Squash Stems Are Splitting?

Tampa, FL

Why are my squash stems splitting open? Is it normal? Is it pests? Stress? Over-watering? I have some in containers and some in the ground and both plantings are doing it. Thank you in advance.

Eaton Rapids, MI

Splitting in squash stems is a farily normal problem for me, although it could be caused by many diffrent reasons. Like squash vine borors or lack of water. A picture might help with figuring out the source of this problem. Also check regularly for other signs, like larve or wilting.

Kenwood, CA

You can bury the stem where it has split and it will root from that spot. But before you do, check to see if a squash vine borer is inside the stem (about an inch long with a brown head)--and nudge him out. You will see sawdust like frass near the split if the borer is present.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Did you treat the soil for nematodes? Florida soil will not allow us to plant anything in the melon / squash family. This will be my first year for squash, thanks for the borer info. Mine will be in hanging pots.

Tampa, FL

Thanks to all but I see no bugs and some of the plants are in pots up on a table (not on the ground) and the stems are doing the same thing. they are splitting open vertically, opening slits right along the stem itself. Otherwise, they look ridiculously healthy.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Have you found out what's going on yet?

This might help.

This message was edited Mar 14, 2009 12:55 PM

Tampa, FL

I don't know what it was but I have moved them all into large pots, planted the split stems below the soil line and they are thriving. It is just weird. I suspect it was inconsistent watering. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Tampa, FL

My squash plants are doing the same thing. Maybe it's our hot daytime sun causing too extreme of temperature fluctuations? I'm watering fairly regularly, and the soil is well-fertilized, so I can't think of anything else. Mine seem to be doing fine too, despite the damage.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

just noticed this problem with my squash as well. I havent seen any 'intruders' so will keep an eye on them to make sure they are still growing ok. have to admit, it is a tad concerning to see this happening to my beautiful squash plant tho

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a squash that has totally split open and is now flat and the plant is doing wonderful. I'll try to take a picture and upload when I have time.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks Qinx. Im a bit worried if with all of this rain, the squash are gonna make it. I think its to late to start over at this point

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Awww. don't worry. I *think* we may have some extras!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL... no doubt...LOL

Summerton, SC

I have same problem in my greenhouse with my squash and as he said plant could be root bound and turning stems into root system to produce and expand root system.

Thumbnail by Jlang80

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