say Oh yeah don't forget your Grandparents stuff is all up in the attic.....LOL Poor thing. Oh well, that are what parents are for, right?

Getting older is not for whimps! LOL...takes lots of determination, stubbornness, and moxy along with a dose of laughter.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well this morning the outside temp was 17 above in the shade and inside the greenhouse it a balmy 47 so I decided to move out all my dead annual pots and window boxes outside to the patio and start cleaning up so I can get organized..

My end result was the dirt table was loaded with soil for its first jobs and I had one empty dirt table holding my sunflower seed and underneath those tables was empty space! Since I am righthanded I like my potting media in the left table and to leave the table next to it for putting my pots and tools or what it is that I will be working first the next time I come back. So in essence I work in my greenhouse in a clockwise direction when potting up. When you have limited space to move about you learn tight steps! And I like to work in asystem that flows.

When I first come inside my table to the right is where I will unload things after I get finished with the springclean up!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Yeah, getting older is not for whimps... see you got me pulling out the oldies in pics with the Beverly Hillbilly loads! It took us 57 trips from the old farm to move here bringing what we could to start over and mind you we downsized!! We had our furniture, our equipment, our sheds, the lil greenhouse, fencing, OMG, I cannot beleive the stuff we had, then the livestock and then all the plants we moved on top! Well that was 10 years ago.. and like my hubby and I said.. good God look how fat we both was the stress I told him!!

Heck,this morning, I got tired just cleaning that little corner of the greenhouse today and had to take a break. But then I did feed critters this morning and spent a wee time in the office! Maybe I walked a total of a half mile in the jobs.. but sheesh.. the old bod is not happy and the ticker is going boing!

Well, here's the last years container pots to the patio....they are there temperarily. I have another area they will go to after they are showing me some green!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My trapsing around the garden this morning found me staring down at this pot of daffs that are starting to sprout! So spring is coming guys! SPring is coming!!

Oooooh that reminds me, first on the potting bench is a bunch of spiderlilies I have to pot up!! The spiderlilie bulbs I have are in the fridge in the krisper... I wil lhave to bring them out tomorrow morning and go ahead and work them up!

I pot up all my bulbs anymore in old nursery cans then sink the cans in the garden like this for easier lifting later! Protects them too from the mole monsters! It recycles the cans and works great!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well the good news is is that I saw the first Robin of spring today. The bad news was that he was trying to get it on with a Cardenal... Eeks!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We had Robins about a week ago, then we had 6 inches of snow. I don't know what they do then.
Suppose to be 70 tomorrow.....strange weather.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

EEKS!!! Maybe my robin was snow blind.. That poor cardenal! Must be a time for a change>?

Well, I dont know tomorrow I was thinking maybe to pot up those spderlilies, but now I am having second thoughts.... We shall see what the morrow brings. I do need to clean more in the greenhouse, so maybe I wil ljust play in there getting organized if I can get out of the office early enough.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I am having second thoughts yet on potting up those spider lilies. Its pretty chilly today. Guess I will make labels for them though.
Outside temp is 28 degrees and the inside temp on the GH is 28. Its sunny...but cold

Gonna move my empty nursery cans over to by the potting table get them cleared out of the other half of the GH and then have room to put those lilies. Looks like I have some cactus paddies to do something with...

Those sunflowerseeds in the box are just going in a bag for now. They will be broad casted on their seed patch out on their prairie later. That ground is not ready.

Hopefully the woodchip pile is unfroze....will takes some loads to the backdoor garden area to start prettying that up. Nope still froze.

Otherwise that will be about it for today in working in here and have to go catalog seed and get them in order to plant. Go inventory some vases for the floral shop.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a great thread for cases and containers!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Right now its sunny...

I am still having second thoughts on potting up the Red spider lilies.. the ground here is still frozen solid so it is too cold just on that count. We are supposed to get some rain....I do have my labels made and am ready to go on them.. just leary of the very cold at night yet.
Maybe when I can take the frost poker into the ground a good four inches or more that would change my mind. My bags of potting soil even froze. so that settled that. We had a very hard frostline this winter.. busted pipes for the first time in ten years.

Guess I will just do a little more reorganizing in here and see if that woodchip pile is loose too. I want to freshen up the flooring in here as soon as that is ago. .......Nope, wishful thinking there too.

Just take a tour around the garden and see what I can start on out there.. if I could get the push mower started I would mow off some dried trash from some of the beds around the GH and house...nope, wishful thinking, its too cold for that old thing.

Will try again tomorrow. Guess its back to the office for me.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, it was 28 inside and out this morning.. I was not too hopeful it was going to warm up at all today since they were talking rain.

Its 1pm or so and it is now 62 outside and..Whoah!! Will you look at that! Check that themometer out.. if it was not for the wind I would be very tempted to untie the vents. I could open the door too, but I have nothing started so I will just keep her closed.

Does tempt me to pot those spiders.. hmmmm do I dare? I think I will give it a few days yet to see what the night temps are averaging. I could leave them in dry dirt after potting and start watering them later. Tempt tempt.....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

33 degrees difference between outside and in.. Ooooh so tempting..

Yeah, tempting to clean up the mess more! LOL!

No potting today.. although my potting medium defrosted... LOL!

Temp ...tempt .....tempt

(Oh mighty greenhouse, though shalt not tempt me today.. last time I was so inclined I lost a pile of annuals.. tempt me not!)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, the darned GH tempted me today! 63 degrees outside, 100 inside and so the window and door were opened as it was too hot in there for me to work and had to cool it down a tad.

I potted up a few houseplants and a half a dozen Easteren echinecea that Blkhand sent and some other lovelys! Her greater varigated periwinkle is to die for as are her varigated spider and aloes.

So ok, the periwinkle,the spider and the aloe came to the livingroom, but I left the echineceas outside in the GH.


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